Vocabulary Knowledge
for Effective Reading
Guessing meaning from context in sentences
When you try to guess the meaning of an unknown word, you use the text
surrounding the word – the context. One sentence may be enough to give you
the meaning, or you may need to use a longer passage.
Example: Do you know what “misogynist” means? If not, try to make a guess:
A misogynist is ______
Now read these sentences. Try again to guess what misogynist means.
a. She realized that her boss was a misogynist soon after she started working
for him.
b. It is difficult for a woman to work for a misogynist. She is never sure of
the reasons for his criticism.
c. She knew that no woman would ever get a top-level job in a company owned
by a misogynist.
In addition to guessing the meaning of a word from its surrounding words,
you can also use other kinds of context clues as follows:
1. Definition
Difficult words or technical terms, words with specific meanings, are often clearly defined in the text. The clues are BE, MEAN, DEFINE, BE CALLED.
An adonis is an extremely handsome young man.
To defuse a bomb means to prevent a bomb from exploding.
2. Explanation
Strings of words that follow an unknown word or expression sometimes restate
or explain what the antecedent word means. Signal clues are OR, IN OTHER WORDS,
THAT IS. Punctuation marks like COMMA ( , ), DASH ( ), and BRACKETS ( [……] )
can also help.
He enjoys playing parcheesi a game from India.
The first chapter of this book concerns cytology (the science of cell structures).
3. Contrast
Sometimes connectives showing contrast indirectly help define an unknown words. Context clue words are BUT, HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS, WHILE, ALTHOUGH,
The patient is usually morose, but she seems happy today.
Even though our camp was remote, I was afraid other people might find us.
4. Illustration
Examples and pictures given in the text usually suggest the meaning to
unfamiliar words. Example clues are FOR EXAMPLE, FOR INSTANCE, SUCH AS, LIKE.
After serious flooding in the northeast of Thailand, fatal diseases such as
malaria, hepatitis and cholera, are often widespread, killing a large number of people.
There are several characteristics of a loquacious person. For instance, he or she
makes a points over and over, repeats phrases, never pauses, and usually doesn’t know
when to stop talking.
Exercise 1 Write the correct answers.
1. A pattern of stars visible to the naked eye in a small area of sky is called a constellation.
Clue : ......
A constellation is a ......
2. A bark is one kind of a ship having three or more masts.
Clue : ......
A bark means ......
3. An omen means a sign that foretells the future.
Clue : ......
An omen means ......
4. The earth's hydrosphere consists of the water on its surface, water vapor in
the air, and even water that has soaked into the soil.
Clue : ......
Hydrosphere is ......
5. The newsagent’s is the shop that sells newspapers and magazines.
Clue : ......
Newsagent’s means ......
6. An unreasonable and lasting fear of something is called a phobia.
Clue : ......
A phobia is ......
7. Circulate means to move around and return to the same place.
Clue : ......
Circulate is ......
8. A mammal is an animal that has a backbone and feeds its baby with milk from its
own body.
Clue : ......
Mammal is ......
9. A marsh is an area of low and wet land.
Clue : ......
A marsh is ......
10. Distillation is the process of changing a liquid into a gas by heating it, and then
condensing into a liquid again.
Clue : ......
Distillation is ......
Exercise 2 Write the correct answers.
1. The ocean's salinity, or salt content, varies from place to place.
Clue : ......
Salinity means ......
2. Very few plants will flourish, or grow very well, without water.
Clue : ......
Flourish means ......
3. Newspaper headlines often show the bias, or feeling, of the writer about the news story.
Clue : ......
Bias means ......
4. He is usually loquacious, but tonight he’s rather silent.
Clue : ......
Loquacious is ......
5. The newsagent’s is the shop that sells newspapers and magazines.
Clue : ......
Newsagent’s means ......
6. An unreasonable and lasting fear of something is called a phobia.
Clue : ......
A phobia is ......
7. Circulate means to move around and return to the same place.
Clue : ......
Circulate is ......
