2009 Cardinal Classic XVIII: Sir Peter Wimsey and the Case of the Lost Monocle

Packet by UC-San Diego (Auroni Gupta, Darwin Fu, Earth Hassasri, Diana Yu)


1. The author of this work recounts an episode ofErewhon Revisitedin which Professors Hanky and Panky tell Higgs not to divulge his true identity. It concludes with the statement that a good world “needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence” and in another section praises Socrates for being “bland and urbane” to his listeners. This work briefly deals with the wish for safety, which its author considers only slightly less powerful than “hav[ing] been taught from early infancy.” After examining the First-Cause and Natural-Law arguments, the author considers moral arguments and claims that the title religion “has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.” For 10 points, name this essay by Bertrand Russell which summarizes why he'd never acknowledge Jesus as savior.

ANSWER:Why I am Not a Christian

2. In the prologue of this work, the Stage Manager performs a benediction and instructs the Actress to sing about summer. The title character is repulsed by a bee which is trying to land on her face, which another character observes from a shade after handing his ornaments to his charioteer. Its second act opens with a complaining soliloquy by the jester Mathavya, and later the title character parts with her pet jasmine plant and says adieu to her father Kanwa. After defeating the Titans, one protagonist is rewarded by Indra with a journey through heaven, after which he discovers Bharata, the title character's son. Priyamvada and Anusaya abandon the title character after a fish swallows her signet ring, her only token of identity after Durvasa's bewitching of King Dushyanta. For 10 points, name this Sanskrit play and best-known work of Kālidāsa.

ANSWER: The Recognition of Śakuntalā by a token [or Abhijñānashākuntala]

3. Mikhail Tukhachevsky and Semyon Budyonny saw defeat near this city, for which a code-breaking lieutenant was awarded the Virtuti Militari. The KOR movement started after a brutally ended strike in this city's district ofUrsus, and the largest single massacre in the country this city is in happened in its district of Wola. Grigoriy Rosen assisted Hans von Diebitsch in a battle fought on the outskirts of this city, which saw the storming of the Belweder Palace in the prelude to the November Uprising centered here. The Henrician Articles included the articles of the namesake Confederation of this city, which was the center of the Congress Kingdom, the bulk of an entity created as part of the Treaty of Tilsit by Napoleon Bonaparte, its namesake Grand Duchy. Also home to the Sejm parliament of its home country, it was the namesake of an organization which included Albania, Romania, and the U.S.S.R. For 10 points, name this city that saw the best known Jewish Ghetto uprising in World War 2, the capital of Poland.


4. A speaker of one of this poet's works goes “into never and nowhere/like trains – off the railroad.” The speaker asks the title character of another of her poems to “let your words shine and flow” in her work “Reading Hamlet,” and she wrote a poem where “an autumn whisper” pleads “Die with me!” She wrote about a voice who tempts her to leave her “deaf and sinful land” in the opening of her collection Plantain, which she finished after her collections White Flock and Evening. One of her works describes the word falling on the speaker's “still living breast” in its 7th section Sentence, and another describes a “superfluous shadow/with neither face nor name.” Author of Anno Domini MCMXXI, Requiem, and “Poem Without a Hero,” for 10 points, name this Russian Acmeist poet.

ANSWER: Anna Akhmatova [or Anna Andreevna Gorenko]

5. Silica aerogels are frequently used in devices for measuring this phenomenon, and one such device is called the threshold detector, while another device used to measure it is called a ring imaging detector. The governing equation can be derived by using Poynting’s theorem and applying the Fourier transform to determine the energy loss at infinite distance. A periodic grating can give rise to a version of this effect named after Smith and Purcell, while the Frank-Tamm equation governs this phenomenon, which travels at an angle whose cosine is inversely proportional to the index of refraction and the object's speed. For 10 points, name this effect in which a charged particle moves through a medium faster than the speed of light in that medium, giving off radiation.


6. One of his students wrote the bookFormations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, and Modernityas well asGenealogies in Religion. The mentor of CUNY anthropologist Talal Asad, he gave a rudimentary definition of social anthropology in “The Scope of the Subject,” and described the many uses of a zawiya in hisThe Sanusi of Cyrenaica. Coeditor ofAfrican Political Systems, this man conducted research on the Bongo and developed on ethnographer Charles Seligman’s theories of religion. He described the “Trickster” of the tribe he studied most, which along with the Nuer occupy Southern Sudan. For 10 points, name this British anthropologist and author ofWitchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande.

ANSWER: Sir Edward EvanEvans-Pritchard

7. The composer of this opera sided against Sergio Falioni even though Falioni wished to remain loyal to its original score. One location in this opera is represented in its set by dimming all of its lights, and previous to that, white light is flashed in order to represent “the kingdom”. The opening lines of this opera were drawn from the composer’s country’s Regős songs, and its oft-omitted prologue asks whether its stage is “outside or in”. Calling for occasional ghostly sighs and including the treasury, the torture chamber, and the pool of tears, its protagonist finds three women dressed heavily in jewelry after being handed a key. Ending with Judith consigned to the fate of the title character’s three former wives, for 10 points, name this one-act opera by Bela Bartok.

