/ Boerne AFJROTC
201 Charger Blvd
Boerne, TX 78006 /

24 March 2015



SUBJECT: Boerne AFJROTC Flight Scholarship Award

One of the best parts of our program is assisting cadets to achieve their goals and dreams. Many of our cadets have the desire to one day be military aviators. To assist them in realizing that dream, we, the instructors and Boerne AFJROTC Booster Club, have established a flight scholarship award.

To compete for this award, cadets must write a two-page double spaced essay on what learning to fly would mean to them. Essays are graded by members of the English department and are kept anonymous. Cadets must have the essay turned in by 13 April 2015. All essays will be scored and ranked by a committee made up of booster club members, instructors, and a BISD faculty member. The booster club will be awarding one flight scholarships of $5,000 each.

We will announce the winner of the Boerne AFJROTC Flight Scholarships during our annual award’s night on 17 April 2015. Once awarded, the winner must contact Boerne Stage Airfield to initiate training. Once training is initiated, the treasurer of the booster club is responsible for making payments to Boerne Stage Airfield, as necessary, to facilitate training. Scholarship winners have two years to complete their private pilot’s license training. Any funds not used in that timeframe revert back to the scholarship fund held by the Boerne AFJROTC Booster Club.

Minimum requirements to compete for the scholarship are as follows:

1)  16 years of age as of June 15 in the years of scholarship award

2)  Cleared medically in accordance with FAA requirements for flight training

3)  Have no referrals or major disciplinary issues

4)  Have an “A” in AFJROTC and not less than a “B” in all other classes

If you have any questions or comments about the flight scholarship program please contact me at 830-357-2713.


Senior Aerospace Science Instructor