Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High School

Spanish 1 AB

Ms. De Arcos

Room: 122


(use this e-mail to share Google Docs and Google Presentations)


Spanish1 introduces students to Spanish through a communication-based approach. Students will learn the foundations of the Spanish language. Students will learn about the Spanish culture and acquire the Spanish language through authentic real-world activities using everyday language. The Spanish language and culture can reinforce other areas of the curriculum.

in this communication-based course.



Numbers and the Alphabet




Various Spanish-speaking regions





Various grammatical structures


College-ruled lined paper

1”-1 ½” binder (you can share with other classes as long as the classes are separated).

6 dividers(Objectives, Do-Nows/Classwork,Notes, Homework, Handouts/Worksheets, Assessments)

1 highlighter


1 White board marker

5 black or blue Pens, 2 colored pens (no red!)

1 pack of colored pencils or markers (can be used for other classes).

1 glue stick and 1 pair of scissors

1 pencil pouch/case

1 USB drive (can be used for other classes).

2 packs of Index Cards (to create flashcards)

1 composition or spiral notebook for journals or notes


Below you will find an outline of the units for the semester and the dates for the unit assessments. Please note that assessments are subject to change.

  1. Unit 1A: Students will learn the alphabet, numbers and greetings.
  2. Unit 1B: Students will learn conversational phrases, Spanish-speaking countries, the verbs ser/tener, and leisure activities you like to do.
  3. Unit 2A: Students will learn about family, home, adjectives and possessive adjectives.
  4. Unit 2B: Students will learn the verb estar and definite and indefinite articles.
  5. Unit 3A: Students will learn the verbs escribir, hablar, dar, school vocabulary and school supplies.
  6. Unit 3B: Students will learn subjects, class schedules and daily routine.
  7. Unit 4A: Students will learn food and beverages, eating at a café/restaurant and eating habits in the Spanish-speaking world compared to the U.S.
  8. Unit 4B: Students will learn eating times in the Spanish-Speaking world compared to the U.S.


  1. RESPECT one another, your teacher and any guests in the classroom.
  2. Be in your seat ready to work on your Objective/Do-Now (HazloAhora) when the bell rings.
  3. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you are LATE and will serve a 5 minute detention at Nutrition, Lunch, or After School depending on which comes right after class.
  4. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: copying someone’s work, not citing when appropriate, and turning in someone else’s work as your own. Cheating during quizzes and tests will not be tolerated and will result in a ZERO. In addition, the incident will be recorded on Power School and your parent will be contacted. Don’t do it, it’s not worth it. Remember you can always re-take quizzes and tests!
  5. Be prepared to work the entire class period.
  6. No electronic devices in the classroom including but not limited to: cell phones, iPods, mp3 players, earphones, headphones, anything that uses electricity or with an on/off button. I will enforce the school policy regarding electronics. If I see a phone it will be taken from you and returned at the END OF THE PERIOD! No exceptions! If I confiscate your earphones/headphones they will be returned to you at the END OF THE DAY! If you have more than three offenses you will be referred to the previous school policy and Mrs. Sterr.
  7. No grooming in the classroom. (You may NOT use mirrors, apply make-up, apply nail polish, brush your hair, or apply perfumer or cologne).
  8. No eating in class! You may only drink water.
  9. You must actively participate in all learning activities.
  10. All assignments, activities, and assessments have an impact on your education and are important in my class.
  11. Bring all required materials to class everyday! You will have binder checks every two weeks for a grade.
  12. You must raise your hand when participating in class discussions or if you have any questions.
  13. You will be given 3 bathroom passes for the semester. Every time you use the bathroom you must turn in your bathroom pass. If you do not have a bathroom pass you cannot go to the restroom unless you serve a 10-minute detention during Nutrition, Lunch or After School. If you need water you must use a pass. You cannot use rest room the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of class or the first 15minutes or last 15 minutes on short days.


The discipline policy will be followed should you break any class rules or cause disruptions.

  1. First offense: Verbal Warning
  2. Second offense: 10-minute detention at Nutrition, Lunch or After School (which ever follows class). It is your responsibility to remember to stay for detention. If you fail to stay for detention your time will be doubled and your parent will be notified. If you fail to stay for detention a second time you will be referred to Mrs. Padron, Ms. Sterr or Mr. Quezada for support.
  3. Third offense: 30-minute detention at Nutrition, Lunch or After School (which ever follows class), you will receive a parent phone call. In addition, I will create a Powerschool log.
  4. Fourth offense: You will be referred to my buddy teacher. You will also receive a phone call home and it will be logged into Powerschool. Also, if you miss an assessment you cannot re-take it!
  5. If you are referred to Mrs. Padron ,Ms. Sterr, or Mr. Quezada a parent conference will be scheduled to determine a support plan for you. In addition,I will create a Powerschool log.


  • Be prepared to have homework almost every day.
  • Homework is due at the beginning of the periodfor a stamp. If you do not receive a stamp you can still turn in homework at the end of the week for ½ credit. (All homework will be collected at the end of the week). It is your responsibility to check the school website everyday for homework assignments regardless of whether or not I inform you of the homework. If you are absent your homework is due upon your return!Homework is graded on completion and accuracy.* Please subscribe to my page, it will send you an e-mail when I post an assignment!
  • Each assignment is worth 4 points if complete, 2 points if incomplete. Late assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances! This applies to written assignments, projects, classwork, and homework.
  • Copying homework in class will result in a zero on the assignment.
  • All papers must be identified by the following:

First and last name



Assignment Name


Classwork/Homework: 10%

Assessments/Journals: 15%

Projects/Essays: 30%

Midterm: 20%

Final: 25%


The student grade is cumulative and consists of the following:

3.4-4.0 average =A

3.3-2.7average =B

2.6-2.0 average =C

1.9-0 average = NP


Attendance is crucial to your success in a world language class. Therefore, you are expected to be in class everyday, on time, and ready to work. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you are tardy! If you miss classwork because you are absent you can do it on your own time by asking a classmate what you missed. Make sure all absent assignments are completed before the next binder check (every 2 weeks, unless otherwise noted).


  • For every excused absence a student has, she/he is given 1 week to make up the assessment.
  • After 1 week passes after an assessment is administered you cannot re-take the assessment.
  • You are allowed to re-take 1 unit assessment per unit. You will usually have 2 unit assessments per unit. However, you must petition to re-take the assessment based on the re-take protocol. You must turn in the re-take petition as soon as possible. You only have 1 week from the time you receive your graded assessment
  • There are absolutely no re-takes for midterms and finals. You must take the midterm and final on the day they are administered. If you are absent you cannot make-up a midterm or final. If you know in advance you are going to be absent please make arrangements with me to take the exam early.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed work and any notes from a classmate.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment for make-up tests/quizzes. (AFTER SCHOOL ONLY!I am not available on Fridays after school.)
  • If you are on a school related absence (field trip, testing, etc.), you must turn in the completed assignment upon your return.

Important Note: I will be available after school on my A.I. day, unless you make an appointment in advance. I will inform you of my A.I. day as soon as possible.


Cut along the line and return this portion signed to Ms. De Arcos.
I read, understand, and agree with the procedures in Ms. De Arcos’ Spanish class. I understand that if I leave a textbook/workbook or any other personal item in the classroom, it is my responsibility, NOT the teacher’s.

Student name: ______Period: ______

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian’s name: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian’s signature: ______

Phone number (Home & Cell): ______

Best time to call: ______

Parent’s Email: ______
