The Animal Rescue of WNC

29 N. Market St. - Suite 404 Paid by Paypal on

Asheville, NC 28801 Check # Cash ____CC ____

Phone: 828-208-2411 Receipt# No Receipt

Email: Amount Paid:


Adoption Date TARWNC File# Animal Name

How did you hear about the pet? ______Driver Lic# DL State

Adopter Name

Physical Address

Mailing Address Own Rent

City, State, Zip Code

Phone Numbers: Home Cell: Email:

Female / Male Breed

Age / D.O.B. Color(s)

Date of Rabies Vaccination: Tag # Too young, date due:

Spayed / Neutered: Yes / No Scheduled S/N Date at


Conditions of adoption agreed to by me and The Animal Rescue of Western North Carolina (TARWNC) are as follows:

1.  Upon determination by the TARWNC, I agree for a TARWNC representative to make a visit to my home for the purpose of determining the suitability of this home for this pet or to check on the health and general welfare of the cat.

2.  I agree to NEVER declaw this cat. Declawing is a painful amputation of the cat’s toes that can result in serious physical, psychological and behavioral complications.

I will provide humane care, proper food, water, shelter, exercise and veterinary care.

I understand that the animal must and will be spayed or neutered.

I will not give this cat away, submit it for sale or permit it to be used for scientific/experimental uses or studies. Should it become necessary to rehome this pet, you notify TARWNC. If your pet runs away, disappears, dies or is killed, notify TARWNC, immediately. Failure to notify TARWNC may affect your privilege to adopt in the future.

If the animal does not prove satisfactory, you must call the TARWNC within 14 days for assistance in order to receive a refund of your adoption fee. You may at anytime return this pet to TARWNC. There is no time limit. However after 14 days the adoption fee will not be refunded. Unauthorized veterinary charges will not be paid by The Animal Rescue of Western North Carolina.

I hereby accept possession of and responsibility for the animal identified above and hereby release and discharge The Animal Rescue of Western North Carolina from liability for injury and or damage to any person or property caused in the future and from any cause of actions, claims or suits.

I understand TARWNC will not warrant any claims as to temperament, health, or mental disposition.

I agree to pay to TARWNC the sum of $250.00 in damages in the event the terms of this contract are breached by me. This liquidated damage value is agreed to for the purpose of establishing value of the animal and does not bar TARWNC from seeking return of the animal by judicial process or other legal means.

I personally checked each box above indicating I have read, understand and agree to the terms of this contract. I am over 18 years of age or older and capable of legally contracting with The Animal Rescue of Western North Carolina.

Adopter Date

Witness Date