Ashton-under-Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th December 2006 at 7.30pm in the Green Room.



J Fletcher / Chairman / JF
L Pasqualin arrived 7.33pm / Vice Chairman / LP
D Cope / DC
R Satchel / RS
S Hague / SH
A Sanger-Davies / AS-D

In attendance

J Hopkins / Clerk / JH

PC Stuart Toms

/ Beat Officer / PCT


1. / Apologies for absence. Apologies were accepted from Cllr G Barnett.
2. / Declarations of interest. None.
3. / Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 September 2006. These were amended to show that Cllr Sanger-Davies was present at that meeting. The chairman initialled the amendment. The minutes were then agreed and signed by the Chairman.
At this point it was agreed that PCT should give his report.
PCT spoke about the anti-social behaviour both at the playing field and in general. He pointed out that not all incidents had been reported and that he makes a point of keeping a presence in the village and talking to the young people. He found that this approach was often helpful. He suggested that engagement with the young people would be of help and mentioned that a resident was willing to start projects for the young people to undertake. PCT said he was willing to attend any meeting with those concerned in the village to further discuss the problem and solutions. JF to organise.
When asked about installing CCTV equipment he advised that this should be given thorough consideration before proceeding. He was willing to give on site advice about this.
PCT reported that he now had a Community Support Officer (Simon Williams) working with him, which means a more frequent presence in the village. Another Community Support Officer would be appointed in the New Year.
RS reported the continuing problem with coaches at school times.
JF thanked PCT and he left the meeting. / JF
4. / Public question time. No members of the public present.
5. / District Councillor’s report. District Cllr Darby was not present.
6. / County Councillor’s report. County Cllr Hardman was not present.
7. / Planning.
7.1  Applications considered out of meeting.
W/06/01744/PP – Swinleigh House, Elmley Road. Erection of single story double garage. No objections.
W/06/01530/LB – Orchard House Cottons Lane. Demolish existing shed, but retain Cotswold stone walls, rebuild 7 re-roof. Refurbishment of shed. No objections.
W/06/01638/PP – Orchard House, Cottons Lane. Repair/refurbishment of shed/stable. No objections.
7.2  Further applications to consider. None.
7.3  Decisions.
W/06/01744/PP – Swinleigh House, Elmley Road. Erection of single storey double garage,
W/06/01475/PP – Hill View Chandlers End. Erection of single storey side extension.
W/06/01530/LB – Orchard House, Cottons Lane. Demolish existing shed and erection of replacement shed using existing Cotswold stone walls.
W/06/01638/PP – Orchard House, Cottons Lane. Repair/refurbishment of shed/stable.
8. / Progress reports.
8.1  Lengthsman. It was reported that the Lengthsman scheme would run again next year with £2,000 available for each participating council.
8.2  Footway in The Groaten. The footway had been inspected and WCC had agreed to clear it as far as the tarmac footway extended and to cut the grass path that continues on from there. It was noted that there was still overhanging foliage outside The Glades. JH to write a follow up letter.
8.3  Bus shelter in The Groaten. A quote had been obtained for green oak to close in the sides of the shelter. (£21.47 per plank plus £11.75 delivery charge). One estimate, of £350 for a wrought iron bench from John De Paris, and one quote, of £380 for a wooden bench from Phil Scarrott, had been received. After discussion it was agreed to order the green oak. JF to organise. It was also agreed by majority that the wooden bench should be ordered from Phil Scarrott. JF to organise. It was agreed that JF should make and install a wooden notice board in the shelter to avoid people posting fliers on the shelter itself.
8.4  Parking in Elmley Road. No further progress. JH to contact WCC again.
8.5  Gorse Hill and Bakers Lane. No further progress. JH to contact WCC again.
8.6  New gate in the playing fields. As this is part of a footpath Joe Aspey (Footpath Warden) is to organise.
8.7  Ashton Social Centre. DC gave a report. Minutes of ASC meeting of 29.11.06. Copy attached.
8.8  Piggy Lane. The Chairman gave and update of the clearing of Piggy Lane and formally thanked Sam Cope for his work as Lengthsman in this project. After discussion it was agreed to have a site meeting on Saturday 9th December at 9am to consider what should be done next to the area. It was agreed to invite the nearby residents to the meeting. / JH
9. / Fruit trees in Cornfield Way. As the fallen fruit on the pavement is a hazard to the elderly residents nearby it was agreed to contact Rooftop to request that they replace the fruit trees with ornamental trees. JH to write.
It was agreed to instruct the Lengthsman to clear the footway. JH to organise. / JH
10. / CCTV equipment for the playing field. Deferred until after the site meeting with PC Toms. All agreed to invite Luigi Pasqualin to the meeting to give advice.
11. / Wychavon Bursary 2006/2007. Deferred to the January meeting to enable further consideration.
12. / Finance. JH circulated the current financial report. Copy attached. Two invoices were present at the meeting. Simon Hague Farm and Garden - £120 for extra grass cut and S Cope £735 for work carried out as Lengthsman. Both these were agreed.
12.1  Payments. All agreed and cheques signed
12.2  Bank balance. This was accepted.
12.3  Dog litter bin for Bakers Lane. It was agreed to purchase one. JH to find out if the two for one offer is still available.
12.4  St Barbara’s Church. It was agreed by majority that a donation of £1,000 should be made. JH to inform Church Committee.
12.5  Macmillan Cancer Care. It was agreed to donate £150. JH to organise.
12.6  Grass cutting 2007. As no quote had been received it was decided to defer this until the meeting in January. / JH
13. / Correspondence. JH gave out details of rubbish clearance for the Christmas and New Year Period. All other correspondence had been previously circulated as per file.
14. / Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda.
Pot holes were reported at the top of Cottons Lane and outside 19 Elmley Road. JF to report to WCC.
It was reported that Mr Richard Hughes had been asked if there was ever a footpath from Piggy Lane to the playing fields. Mr Hughes was not willing to accept the evidence of one map and pointed out that all the village footpaths were well established. / JF
15. / Date of next meeting. 9 January 2007.

The meeting ended at 9.40pm