E-mail: tel:+ (250)785286513, 0788453400

PO.BOX 4892/Kigali- Rwanda

Kimironko, Iramiro House 2nd floor

March 2013




2.1Origin of project ideas

2.2.Link between project goals and national, regional and/or community development strategies


3.1.Importance of project

3.2.What will happen if nothing is done

3.3.What will happen if the project is implemented (advantages)

3.4.How is it linked to national, regional and global preoccupations


4.1.How will project goal be achieved?

4.2.What actions are planned to meet project goals (logically arranged)

4.3.How the target group’s needs be met?





6.1.Main and sub activities


7.1.General (Impact)

7.2.Expected concrete results and domains




10.1.How will activities and finance be monitored and by whom?

10.2.How will activities and finance be evaluated and by whom?

10.3.How information gathered be used?


11.1.Strategy of mobilizing Own Contribution

11.2.Strategy of mobilizing target group contribution and type of contribution

11.3.What will GLOBAL GIVING funding be used for?

11.4.1.Decentralized accounting

11.4.2.Funds disbursement system

11.4.3.Control system

11.4.4.Procedure manual





The tragic past that our country went through left the social fabric torn and its repair called for starting from scratches. Rwanda has in place different policies to address challenges facing vulnerable groups such as widows, orphans and the destitute.

Public and private social practitioners have intervened to address needs of the most vulnerable.

There is political will to alleviate poverty as reflected in Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategies, Vision 2020, Millennium Development Goals and other strategies that Rwanda intends to implement to overcome poverty and related problems.

Nevertheless, limited financial and material resources do not allow the government to solve all problems as needed.

Kigali City Council has expressed its will to have a beggar-free city by evicting beggars and hawkers from streets. This approach could not work as expected since the number and strategies of beggars increased over the years. Today there are women beggars who hire and use little children to beg on streets around Kigali City.

According to the survey that was carried out by Kigali City council in January 2011, the number of women beggars was estimated at 650 distributed in 3 Districts (Nyarugenge: 304, Kicukiro: 153 and Gasabo: 193).

BCCO (Building Children’s Capacity Organization) has been assisting vulnerable women and children for the last 3 years with funds from PLAN INTERNATIONAL. The experience made us really ponder on the plight of women beggars and their child and the trauma they undergo each day for their living.


Kigali City Council has been trying to evict women beggars from streets to have a beggar-free City but this objective could not be attained. Instead, the number of women beggars has increased to the extent that some women hire children for their begging profession on a daily basis and children are returned to their real parents in the late evenings after the end of the day’s work.

Understanding the sensitivity of the situation, BCCO (Building Children’s Capacity Organization) in collaboration with Kigali City Council conceived the idea of putting in place a women beggar rehabilitation centre to better address the real needs of beneficiaries. This centre will help bring the women beggars into the mainstream with livelihood through vocational training programs.

Life skills development for women beggars is a sustainable way for assisting them as opposed to handouts that they usually receive from passers-by.

BCCO (Building Children’s Capacity Organization) will work hand in hand with Kigali City Council which is also concerned by the plight of women beggars and their children on streets.

2.1.Origin of project ideas

The project «Women beggars’ rehabilitation initiative» is a continuation of our initiatives in favor of vulnerable women and children including the project entitled «Renforcement des capacités des enfants orphelins du genocide dans le Secteur de Ndera» that we carried out for 150 former sex workers in Kicukiro District where we mobilized street girls and trained them on tailoring and hairdressing. These girls are now operational in 2 cooperatives. Their living conditions have improved and they are in good terms with Micro Finance Institutions. We therefore intend to build on this acquired experience and build the capacity of 100 women beggars in Kigali City Council.

2.2.Link between project goals and national, regional and/or community development strategies

The present project is in line with the Rwandan government’s policy for fighting poverty and gender imbalance, the objectives of the millennium Goals, and the pillars of Vision 2020. The Government is committed to implement all these programs but resources do not allow attaining fixed objectives. It is in this framework that we elaborated this project to build on what have been achieved and contribute to the protection of rights of poor women by ensuring their access to financial resources through forming effective cooperatives and dealing with Microfinance institutions.


3.1.Importance of project

This action will have a multiplier effect as it will benefit women beggars and the children they use on streets. It will also ease the burden of Kigali City Council which has been trying to evict them from streets.

BCCO (Building Children’s Capacity Organization) will provide start-up capital and ensure regular monitoring and follow up of cooperatives’ activities until they become fully fledged. We will also help cooperative products win the market and recognition by Micro finance institutions.

3.2.What will happen if nothing is done

If no appropriate measures are taken, these women will carry on their practice, which will jeopardizes their future. Their children will inherit this bad habit and will not access education, hygiene and other basic needs for a child. They will continue to be exposed to various diseases linked to a scorching sun and freezing cold wind in which they spend most of their days. Kigali City will always have this burden of women and children scattered all over the streets begging as if the society has marginalized them.