ANSWER:DukeBluebeard’sCastle[orA kékszakállú herceg vára]

8. Murray Krieger analyzed “The Escape from Body or The Embrace of Body” in this poem, the subject of Michael Deporte's “Grace within Reach.” One line of this poem was echoed in the opening of Byron's “Prisoner of Chillon,” and another notes that “death, only death, can break the lasting chain.” One title character of this poem relates that “clouds interpose, waves roar, and winds arise” when the other “beckon[s] from the skies.” One character in this poem is represented by the metaphorical “Indus,” while the other begs for “Alps between us!” and for the other to “fly me, fly me far as pole from pole.” One character is freed from “the contagion of carnal impurity” by his castration in this poem, in which the omniscent speaker beckons the “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!” An heroic epistle written in the style of Ovid, for 10 points, name this poem about an abbess's illicit love for her teacher, written by Alexander Pope.

ANSWER: “Eloise to Abelard

9. One abbot chronicler described “Fountains flowing with blood” and “infinite calamities to the maritime places” as features of this man's reign. A prime donor to Bermondsey Abbey, he held theCuria Registhrice-annualy, which his former general Robert of Mowbray decided once to boycott as a prelude to a rebellion against him. Served by Ranulph Flambard and known for two unsuccessful invasions of Wales, he reached a concordat with Urban II after holding the council at Rockingham, which failed to reign in his nemesis Saint Anselm. This man defeated Odo of Bayeaux, the leader of rebels loyal to this man's brother Robert Curthose. While hunting with Walter Tirel in the New Forest, this man was killed by an arrow that pierced his lung. For 10 points, name this unpopular Norman king, the successor to his father William the Conqueror.

ANSWER:William Rufus[orWilliam II]

10. Studies have suggested that the addition of this vitamin to histones may play a role in regulating DNA replication and transcription. Hair loss and a facial rash are common symptoms of its deficiency, which can be caused by frequent consumption raw egg whites; avidin, a protein in egg whites, can bind this vitamin and prevent its absorption from food. This water soluble vitamin functions as a coenzyme for five different carboxylases critical in gluconeogenesis and the metabolism of fatty acids as well as amino acids such as leucine. The main part of its sulfur-containing structure is two fused rings with a pentanoic substitutient. For 10 points, name this vitamin frequently designated as B7.

ANSWER:Biotin[acceptB7before mentioned; accept “Vitamin H” as well]

11. This deity shrieked a “long wild cry” while the Keres rejoiced over dying men during the fall of Troy, and in another role escorted Typhon before his battle against Zeus. Guarded by a “huge cavern, barred by a mountain”, this deity engineering a contest in which the loser would have to present the winner with a female servant, which ended with Aedon and Polytekhnos being turned to birds. Mother of the Kaikodaimones, the sources of man's misfortunes, she along with Aporia turned an apple larger with every hit of Herakles's club. Also the deity of arguments and frequently associated with Enyo, she tossed a golden apple marked “to the fairest” at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, which Paris gave to Aphrodite. For 10 points, name this goddess of strife and discord.

ANSWER:Eris[acceptDiscordiauntil “discord”; prompt on“strife”]

12. Mu Soeng and Thich Nhat Hanh have written notable commentaries on this text, in which one character brings up an example of the king of the mountains as a contender for a great personal existence. Another section reflects the concept of mappo by allaying Subhuti's fears that the principles in this text will be forgotten 500 years after they are taught. In its 18thsection, it is stated that the divine eye, the eye of insight, as well as the eye of transcendent wisdom are all possessed by the Tathagata. This best known work of the Perfection of Wisdom genre opens after several monks finish begging for their breakfast, allowing Buddha time to broaden his disciple's perceptions of enlightenment. Also known as the Vajra Cutter, for 10 points, name this Mahayana Sutra that is “as hard and sharp” as the title mineral.


13. Francisco Marco del Pont was deposed after this encounter,in which one sideemployed a roto, who related that a commander not involved in this battle gave orders to “run to the field.” A general involved in this battle hoarsely ordered a decree of death to any retreating soldiers after overhearing a conversation between an official and Antonio Quintanilla. The victorious commander went on to score victories at Curapalihue and Talcahuano, aided at this battle by his flanking of the Talavera Regiment, which was led by Rafael Maroto. General Soler led one flank of the victorious army, which would later crush the Royalists at the Battle of Maipú, and was named the Army of the Andes. A victory for O'Higgins and San Martin, for 10 points, name this 1817 rebel victory in the Chilean War of Independence.

