
Chemistry 1/5 to 1/13/17

GPS Standards – SCSh1-7, SC1b, d, SC3e

Materials - syllabus is available online, WebAssign accounts are still active
Content & Methods
·  Discuss syllabus –Students may see their final exam during tutorial time.
·  Warm-up –identify easy and hard topics from first semester, helpful activities and suggested changes - Feedback from students helps Dr. Z improve the class.
·  Evaluation - class participation


The following 3 assignments use MarvinJS. Plan ahead to make sure that you have access to a device that will allow you to complete the assignment.
·  Due 1/11 – Ch. 8.1 Lewis Structures with Single Bonds Read p. 240-247, p. 244 #1-5, p. 274-276 # 78, 79, 83, 138, 139
·  Due 1/13 – Ch 8.3 Lewis Structures 2 - Ions, 2x bonds Part I - Read Ch. 8.3 p. 253-260, p. 255-260 # 38-42, 55, p. 274 # 86, 97 (no resonance or violations of octet rule)
·  Due 1/18 – 8.3 Lewis Struct 3- Resonance, Ions -Read Ch. 8.3 p. 253-260. p. 258 # 45, p. 274-277 #101, 103-104
·  Due 1/19 – Ch. 8.2 Naming Molecules 1: Read p. 248-252, p. 249 #14-17, p. 274-276 #93, 94,140, p. 979 Ch. 8.2 #2
·  Due 1/20 Ch 8.2 Naming Molecules 2: Acids - Read p. 250, p. 251 #19-23, 25-29, p. 274 #95-96
·  Due TBA - Molecular Shapes - Read Ch. 8.4 p. 261-264. Use the chart you received in class or the one on p. 263 to determine the shape of the molecules. p. 264 # 47, 48, 56-59, p. 275 # 106, 108, 111, 112
·  Due TBA - Ch 8.5 Polarity and Expanded Octets (+Marv) - Read Ch. 8.5 Polarity p. 265-270, p. 270 # 37, 47, 48, 74, 77 p. 275-276 #113, 117, 118, 120, 127 /


1st –
2nd –
3rd –
5th –
Teaching note for 2018 – move deadlines for LS2 &3 forward a little so the due date is closer to the lesson.
Materials - whiteboards, markers
Content & Methods
·  Introduction to Lewis structures - molecules with single bonds
a)  Count the number of valence electrons in the molecule. (“Have”, use periodic table to look up the number of valence electrons in each atom. Add these up to find total # of electrons.)
b)  If each atom was unbonded and obeying the octet rule, find the total capacity for electrons. Atoms have a capacity of 8 except hydrogen’s is 2. For example, in H2S, the capacity is 2 + 2 + 8=12
c)  (capacity – have)/2 = # bonds in molecule
d)  Draw the bonds and pairs of electrons.
e)  Check
o  molecule contains the “have” # of electrons
o  all atoms obey the octet rule

Evaluation - HWK



1st –
2nd –
3rd –
5th –
Monday 1/9
Content & Methods
·  White-board practice – Drawing Lewis structures with single bonds.
·  Introduction to Lewis structures with double bonds





1st –
2nd –
3rd –
5th –
Content & Methods
Do Now – use elements sort cards – let students choose groups, show results sorted into metals, nonmetals, metalloids
Answer questions about Lewis structures and Marvin Sketch
More practice with Lewis Structures with single bonds. Introduce Lewis Structures with double or triple bonds.


HW /


1st –
2nd –
3rd –
4th –
5th –
Content & Methods
More practice on Ch. 8.3 Lewis structures of molecules with multiple bonds and ions. Show electrons in bonds when teaching how to draw in formal charges




Teaching note – make the nitrite ion part of the DoNow for the day. Then, open WebAssign and show students how to enter resonance structures and formal charges into WebAssign. Then, practice the lewis structure of the sulfite ion (sulfite lacks resonance, sulfur trioxide has resonance.)
Materials -
Content & Methods
Lewis structures of compounds that show resonance
Teaching note – make the nitrite ion part of the DoNow for the day. Then, open WebAssign and show students how to enter resonance structures and formal charges into WebAssign.
Then, practice the lewis structure of the sulfite ion (sulfite lacks resonance, sulfur trioxide has resonance.)
·  Evaluation - class participation /


1st –
2nd –
3rd –
4th –
5th –
handout – new flowchart for naming compounds. The compound from last semester is obsolete.
Content & Methods
Review of naming ionic compounds
Ch. 8.1 p. 246-7 Length and strength of single, double, and triple bonds
Ch. 8.2 Introduction to naming molecular compounds, naming compounds practice

Evaluation – HW, Quiz TBA



1st –
2nd –
3rd –
4th –
5th –