3.3.What will happen if the project is implemented (advantages)

By empowering women beggars, they will acquire skills and ability to generate income and care for themselves and their families. They will also leave streets to live a normal life.

3.4.How is it linked to national, regional and global preoccupations

The present project is in line with the Rwandan government’s policy for fighting poverty and gender imbalance, the objectives of the millennium Goals, and the pillars of Vision 2020. In addition, Rwanda adopted the Declaration on women’s rights and the present project comes to contribute to its implementation.


4.1.How will project goal be achieved?

The partnership between BCCO,Kigali City Council authorities and the experience acquired over the last 3 years in empowering women will serve as a basis to achieving our goals. Financial resources from Global Giving as well as the contribution of members of the Organization will enable feasibility and smooth running of the activities.

4.2.What actions are planned to meet project goals(logically arranged)

To attain our objectives the following actions will be executed:

Put in place a women beggars rehabilitation centre;

Sensitize women beggars on hazards of beggary;

Provide training on edible mushroom growing for 100 women beggars;

Assist 100 women beggars in forming 3 edible mushroom growing cooperatives;

Train women beggars on entrepreneurship;

Provide start-up capital for 3 formed cooperatives;

Provide a 3 month incentive for 100 beggar women;

Monitor and follow up cooperative activities.

4.3.How the target group’s needs be met?

Cooperatives will be a sustainable way of mobilizing women beggars out of streets. By dealing with micro finance institutions, cooperatives will grow stronger and women will learn to build on one another’s strength and achieve socioeconomic power, which will in the long run enable them to become self confident and self reliant.



The overall objective of this project is the following: to rehabilitate women beggars in Kigali City


The fixed specific objectives of this action are as follows:

To ensure psychosocial rehabilitation for women beggars in Kigali city;

To ensure economic rehabilitation for women beggars in Kigali city;

To contribute to a beggar-free Kigali City initiatives;


6.1.Main and sub activities

The main activities that will help attain our objectives are as follows:

Put in place a women beggars rehabilitation centre;

Sensitize women beggars on hazards of beggary;

Provide training on edible mushroom growing for 100 women beggars;

Assist 100 women beggars in forming 3 edible mushroom growing cooperatives;

Train women beggars on entrepreneurship;

Provide start-up capital for 3 formed cooperatives;

Provide a 3 month incentive for 100 beggar women;

Monitor and follow up cooperative activities.



The general impact of this action is as follows:

Women beggarshave left streets and are grouped in organized cooperatives to build on each other’s strengths to achieve self-sufficiency.

7.2.Expected concrete results and domains

Programme Outcome 1 / : / 100 women have abandoned beggary;
Output 1.1. / : / 1 rehabilitation centre put in place
Activity 1.1.1. / : / Put in place a women beggars rehabilitation centre;
Programme Outcome 2 / : / Women beggars’ mindset have positively changed and their children have access to education, decent nutrition and hygiene
Output 2.1. / : / 100 women beggars practice income generating activities
Activity 2.1.1. / Sensitize women beggars on hazards of beggary;
Programme Outcome 3 / Women beggars’ living conditions have socioeconomically improved;
Output 3.1. / 100 women have left streets and acquired life skills to fend for themselves
Activity 3.1.1. / Provide training on edible mushroom growing for 100 women beggars;
Programme Outcome 4 / 100 women, former beggars are grouped in 3 cooperatives and grow edible mushroom;
Output 4.1. / 3 edible mushroom growing cooperatives in place and operational
Activity 4.1.1 / Assist 100 women beggars in forming 3 edible mushroom growing cooperatives;
Activity 4.1.2 / Train women beggars on entrepreneurship;
Activity 4.1.3 / Provide start-up capital for 3 formed cooperatives;
Programme Outcome 5 / Beggary in streets of Kigali City has reduced
Output 5.1. / 100 women beggars and 300 children used by these women who have left streets
Activity 5.1.1. / Provide a 3 month incentive for 100 beggar women;
Activity 5.1.2. / Monitor and follow up cooperative activities.


LOCAL AUTHORITIES / Local authorities have signed performance contract with the president of the Republic. This contract includes the welfare of the population in general and that of women in particular. That is why local authorities are very much concerned by the fate of women beggarsand have welcomed this action to enable them to attain their objectives.
Local authorities will help process the formation of cooperatives
GLOBAL GIVING / It aims to build the capacities of women to ensure their self sufficiency. The financial support from Global Giving will help fulfill our objectives


  1. Project coordinator
/ 8. V/Mayor in charge of social affairs / 9. Social Assistants
Will ensure the coordination of all activities in the project and give reports as required by the Donor, stakeholders and partner / Will monitor the execution of the project activities and participate in the evaluation of the project’s impact / Will ensure a daily participation in the project execution by providing statistics of women beggars and other necessary information for a smooth running of project activities
  1. Project manager

Will ensure a daily management of the project and give report to the coordinator
  1. Director for Finance and Administration

Will be in charge of financial management and administrative duties during the project period and report to the Coordinator and project manager
  1. Social Assistant

Will ensure the execution of project activities
  1. Accountant

Will keep records of income and expenditure during the project period and report to the Director for Finance and Administration
  1. Drivers

Will ensure the transport of personnel, materials and equipment
  1. Guards

Will maintain security and safety for assets and personnel


10.1.How will activities and finance be monitored and by whom?

