Membership Application Form
Name of Company:Corporate Membership
Individual Membership / Yes/No
Company Address:
Telephone Number:
Business Type:
Name of Member 1
(For corporate membership contact)
Job Title:
Email Address:
Name of Member 2
Job Title:
Email Address:
Name of Member 3
Job Title:
Email Address:
Proposed By: / Date:
Seconded By: / Date:
Cost:Company membership£120 per annum. Early bird discount of £20 making total payable £100 - if received by 1 March 2018
Individual membership £40 per annum. Early bird discount of £10 making total payable £30 - if received by 1 March 2018
Payment is preferred via BACS/Electronic Transfer – HSBC, Sort code 40-31-28 Account 41076582
orplease make your cheque payable to Manchester Claims Association and forwardto: Manchester Claims Association, c/o 9 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, M3 4DN
Contact no:0161 955 5176.
Manchester Claims Association
- The Association shall be known as the Manchester Claims Association.
- The objects of the Association shall be:
- The advancement of knowledge, understanding, professional development and interest in all aspects of general insurance claims;
- Provide a forum for the interchange of views and information on common insurance claims problems and the means of dealing with them.
- The affairs of the Association shall be administered by a Chairman, Vice Chairman, a Honorary Secretary, a Honorary Treasurer, who will have the power to co-opt. These offices will be subject to election at the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in January.
The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the Association and the Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for all monetary transactions on behalf of the Association and shall account for the same to the Members at each Annual General Meeting.
Bank accounts shall be maintained in the name of the Association and the Officers shall be the authorised signatories.
- Membership shall be open to any organisations or businesses involved in the handling and/or servicing of general insurance claims within the Greater Manchester and wider North West region.
Corporate or individual membership is determined by the nature and/or size of the applying organisation or business, and shall be at the discretion of and by agreement of the officers of the Association.
A maximum of 3 individual members from any one organisation or business can be permitted to protect the balance of voting rights of other members. Where more than 3 individuals from an organisation or business are eligible, and likely to regularly attend lectures, corporate membership shall apply.
A corporate member shall have the right to 3 votes on any matters requiring a ballot of members.
- Application for Membership shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary who shall submit the nomination at an ordinary Meeting where the nomination shall be subject to vote by the Membership present. A simple majority is required for nominations of membership.
- The subscription of the Association shall be an annual sum agreed at the Annual general Meeting and shall be paid when due, in default of which Membership will cease.
- Meetings shall be held bi-monthly at such times and places as Officers may determine, due notice being given to all members.
- No alterations or additions can be made to the rules except by resolution carried by two-thirds majority of the Members present at the General Meeting. Notice of any such proposed alteration shall be circulated amongst all members at least seven clear days prior to the date of the General Meeting to consider the same.