Returned Missioners

Help Make Our New Website a Success!

Share your story &

help us preserve the history of FMS

We hope to collect information about ALL of our returned missioners to tell our story on our new website. Through the use of an interactive map, we will show where all of our returned missioner served internationally with FMS and where you are serving today in your lifelong(reverse) mission. As we continue to emphasize lifelong mission as central to FMS’ mission, we would like to know what you are up to.

In order to do this, we need you to respond promptly with the information below. A web designer is currently working on the map and needs as much information as possible. We are excited to share your story! Please return this form to us by July 31, 2009.

We are also creating a secured area on our website for current and returned missioners. We would like to create a contact information list for you to find each other. If you do NOT want to be included on this list, indicate below.

_____Check here if you do NOT want your contact information posted on the secured area reserved exclusively for missioners and returned missioners on the new website

*Will not be posted on the public website

Specific locations and years of service with FMS
Describe your service activity while on mission
What was the name or the organization or group you served with on mission?
Please describe the overall mission or work of the organization.
If you would like, provide a statement about the impact of your mission experience on your life
How are you currently living out your call to lifelong mission?
Describe your current commitments, job, volunteer work, etc. as they relate to “Reverse Mission”
If you have an organizational website, we can create a link to it on our webpage.