Instructions for Writing IAPs in order that Kurzweil may be used as an Accommodation for High-Stakes Testing

Kurzweil is a software tool that students may use for high stakes testing as long as the written documentation of the students’ accommodations is completed correctly. These instructions are for IAP documentation. There are two areas in which Kurzweil may be used for high stakes testing:

1.  For assisting the WRITING process.

2.  For READING the material aloud.

Accommodations for Assisting the WRITING process:

If a student is a candidate for using Kurzweil for the Writing portions of the LEAP, iLEAP, GEE, or LAA2, the IAP must have the accommodations documented on two pages.

IAP documentations for WRITING accommodations are:

1.  Part B. Where IAP is Needed

a.  Check “Other” and list WRITING

2.  Part D. Accommodations for Teaching Strategies

a.  Check “10 Assistive Technology” and list “Talking word processor” as well as any of the following three items that are appropriate for the student:

1.  Talking word prediction

2.  Talking spell check

3.  Talking dictionary

3.  Part E. Accommodations for Material

a.  Check “3 Other” and list “Access to Kurzweil”.

4.  Part I. Standardized Testing Accommodations

a.  Check “71 Transferred Answers” and “76 Assistive Technology”.

b.  Check “79 Other” and list “Talking word processor” plus any of the following three items which are appropriate for the student:

1.  Talking word prediction (may only be used for writing portions)

2.  Talking spell check (may only be used for writing portions)

3.  Talking dictionary (may only be used for writing portions)

Accommodations for READING the Material Aloud:

If a student is a candidate for Tests Read Aloud, in order for Kurzweil to read the tests, the IAP must have the accommodations documented on two pages. Tests Read Aloud, ALONE, is not enough for the student to use Kurzweil as the reader. It has to be Tests Read Aloud AND Text to Speech.

The three pages of the IEP for documenting READING accommodations are:

1.  Part B. Areas Where IAP is Needed

a.  Check “Reading”.

2.  Part D. Accommodations for Teaching Strategies

a.  Check “10 Assistive Technology” and list “digital formats” and “text to speech”

3.  Part E. Accommodations for Material

a.  Check “3 Other” and list “Access to Kurzweil” and “digital formats”.

4.  Part I. Standardized Testing Accommodations

a.  Check “77 Tests Read Aloud” and “76 Assistive Technology”.

i.  Check “79 Other” and list: “Text to Speech”

Please note that the above instructions list only the Accommodations that qualify 504 students to use Kurzweil to take high-stakes tests. Any other appropriate assistive technology and accommodations for the student should be listed as well on the IAP.