5 Completely Free eBooks You Can Customize And Give
Away to Earn Automated Profits
Lesson#1: Hello and Introduction
Dear Ecourse Subscriber:
Welcome to this ECourse titled:
5 Completely Free Metaphysics eBooks You Can
Customize And Give Away to Earn Automated Profits
This free course consists of five sessions which offers readers an overview of each of my Metaphysics books and how to give this ECourse and free Ebooks away to make money.
The books being offered in this course are truly unique offerings which I haven’t seen anywhere else on the Internet offered together in any type of package.
The unique benefits of the books we are selling are as follows:
- “Enlightenment for Dummies” follows the approach of another popular series to offer a straightforward description to seekers on misconceptions about Enlightenment, what Enlightenment really is about, and some direct suggestions and recommendations on how to get there.
- “Immortality: A History and How to Guide” is a one of a kind book on the subject of Immortality. First it covers a history of the search for immortality, then examples of a long list of persons who lived to over 150 years. After this a model for the Spirit, Energy Body, and Physical body is reviewed. The last sections of the book offer practices, exercises, and supplements to help the reader lengthen their lives too.
- “Removing Illusions to find True Happiness” is also written from a different perspective. It has chapters on all the illusions we live with. Then it reviews how our lack of happiness is related to the illusions we suffer. Finally, specific advice on meditation and stillness practices is offered to help increase your overall happiness.
- “Prophecy: A History and How to Guide” reviews the history of prophecy and divination. Then it describes a model of how prophecy and divination may work. Finally, practices and exercises are recommended to help the reader see the future for themselves.
You will be able to earn 60% commissions through Clickbank on retail book prices ranging from $15.00-$50.00 USD.
In addition you can give away a fifth Bonus free Ebook and other special offers to further leverage your sales.
This strategy will allow you to build an automated profit center by giving this same ECourse to others to help you generate profits from the offers in the free Ebooks.
These free Ebooks can all be downloaded individually at these links:
- Enlightenment for Dummies
- How to Become Immortal
- Finding True Happiness
- How to Learn Prophecy
- Pursuing Enlightenment also results in Immortality, Happiness, & Other Abilities
(The above links go to Branded Versions. See instructions later in this ecourse
On Unbranded versus Branded Versions and how to use them)
Each Free Ebook is designed to build interest and provides multiple customizable offer links to Clickbank where readers can order the full books.
The books referenced in this course are retail priced as follows:
- Enlightenment for Dummies (PDF) $19.00 USD
- Immortality: A History and How to Guide-(Or how to live to 150 years and Beyond (PDF) $19.00 USD
- Removing Illusions to Find True Happiness (PDF) $19.00 USD
- Prophecy: A History and How to Guide (PDF) $19.00 USD
- Using the Scientific Method to Study the Paranormal (PDF) $15.00 USD
- A Compendium of Metaphysics and How to Guides (PDF) $50.00 USD
There are also additional book formats and products of ours you can resell which will be discussed in a later lesson.
You will receive the next Lessons in this series each day and they are on the following subjects:
Lesson#2: How to Use and Setup these Course Lessons
Lesson#3: How to customize the Free Ebooks to get commissions from sales
Lesson#4: Ideas to market this ECourse and the free Ebooks
Lesson#5: Other free Ebooks, products, and special offers from this website you can use to make additional profits
If you are already excited about this concept and would like to get going right away to make money yourself then you can go to the link below to download the full materials.
Click here to go to the download page for the ECourse and Free Ebooks
Again, I’m really excited about how this combination ECourse and free Ebooks can help you make lots of profits.
Best Regards,
Marty Ettington
Lesson#2: How to Use and Setup these Course Lessons
Dear ECourse Subscriber:
Welcome to Lesson#2 where we review how to setup this ECourse to make profits.
This Ecourse consists of five lessons which can either be offered by email or on separate web pages, or using both.
I’m using an email responder service called AWeber which is a really excellent service for building confirmed email lists with automatic response capabilities.
Many marketing studies show that people need to be followed up multiple times before they make a decision to buy a service or product.
The AWeber service allows email users to signup for a confirmed email list, then you can setup predefined emails to be sent out at intervals you determine to get your message across.
You can click this link to signup with AWeber
I recommend the following specific steps to setup this course:
1) Signup with AWeber or an equivalent email responder service
2) Go to our download page to get the content for each day’s ecourse lesson
3) Setup automated emails to send out one ecourse page per day
4) Setup your own download page for them to download the same course materials
And the free customized ebooks (Customized with your links as discussed in Lesson#3)
Alternatively, you can setup this ecourse on separate webpages to let students download the free customized ebooks to earn their commissions.
I recommend a signup email list in any case to build your email list of persons interested in this sales opportunity.
You are free to customize this ecourse to use it however you wish to to make profits.
Click here to go to the download page for the ECourse and Free Ebooks
Lesson#3: discusses how to customize the Free Ebooks to get commissions from sales
Best Regards,
Marty Ettington
Lesson#3: How to customize the Free Ebooks to get commissions from sales
Dear ECourse Subscriber:
Welcome to Lesson#3 where we discuss what rebrandable ebooks are and how to set them up with your own custom links.
Rebrandable ebooks are ebooks which allow you to customize offer links in the ebooks to add your Clickbank id to make commissions on the offers in the Ebooks.
This is the critical part of offering this ECourse and free Ebooks since it’s these links inside the free ebooks which will go to order pages to generate your commissions.
