Board Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2015

9am – Mountain

Ramkota Convention Center, Rapid City

President Bill Kluck called the meeting to order.

Roll Call:

In Attendance: Bill Kluck, Gary Deering, Vaughn Meyer, Wayne Nelson, Randy Volmer, David Niemi, Chance Davis, Mike Maher, Matt Kammerer, Shane Kolb, Rick Fox, Ken Knuppe, Kenny Fox, Bob Fortune, T.W. Schalesky, Christian Harvey, David Fuoss, Brett Stirling, Bob Johnson, Larry Nelson Marvin Jobgen, Scott Edoff, Mark Tubbs

Absent: Dan Holloway, Chuck O’Connor, Sandy Buffington, Marvin Jessen,

Excused: Mark DeVries, Bob Mack, Brand Bunker

Agenda – Mike Maher made a motion, seconded by David Fuoss to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Secretary’s report – Mike Maher made a motion to approve the agenda from the June 18 Quarterly Board of Directors meeting. Motion was seconded by Randy Volmer, and the motion carried.

Bob Fortune made a motion, seconded by Mark Tubbs, to accept the minutes from the August 4, 2015 special meeting with the amendment to declare the motion passed “unanimously”. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was presented and discussed.

Raffle tickets for the Kubota are available and board members are encouraged to sell and promote the raffle. Silvia can provide tickets to board members on request.

Motion by Vaughn Meyer, seconded by Shane Kolb, to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.


President Bill Kluck asked to dispense with any committee reports that did not have new information to provide since the membership meeting on October 2.

There was brief discussion of board members attending the Brand Board meetings in future.

Board members who attended the Wildlife committee meeting stated their very positive feelings regarding the new Secretary at SD Game Fish and Parks. Secretary Kelly Hepler started his post there in early summer 2015. The board asked Silvia to send a member email reminding landowners about private property rights during hunting season and to provide information about filing reports/complaints to SD GFP staff during hunting season.


Livestock Industry 4-H Trust Fund – Silvia continues to work with Stockgrowers representatives on this board to work toward moving this endowment to the SD Community Foundation for better investment opportunities. A special board meeting may be required to take action when this decision comes due.


Consideration of membership directives from 2015 Annual Membership Meeting

o  Vaughn Meyer made a motion, seconded by Chance Davis, to hire Jeremiah Murphy for the 2016 Legislative Session and interim work at the previous rate of $10,600 annually as directed by the membership. Motion carried.

Parade of Lights and Stockgrowers Holiday Open House

o  This event will be on November 28 in Rapid City. No board members expressed interest at the meeting. Anyone interested in helping host this event is asked to contact Silvia at the office.

Black Hills Stockshow and Rodeo – January 29 to February 6, 2016

o  Stockgrowers will host a booth with R-CALF USA. Board members are asked to each commit at least one day of time to staffing the booth. Silvia will find out how we can have the Kubota there for display and to sell raffle tickets.

Quarterly Board meeting schedule

o  Tuesday, November 17, 2015

o  Tuesday, January 19, 2016

o  Tuesday, June 14, 2016

o  Saturday, September 24, 2016

Area Meeting Schedule

o  Matt Kammerer would like to hold a meeting in the New Underwood area in October or November

o  Vaughn Meyer will host a meeting in Reva at some point in the next 6 months.

o  Kenny Fox would like to hold a meeting in Kadoka

o  David Niemi would like to sponsor a meeting in Belle Fourche

Executive Session – Vaughn Meyer made a motion, seconded by Mike Maher, to go into executive session. Motion carried.

Seeing no further business, President Bill Kluck declared the meeting adjourned.