Nutrition Assignment
Choose one of the following assignments to complete. Each are worth 100 points. Quality work is expected. This assignment is to be completed completely as homework.
Assignment one: Go to 5 different restaurant or fast food websites and write down the nutrition information forand answer the following questions for each meal:
- Two meals you enjoy at that restaurant:
1-Does this meal have a high amount of fats? If so what type?
2-Is the sodium level in this meal high?
3-Is the calorie content high or low?
4-How many meals or servings could or should this represent? - Two Meals that are “Healthy” at that restaurant
1-Why do you feel that this meal is “healthy”?
2-What could be done to make it healthier?
3-Would you want to eat this meal? Why or why not?
The assignment needs to be handwritten. And be sure to write down the name of the restaurant.
Assignment two: Food/ Physical Activity Tracker
Log one week of food (everything you eat) and physical activity (like everything!) and then use a computer to analyze one full day of food and physical activity.
- Go to
- Search and enter in the foods that you’ve eaten for that day
- Print screen to show that you did it. Showing nutrients and calorie burn.
- Go back and click on the link for Physical activity Tracker
- Complete the same steps as you did on the Food Tracker
- Print screen for that one also.
- Write a paragraph telling me what are you need to work on and why.
- Make sure you hand in your week of logs (physical activity and food)
Assignment three: Sugar Content
Analyze the amount of sugar in 8 different food items and make a poster about it. On the poster the following information needs to be included.
- Print a picture of the food
- Print a picture of the food label
- Find out how many grams of sugar are in one serving of the food by highlighting it on the food label
- Using a plastic bag and sugar, measure out that amount of sugar and put it into the plastic bag.
- Provide a form of exercise and figure out how much of that exercise you would have to do to burn the calories from that food item.
Write that information on the poster.
Assignment Four: Cost Comparison
Do a detailed cost comparison of eating out verses eating in for a family of four for five days. Needs to be different meals and restaurants each day (breakfast and lunch can be similar).
-You DO NOT have buy the food.
- Have meals for a family of four for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Figure out the exact cost for all food items.
- You will do this for a homemade meal and a restaurant.
- Food “bought” can be split between days, for example if you “bought” bread it could go for sandwiches for a couple days.
- Make it as detailed as possible
- Have the food represent what you really would “buy”
Breakfast HomeBreakfast Kneaders
cereal- $3.00French Toast- $5.50 per person
gallon milk- $2.80 Juice-$2.50 per person
6 bananas- $3.00
Total: $8.80Total: $32.00
Assignment Five: Eat This Not That
Choose 20 foods that you like that aren’t all that “healthy” and create a “healthier” alternative to it. This needs to be put into a book or poster format. For each of the 20 foods you need to do the following:
- Print off a picture of the good and better foods
- Find and print off the nutrition facts, it can be a picture you took of the food label
- Do a simple comparison of the two foods
- Put the information into a nice format to hand in