The steps are as follows:
1) Go the Clickbank.com to get an affiliate account id.
Click this link to get the your Clickbank ID now
2) Then you go to our download page to download and open each free PDF EBook.
The free ebooks you can download include to customize for commissions include:
- Enlightenment for Dummies
- How to Become Immortal
- Finding True Happiness
- Learning to do Prophecy
- Pursuing Enlightenment also results in Immortality, Happiness, & Other Abilities
3) The customization process involves inserting your unique name, website, and clickbank ID information into the PDF file using the rebrander software.
The best review of this this process is the video at the site below. The second half of the video tutorial is the part you do with the Ebook to change the customizable fields to your own.
Click this link to see the Rebrander software tutorial
4) When you have saved the rebranded ebooks with the updated custom fields then you are ready to offer them on your own download page.
Now when users download these free ebooks from your page and click on the offer links they will go to the M.K. Ettingtonbooks sales for the product.
When the user clicks on the order link to buy the PDF or other versions of the product at Clickbank then you will get your commission.
To check if the process is working properly you should see the following code at the bottom of the Clickbank order page “Affiliate=YourAffiliateCode”
Best Regards,
Marty Ettington
Lesson#4: Ideas to market this ECourse and the free Ebooks
Dear ECourse Subscriber:
In Lesson#4 we cover lots of Marketing ideas you can use to promote this course and ebooks.
Here are some suggestions:
1) If you have an existing website you may want to add this ECourse as a prominent offering with a link to signup for the Ecourse and to download the free ebooks. Feel free to copy any of the materials in this ECourse to use in setting up your own site.
2) Post the customized free ebooks on various ebooks site. Provide a link to your version of this money making ecourse. A comprehensive list is on this page at our website:
Click here for ebook sites list page
More sites can be found by searching Google for “free ebooks”
3) There are now many ECourse sites on the web. If you search for “Free ECourses” you find many where you can post your course.
4) Post ezine articles about this money making course or individual ebooks.
5) Setup a blog on related subjects with this ECourse as an offering
6) If you have an email list send out a promotion on this ECourse and the free ebooks. This may even be a good offer to start your own email list if you don’t have one
7) Contact 10 ezine publishers a day and offer them a free copies of the ebooks encoded with THEIR affiliate link to give to their subscribers -- even if its an affiliate program you are promoting (and not your own product) let them use THEIR link instead of yours -- in the material offer two things: the reader to also customize it (after registering with you or sending to you for details!) and begin giving it away, AND a link to a list of yours.
(Two things will happen -- many will join the list, and many will INDIRECTLY join a new list of those who are giving away your ecourse -- and you can milk them later by offering other branded materials (paid and unpaid) that benefit you.)
8) A twist to this is to contact 10 website owners a day who rank high in search engines for keywords relating to your offer. Whatever the theme of the eBook is, do a search at some of the major search engines to see what websites are listed in the top 50 or so for related keywords and approach them with the same offer. You end up indirectly benefiting from other folks high ranks in the search engines.
9) Still another twist is to contact 10 website owners a day who have products similar in content to your eBook and ask them to consider giving away your eBook as a BONUS to anyone who buys their product. For example, if you have a viral eBook that teaches “A simple way to train your dog to sit”, then you could approach sites that offer dog obedience videos and let them know they can give away your eBook for free to any of their customers who buy their videos.
This works especially well if the product you are promoting inside the viral eBook is a “related, but not competing” product, and is a 2-tier affiliate program.
The website owner gets to customize the viral eBook with their affiliate details to earn commissions inside and you get to promote your list inside the viral eBook and earn 2nd-tier commissions.
10) Write a report that promotes a very popular affiliate program as the main offer inside, along with YOUR product (if you have one) and / or your list. Then, visit Google.com (and I keep mentioning that particular search engine because it’s the largest) and search for sites that promote the popular affiliate program you mentioned in your report. Contact the owners of those sites and offer them FREE customization to the report that promotes the affiliate program they are already promoting. Do you think they’ll give it away from their site? Many will, I can tell you that. You are providing them with a FREE report to give away with THEIR affiliate links inside to a product they are already actively promoting.
Best Regards,
Marty Ettington
Lesson#5: Other free Ebooks, products, and special offers
Dear ECourse Subscriber:
In Lesson#5 we cover some additional money making opportunities related to the free ECourse and free EBooks.
1) mkettingtonbooks.com additional products--One thing you can do is to setup additional affiliate links on your site or embedded within your version of this ECourse.
Add Picture links and affiliate links to all our products are on the bottom of our Affiliate page.
Click this link to go to our Affiliate Page for link information
2) In addition to our premier products in the free ebooks, we have additional versions of those products and other products including scanned rare Metaphysics books.
We are continually adding to this list and to the clickbank purchase links for affiliates
Click on this link to go to the Rare Books page
Best of Luck in making your sales commissions on our Metaphysics books and other related products.
3) The free Ebook “Pursuing Enlightenment also results in Immortality, Happiness, & Other Abilities” had purchase links inside for the Immortality, Happiness, and Prophecy full books. You may want to offer this ebook separately as a download on other Ebook sites since it can provide commissions for those books and the “The Compendium of Metaphysics and How to Guides” all in one Ebook.
There are already a couple of thousand downloads of an earlier version of this ebook on one website.
Please contact me with any questions you might have.
Marty Ettington