Susquehanna Township High School

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109

Spanish III Text: Realidades 2 textbook and workbook

Grades: 10, 11, 12 Teacher: Mr. Juan Benito-Ruano (Master in Spanish Language and Culture / Bachelor of Science in education: Spanish/ Bachelor of Arts: Fine Arts)

Length: 18 weeks E-mail:

Periods per cycle: 6

Course description: This is an intermediate Spanish course that continues to build on the foundation of Spanish I and II by further developing the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In addition, this course adds new and diverse cultural facts from different Spanish speaking countries. New grammar and vocabulary are introduced to be used along with what was taught in the two previous lower level courses in order to expand the communication capabilities of our students. All skills mentioned above are emphasized with the ultimate goal of effectively communicating with others in the target language. All the interactions in this class will be conducted in Spanish. Students are expected to always use first the target language.

Critical competencies:

1.  Giving directions to go places or to complete a task.

2.  Discussing driving habits and types of transportation.

3.  Describing toys, games, and yourself as a child.

4.  Expressing to or for whom something is done.

5.  Describing holiday celebrations and how people interact.

6.  Talking about people, places, and situations in the past.

7.  Discussing past situations and settings such as emergencies and crises.

8.  Describing weather conditions and time in the past.

9.  Talking about an accident scene, parts of the body, injuries and treatments.

10.  Telling what you were doing when an accident occurred.

11.  Talking about television shows and how you feel about them.

Sequence of topics:

1. Review of Spanish I and II vocabulary and grammar.

Chapter 3B:

Words related to driving and directions Direct object pronouns me, te, nos

Irregular affirmative tú commands Present progressive: irregular forms

2. Chapters 4A and 4B:

Special events Manners and customs

Imperfect tense: regular verbs Imperfect tense: irregular verbs

Imperfect tense: describing a situation Reciprocal actions

Indirect object pronouns

3. Chapters 5A and 5B:

The news Rescues

Imperfect tense: other uses Preterit of oír, leer, creer, destruir

Treatment for medical conditions Words related to an accident

Parts of the body Irregular preterits: venir, poner,

Imperfect progressive and preterit decir, traer

4. Chapter 6A and review for Final Exam:

Sporting events Emotions

Contests Preterit of –ir stem-changing verbs

Other reflexive verbs


1.  Bring your textbook (must be covered), paper, pens and pencils to class everyday.

2.  Maintain a notebook/journal with all notes and activity sheets.

3.  Active participation in all class activities is required and is part of your grade.

4.  Complete homework daily or when assigned. If homework is not assigned, you should study or review your vocabulary and grammar.

5.  Complete all assignments on the day requested by the teacher

a.  Tests and quizzes missed due to absence must be made up within the next two days. (To request consideration for unusual circumstances, please see me.)

b.  After two days the grade will be a zero if the test or quiz is not completed.

c.  Projects due during an absence will be accepted the day you return to class. (In the case of a long absence, please see me to make arrangements to make up work.)

d.  10% will be deducted for each day of lateness on compositions, projects, and presentations. No late project will be accepted more than two days after due date.

e.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete all work that was assigned during his/her absence. The student must complete the missed assignments within a week in order to get credit for them.

f.  Homework assignments are not accepted late, unless you were absent.

g.  Quizzes and tests may not be made up during Spanish class. You must make arrangements to do make up work before school, after school, or at a mutually convenient time during the school day.


1. Passing the course:

Students must satisfactory meet the requirements listed above as well as

achieve a final average of 60% or better.

2. Determining the grade of a marking period:

Speaking, reading, writing, and listening activities in class 30%

Homework 5%

Test, presentations, projects and research 40%

Quizzes 25%

TOTAL ……. 100%

3. The final grade for the year will be based upon an average of each of the four marking

periods (80%) and the semester exams (Midterm = 10%, Final = 10%).

If the final is not taken, an INCOMPLETE will be assigned.

Honesty policy:

Students are responsible for doing their own work. Copying or allowing someone else to copy from individual work is considered to be cheating. When working in groups, it is the responsibility of every member of the group to have all the work done by the group so you can discuss the content and make changes if needed.

Using a computer translator can help you to see what you are doing. However, turning in for evaluation what the computer was doing for you is not acceptable. Your work should not include grammar that was not covered at your Spanish level. Assignments of this type will receive a zero.

Classroom rules and expectations:

1. Arrive on time, well prepared with your textbook, pencils, pens and paper. Be in your

seat prepared to learn before the late bell rings. Remain in your seat until you are

dismissed. You are not allowed to go to your locker during class.

2. Raise your hand to speak. Be attentive, polite and respect the right of others to learn.

Do not talk when your teacher or another student is talking to the class.

3. Throw gum in the trash upon entering the classroom. You need to produce new and

unfamiliar sounds- the gum is not going to help you.

4. Be positive about learning a new language and culture , and the opportunity to see the

world from other perspective.