ANSWER: Battle ofChacabuco

14. This man’s song “Paracelsus” recycles sections from a work in his earlier “Men of Literature” cycle, and near the end of his career he publishedThree Quarter Tone Piano Piecesand114 Songs. This composer, the subject of Jan Swafford’s study, included the hymn “Watchman, tell us of the night” in his humongousSymphony No. 4and he related his experiences with Delta Kappa Epsilon in one of hisCartoonstitled “Calcium Light Night.” Three parts of his unfinishedUniverse Symphonyare extant, and his piano trio’s second movement’s scherzo “is a joke.” His “Two Contemplations” includeThe Unanswered Questionand a piece which famously quotesHello, My Baby,Central Park in the Dark. For 10 points, name this American composer best known for his compositionThree Places in New England.

ANSWER: Charles EdwardIves

15. This compound is reacted with aldehydes and pyruvic acid in the Doebner reaction to create cinchoninic acids and it is used in the one pot Gassman synthesis reaction to produce indoles. It can be fluorinated in the Balz-Schiemann reaction or undergo nucleophilic substitution via the Sandmeyer reaction, which first converts its characteristic functional group into a nitrile. It is utilized in the Nissl stain to stain neural RNA blue and it is critical in the production of polyurethane and dyes. For 10 points, name this simplest aromatic amine, a benzene ring with an NH2 substitutient.

ANSWER:Aniline[oraminobenzene; orphenylamine]

16. Sensuality and Matterwas a notable exhibition of the works of the painter from this country known popularly as Vlady. “Cotton Gin” and “Work and Rest” are two works by Jean Charlot, who primarily worked in this country. Another painter from this nation worked with Lea Remba to create “Two Characters Attacked by Dogs,” as well as “Birth of the Nationality.” Yet another painter created a series titledThe Sobfocusing on working class women from this country. The painter ofMan on Fireis from here, as is a muralist whoseMan, Controller of the Universecontroversially depicts Lenin and his wife, who painted several self-portraits. For 10 points, name this nation whose painters include Rufino Tamayo, José Clemente Orozco, Diegeo Rivera, and Frida Kahlo.

ANSWER:Mexico[acceptUnited Mexican States]

17. This river forms from a river that itselfis the confluence of the Onon and the Ingoda, and another one which originates from the Greater Khingan Range.It passes through the city and county of Huma and is traversed by hovercrafts carrying people to the city of Heihe on its southern bank. Tributaries include the Ussuri and the Zeya, and in 2007, its namesake bridge projectwas announced by the chairman of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast which is adjacent to it. This river was affected by petrochemical leaks from the adjacent Songhua River, andit is located next to the massive Daqing oilfield. Endingat the Strait of Tartary that separates itfrom the Sea of Okhotsk, for 10 points, name this river forming much of the Sino-Russian border.

ANSWER:AmurRiver [orHeilong Jiang; prompt onBlackRiver before mentioned]

18. A refusal by William Rosecrans prompted this man to unsuccessfully run for governor in his state, after which he served for ten years as the president of the Kentucky Central Railroad. This man was the chief proponent of a plan to redeem Civil War bonds in paper money, which was named the Ohio Idea. Serving as Minister Plenipotentiary as well as Envoy Extraordinary to Germany in his final years, he served as the running mate to the former commander of the Army of the Potomac, George McClellan, in the election of 1864. His namesake law was actually written by Dorman Eaton and sponsored by him while he served as Chairman of the Democratic Conference, and applied to only federal level jobs. For 10 points, name this namesake of an 1883 anti-spoils system law.

ANSWER: George HuntPendleton

19. This character once discovers two miraculous lumps in the lining of his overcoat, and records events such as China's hydrogen bombing of Chicago in a cassette which he leaves in a safe-deposite bank. Early in the novel he appears in, his companion Weary surrenders an obscene photograph and gets his boots taken, and in this character’s office hangs a framed paper with the prayer asking God to grant him the wisdom to know the difference between what he can and cannot change. He often distances himself from his wife Valencia, much unlike his relationship with Montana Wildhack. When he was a child, his father tossed him into the deep end of a swimming pool, and he is quite fond of the phrase “so it goes,” which reflects the philosophy of the Tralfamadorians which he encounters. A once prisoner of war who survives the firebombing of Dresden, for 10 points, name this man who has become unstuck in time in Kurt Vonnegut’sSlaughterhouse-Five.

ANSWER:BillyPilgrim[accept either]

20. The first stellar stream discovered contained this namesake star and is the remains of a dwarf galaxy destroyed by the Milky Way. This class K star forms a vertex of the Great Diamond and it can be used to determine the location of another vertex star, Spica. The light of this orange-red giant takes 37 years to reach earth and was famously collected to turn on a series of switches, opening the 1933 Chicago World Fair. It follows Ursa Major around the celestial pole and thus it is called the “Bear Watcher”. For 10 points, name this fourth brightest star of the night sky and the brightest of the northern Hemisphere, the alpha star of the constellation Bootes.