FYI- School Trip to Broadstairs has been confirmed for 13th July. Further details to follow.
We will be able to take a selected amount of parent helpers who will be selected from a hat. (People who have helped regularly throughout the year in year 2 will be given priority as a thank you!)
FYI – Year 2 boys and girls are invited to play football each Wednesday lunchtime. This is a free club, but children must have a change of clothes, shinpads and trainers.
Next week we are learning:
1. Fractions of shape. Year 2 must know and identify ½, ¼, 2/4, ¾, 1/3 and understand all parts must be equal.
2. Fractions of number, e.g ¼ of 20, 1/3 of 30, ½ of 10. We will also be comparing. Would you rather have ¼ of 20 sweets or 1/3 of 12 sweets, etc.
Changing the story of Pirate Tom to improve the vocabulary and make the action/adventure different. Please make sure you child know the original off by heart. The story is on the next page:
Topic – Charles Darwin’s journey to the Galapagos Islands.
Homework – Recap your spellings:
1. Children will be testing each other on spellings from the past few weeks. It would be a good idea to go back through the weeks in the homework and check you still know them!
2. Do some of your Summer Homework Passport
3. Make sure you know the Pirate Tome story (See next page)
The Story of Pirate Tom.
Long, long ago, there lived a pirate called Tom. Tom confidently sailed the seven seas in his precious pirate boat ‘The Jolly Roger’. What a magnificent boat is was!
Unfortunately, the pirates on board were not very jolly because they had no treasure. The pirates were glum. Tom wanted to cheer them up so he took them on a variety of thrilling adventures.
First, they cruised from island to island.
Next, they went searching for treasure.
Finally, they dug down deep but all that they found was a dry, old fishbone and a large, putrid boot! This made the pirates blue. “What a bunch of pathetic pirates we are!” they babbled. They sobbed and they sobbed and they sobbed until they set sail again.
In the distance, the clouds were growing larger and larger.
In the distance, the rain was bucketing harder and harder.
In the distance, a storm was approaching closer and closer.
The pirates sailed the Jolly Roger to the island of Rockabilly.
All night long, the storm lashed their boat and the waves smashed the island and the rain bashed the rocks. “Why do we have such dreadful luck?” Tom cried.
The next morning, it was sunny. Pirate Tom decided to go for a swim. Deep down in the water, he saw something glittering, something glistening, something gleaming. It was a box of treasure that the storm had uncovered. “Yo, ho, ho, me hearties, I’ve found treasure!” called Tom.
All day long, the pirates swam down and up, down and up, down and up. In the end, they had a huge mound of treasure and enormous grins on their faces.