U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Quarterly Progress and Accomplishment Report

FY 2012

Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Office of Human Resources and Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Quarterly Progress and Accomplishment Report FY 2012

Organization: Approved by:Prepared by:

Quarterly Date:

This template is to be used to track your progress and accomplishments made pursuant to the VA Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Strategic Plan for FY 2012 –FY 2016. Please complete the table below to indicate the strategiesand target completion dates your organization has implemented to achieve the goals and objectives contained in the Plan. The items in bold reflect the goals and objectives contained in the Strategic Plan and should not be changed. The numbered “Strategies” reflected in the D&I Strategic Plan are illustrative only; complete those that apply to your organization and insert additional strategies as appropriate. Please refer to the actual D&I Strategic Plan for further details.

Objective 1A—Eliminate barriers to EEO at all levels and in all occupations.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Completion Date
1A5 / Implement the VA Diversity Index to monitor the status of VA’s diversity and provide quarterly workforce diversity reports to leadership
Implement EEO, Diversity and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) dashboard to provide real time status of EEO, workforce diversity and ADR usage.
Establish baseline metrics and a reporting system to identify and eliminate barriers used to recruit or select groups at less than expected participation (Hispanic women, white women, individuals with targeted disabilities, etc.)
Perform applicant flow/adverse impact analyses in recruitment and leadership selection processes
Utilize staffing flexibilities and special hiring authorities (Schedule A
Register, VA for Vets, etc.)
Objective 1B— Achieve diversity in the broadest context throughout the workforce.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Completion Date
1B2 / Implement diversity-focused internship and fellowship programs.
Work with VESO, CWV, CMV to ensure that employment outreach programs that target groups at less than expected participation at the senior pay levels.
Objective 2A: Leverage workforce diversity and empower diverse perspectives throughout the organization through career/leadership development.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status Accomplishments and Completion Date
2A3 / Develop workforce succession plans addressing barriers to EEO and diversity. (Specify the race/ethnicity groups, and include people with targeted disabilities.)
Aggressively market broad plan as well as targeted outreach for leadership development and mentoring programs.
Promote & utilize ADVANCE and MyCareer@VA to facilitate career development and upward mobility.
Objective 2B: Cultivate a flexible, collaborative, and inclusive organizational culture for all employees.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Date Completed
2B6 / Implement VA Inclusion Index to measure organizational inclusion.
Conduct ORM’s Organizational Climate Assessment Programs
Employ Civility, Respect, and Engagement in the Workplace (CREW) initiatives.
Implement and promote use of centralized reasonable accommodation funding and tracking system.
Support & Participate in Technical Assistance Reviews (TARS).
Implement work/life flexibilities (Wellness is Now).
Goal 3: Outstanding Public Service
Objectives 3A: Provide outstanding, culturally competent services to Veterans, their families, and beneficiaries
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Date Completed
3A4 / Deliver cultural competency, diversity and inclusion training to the VA workforce .
Promote use of Small, Disadvantaged, Veteran-owned businesses.
Monitor customer service surveys and indicators and take action as appropriate.
Target outreach to Hispanics, People with Disabilities and other groups requiring targeted effort to include Veterans and indigenous/rural groups.
Goal 3: Outstanding Public Service, continuation
Objectives 3B: Strengthen relations with stakeholders.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Date Completed
3B1 / Leverage, support and coordinate with internal and external VA Stakeholders.
Goal 3: Outstanding Public Service, continuation
Objectives 3C: Equip leaders with diversity and inclusion knowledge and skills to effectively lead their workforce.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Date Completed
3C2 / Implement updated mandatory EEO, Diversity and Inclusion, and Conflict Management Training for all Senior Executives, Managers, and Supervisors
Implement and monitor mandatory EEO, Diversity and Inclusion, ADR performance standards in all leadership (SES and Title 38 equivalents) and supervisory performance plans.
Goal 3: Outstanding Public Service, continuation
Objective 3D: Institutionalize shared accountability for a culture of diversity and inclusion.
Strategic Planned Activity / Responsible Official/Office / Status/Accomplishments and Date Completed
3D4 / Develop annual performance reports (MD-715, VA Strategic Plan, etc.)
Support and participate in ADR processes and promote effective labor/management collaborations.
Maintain VA Diversity Council, comprising representatives from all VA components, reporting to the Secretary of VA.
Promote participation in Secretary’s Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Awards Program and in the Secretary’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Excellence Awards.