Independent Scrutiny Panel Meeting Notes 03/10/17

Welcome, Apologies and Introductions

Supt Wratten welcomedall the members of the paneland introductions of Panel members were made.

Apologies were received fromJulie Mann the BTP Force Crime Registrar.

Notes and Actions from previous Panel

The Panel werein agreement with the notes and case conclusions circulated from the previous meeting held on 16/05/17.

Superintendent Wratten updated the panel in relation to a case that had been reviewed in light of concerns surrounding the method by which it had been disposed at the previous panel. The case in question concerned a soldier who was arrested at St Pancras for possession of a knife/bladed article and had been given a caution; the panel accepted the outcome of the review.

On a general note, Superintendent Wratten stated that although it was indisputable that the scrutiny panel had influenced the quality of the out of court disposals which BTP make, there was still a lot of important work which needed to be carried out in this area.

Legal Updates and Justice Project Updates

Kylie Barker gave a presentation in relation to the new Victim’s Awareness Course initiative.

Nicola Vallins gave an update regarding the trespass community resolution educational initiative stating that 84 of the 264 trespass offences, which had been committed since the initiative had been introduced, had been disposed of by way of an educational community resolution being given to the offender. The initiative was designed to educate first time offenders as to the dangers of trespassing on the railways with a view to deterring further offending. Nicola also mentioned the new Two Way Interface (TWIF) project which she was heading up for BTP. She explained that this was a mechanism whereby CPS could communicate with BTP and vice versa our Niche crime system rather than by using email.

Case File Reviews

Conclusion templates were completed for all cases, including a summary of the surrounding discussion and additional actions and feedback where appropriate. The templates have been included within the minute circulation.

AOB / Next Meeting

It was suggested that it would be useful to circulate the Victim Awareness Course presentation slides; this was agreed.

Sim Fitzgerald stated that a report was due to be published which related to the consistency of youth disposals which are issued across all the police forces in England and Wales.

The meeting dates for 2018 will be as follows:

6th February – Room G3 FHQ Camden, 10am until 3pm

15th May– Room G3 FHQ Camden, 10am until 3pm

9th October– Room G3 FHQ Camden, 10am until 3pm

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