Reviewed: / October 2017
Next Review Due: / March2018


Health Technology Wales (HTW) is being established to support a strategic, national approach to the identification, appraisal and adoption (including disinvestment) of non-medicine health technologies into health and care settings. This includes medical devices, surgical procedures and a range of other interventions such as psychological therapies and rehabilitation.

Processes are being established based on international best practice in health technology assessment, which involves:

  • HTW health services researchers, methodologists and project managers undertaking and contracting systematic literature reviews of published papers and evidence submitted by stakeholders
  • An Assessment Group of senior methodologists in NHS Wales to oversee critical assessment of clinical and cost effectiveness evidence and rigour of processes.
  • An Appraisal Panel of key partners who can consider relevance of the evidence assessment to NHS Wales, including placement in pathway, organisational issues, patient issues and the wider implications of using (or not using) a health technology. The Appraisal Panel will also help HTW with identification of important topics, evaluation of uptake of evidence-based advice and facilitate engagement with stakeholders.

In addition, an HTW Strategic Group[1] consists of a small number of senior members in NHS Wales and Welsh Government. This group provides high level oversight on the direction of HTW.

It its evidence based process, HTW ensures that its work does notduplicate that of other bodies. In addition, its “Front Door Task and Finish Group” is developing a process to signpost enquirers to appropriate initiatives in NHS Wales to support development and evaluation of health technologies.


Velindre NHS Trust has been given a grant from Welsh Government to host HTW and the Trust reports to Government in line with the grant letter.

The AppraisalPanelis authorised by the HTW Management Team and the HTW Strategic Groupto review and consider activity within its Terms of Reference. It is authorised to obtain information it requires from the Chair of the HTW Assessment Groupand Management Teamin order to discharge its responsibilities.

The establishment of the AppraisalPanelwill not conflict, duplicate or substitute for the role and responsibilities of the HTW Assessment Group.

This Panelwill continue to carry out functions delegated to it by the HTW ManagementTeam and the HTW Strategic Group.

Similar to other non-medicines health technology body’s, HTW appraisals will not be mandatory. However, NHS Wales will be expected to document how they have considered the appraisals and justify if they are not following HTW advice. The Appraisal Panel will review how boards adopt their advice and other evidence-based advice about non-medicine’s health technologies, such as NICE guidance.


3.1 The membership of the AppraisalPanelis as follows:-

•Independent Clinical representative (Chair)

•Chair, HTW Assessment Panel

•Chief Executive

•Medical Director

•Director of Planning

•Director of Finance

•Director of Therapies & Healthcare Scientists

•Director of Nursing

•Director of Public Health

•Director of Workforce and OD

•Primary Care representative

•Innovation Lead

•Digital Technology Lead

•Member of Board Quality and Safety Committee

•NHS R&D Director

Director of Primary Care/Mental Health

Academic Healthcare Scientist (advised by Council of Deans)

•AWTTC representative

•NICE Liaison Group representative

•NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) Procurement representative

•Industry representatives

•Life Sciences Hub

•Patient / public representatives

•Welsh Government (Observer).

Members will be chosen to ensure that every health board in Wales is represented.

HTW staff and other Advisory Group members will be in attendance as required.

If the Chair is unable to attend a deputy will be nominated to Chair the meeting from the existing membership.

Member Appointments

The membership of the Panelshall be determined by the HTW Management Team and Strategic Group, taking account of the balance of skills and expertise necessary to deliver the Panelremit and subject to any specific requirements or directions made by the Welsh Government.

Members shall be appointed initially for a minimum of 18 months before formally reviewing their role on the Panel. During this time a member may resign or be removed by the HTW Management Team. Once established, new members will be added on a staggered basis. Normal appointment lengths will be three years and then reviewed with a maximum two term renewal.Deputies will be permitted within function or board.

Members have the option of taking on dual-roles within the membership if they can bring expertise in different fields.

Other members will be co-opted as and when necessary.

Secretariat will be provided by Health Technology Wales administration team.


Meetings will be held every three months and otherwise as the PanelChair deems necessary.

Meetings will be held in public and papers made available on the HTW website.

At least 50% of the members must be present to ensure the quorum of the Panel.

All members are expected to attend in person or via tele or video conference. If they are unable to attend a deputy should be sent in their place.

The Panelmay ask any or all of those who normally attend but who are not members to withdraw to facilitate open and frank discussion of particular matters.

Non-NHS members will be entitled to claim an honorarium for attending meetings. All members will be entitled to claim travel expenses.


•Identification of areas where appraisals are needed in NHS Wales

•Horizon scanning of promising new technologies.

•Appraisal of evidence from HTW Assessment Group, considering implications for Health Boards and other stakeholders.

•Agree final HTW outputs

•Review adoption of evidence-based guidance on use of non-medicines technologies

•Evaluate impact of HTW work

•Advise on stakeholder engagement to raise awareness of work of HTW.


Most work will be done in Appraisal Panel meetings, but some work for review or ratification may also be undertaken by email.

Papers will be circulated one week in advance.The minutes of the Appraisal Panel shall be circulated to members.

The Chair will report appropriate issues discussed when required, to the HTW Management Team.


The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually in accordance with the HTW cycle of business, but given the developmental status of HTW work, the first review will take place after six months.

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Terms of Reference – 2 October 2017

[1]Name to be determined