BCCO through the project coordinator in partnership with Kigali City Council and District authorities will monitor the staff, material, money and capacity-building inputs used in the action to record progress on inputs and activities in a systematic way. A quarterly report will be produced to stakeholders and to the partner.

A quarterly process review of their project will be conducted.

BCCO, the partner and local authorities will assess the output of the project at the end of the year.

10.2.How will activities and finance be evaluated and by whom?

An annual assessment will be conducted by BCCO, Kigali City Council and District authoritiesto judge the impact of the program me on the lives and livelihoods of the beneficiaries.

Quarterly narrative and financial reports will be submitted to Global Giving to account for the funds received.

10.3.How information gathered be used?

There will be an effective storage, utilization and dissemination of all knowledge and experiences gained from the project.

All information from Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning process will be analyzed, synthesized and consolidated and then communicated to different audiences including conferences, Website, meetings and other publications.


11.1.Strategy of mobilizing Own Contribution

BCCO does not solely rely on donors funding to carry out its activities. It is our tradition to also mobilize contributions from members. To contribute funds for the execution of this project, BCCO is collecting contributions from its members.

11.2.Strategy of mobilizing target group contribution and type of contribution

Sensitization meetings will be held with beneficiaries on the effect of beggary and on their participation in improving their living condition.

11.3.What will GLOBAL GIVING funding be used for?

Global Giving funding will be used to provide training on entrepreneurship, provide incentives and to process the formation of cooperatives as well as the follow up of formed cooperatives.

11.4.Sustainability measures(technical and financial)

11.4.1.Decentralized accounting

BCCO has a decentralized accounting system for all its projects. The accounting services for this project will be ensured by a strengthened service with a staff having a proven experience.

11.4.2. Funds disbursement system

Within BCCO the disbursement of funds is subject to the approval of expenditure planning by the Board and the authorization of 3 signatories namely the Legal representative; the Executive Secretary as well as the Administration and finance Director.

11.4.3.Control system

BCCOwill ensure an internal financial control through 1 auditor. At the end of the project, the organization will conduct an external audit to ensure a better management of funds allocated to the activities of the project.

11.4.4.Procedure manual

A manual for administrative and financial procedures is in place since 2008. It serves as a reference document for harmonized procedures. This document will be fully used for a better project management.



Results / Indicators / Means of Verification/Sources of Information / Assumptions/Risks
Overall Goal: to rehabilitate women beggars in Kigali City
Programme Outcome 1:
Women have abandoned beggary; / 100 women beggar mobilized / Evaluation reports / Women’s Commitment
Output 1.1 :
A rehabilitation centre put in place / 1 center in place / Training report / Timely availability of financial means
Activity 1.1.1. :
Put in place a women beggars rehabilitation centre; / X / X
Programme Outcome 2:
Women beggars’ mindset have positively changed and their children have access to education, decent nutrition and hygiene / 100 women have changed their mind / Evaluation reports / Women’s perseverance
Output 2.1. :
Women beggars practice income generating activities / 3 cooperatives are operational / Reports / Ability to pay contributions on the part of beneficiaries
Activity 2.1.1. :
Sensitize women beggars on hazards of beggary; / X / X
Programme Outcome 3
Women beggars’ living conditions have socioeconomically improved; / 100 women have access to finances / Evaluation reports / Women’s determination
Output 3.1.
Women have left streets and acquired life skills to fend for themselves / 100 women are grouped in cooperatives / Evaluation reports / Women’s determination
Activity 3.1.1.
Provide training on edible mushroom growing for 100 women beggars; / X / X
Programme Outcome 4
Women, former beggars are grouped in 3 cooperatives and grow edible mushroom; / 100 women are active in cooperatives / Cooperatives
Output 4.1.
Edible mushroom growing cooperatives in place and operational / 3 cooperatives are operational / List of Members / Availability of market
Activity 4.1.1
Assist 100 women beggars in forming 3 edible mushroom growing cooperatives; / X / X
Activity 4.1.2
Train women beggars on entrepreneurship; / X / X
Activity 4.1.3
Provide start-up capital for 3 formed cooperatives; / X / X
Programme Outcome 5
Beggary in streets of Kigali City has reduced / Kigali city is beggar-free / Evaluation reports / Participation of local authorities
Output 5.1.
Women beggars and 300 children used by these women who have left streets / 100 women and their 300 children have left streets / Evaluation reports
Activity 5.1.1.
Provide a 3 month incentive for 100 beggar women; / X / X
Activity 5.1.2.
Monitor and follow up cooperative activities. / X / X