8. You can take an escalator, or a moving staircase to go down to the platform.
Punctuation clues : ......
Escalator is ......
9. The cobra moved sinuously, twisting and turning through the rocky field.
Punctuation clues : ......
Sinuously means ......
10. Manuel lives in an area that is arid or very dry.
Clue : ......
An arid place is a ......
Using grammar to guess word meaning
Another way context can help you guess meaning is by giving you information
about the grammar. When you find a word you do not know, look at the grammatical
structure of the sentence. It will tell you about the function of the word – as a noun, verb,
pronoun, adjective, or adverb, etc. Then you have a much narrower range of choices for
guessing the meaning.
In each of the following sentences, there is one word that you probably do not
know. Look at the grammatical structure of the sentence and decide whether the word
is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. Then guess the meaning.
Example :
The news that John was resigning from his job surprised us all. We simply couldn’t
fathom why he wanted to leave now that the company was finally doing so well.
What is the grammatical function of fathom in this sentence?
What does “fathom” mean? ______
Noun is………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..
The use of the noun
Noun suffixes
Verb is …………………………………………………………………………………………………..………
The use of the verb
Verb suffixes
Adjective is …………………………………………………………………………………………………
The use of the adjective
Adjective suffixes
Adverb is ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
The use of the adverb
Adverb suffixes
Exercise 1
In each of the following sentences, there is one word you probably do not
know. Look at the grammatical structure of the sentence and decide what the
grammatical function of the word is. Then try to guess the meaning.
1. Could I have a piece of bread? I missed breakfast and I’m simply ravenous.
The poor horse was ravenous and it ate the leaves and bark off the trees.
Grammatical function of ravenous : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
2. We were all surprised to see how fast Johnny was swimming. Then we saw that he was
wearing flippers.
With my flippers on my feet, I felt like a fish. I had never swum so fast and so far!
Grammatical function of flippers : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
3. George winked to me from across the room. It was a signal not to say anything
about what we had seen.
I’ve only known one cat that could wink and that was Tinker. She really could close
just one of her eyes and she did it often.
Grammatical function of wink : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
4. After so much rain, the river flowed over the dike and into the fields.
People in this area began building dikes many centuries ago. It was the only way to
keep the sea out of their villages.
Grammatical function of dike : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
5. She was wearing such gaudy clothes that it was easy to find her in the crowd.
My mother always said that old ladies shouldn’t wear bright colors. She thought that
they would look gaudy and foolish.
Grammatical function of gaudy : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
6. The liquid plastic was poured into a mold and left there until it was hard.
The dentist first makes a mold of his patient’s teeth. From that he makes a model of
the teeth to decide how to correct any problems.
Grammatical function of mold : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
7. When I stooped down to get a better look, I realized that it was a dead rabbit.
It must have been hit by a car.
The old man walked slowly along, all stooped over and leaning on a stick.
Grammatical function of stooped : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
8. The squall arrived so suddenly that we all got wet when we ran home from the beach.
When they saw the squall coming, the sailors took down the sail and headed for the
Grammatical function of squall : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
9. When the fountain was turned on, the water gushed up several feet into the air.
The blood gushed out of his wound until the doctor put on a tight bandage.
Grammatical function of gushed : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
10. We gather up the soggy towels and bathing suits and hung them all in the sun to dry.
The study window had been left open during the storm, and my papers were a soggy
Grammatical function of soggy : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
11. The only person in the room was a doddering old man who didn’t seem to understand
our question.
Grammatical function of doddering : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
12. “What’s all that ruckus?” Dad called to us. “If you can’t be quiet you’ll all go to bed
with no supper.”
Grammatical function of ruckus : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
13. His breath reeked of whiskey, and from the way he walked, we guessed he had been
drinking for some time.
Grammatical function of reeked : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
14. “What a slipshod job this is!” Mr. Jenkins shouted. “Go back and do it again more
Grammatical function of slipshod : ______
Approximate meaning : ______
15. We’ll have to buckle down if we want to get this finished by the end of the month.
Grammatical function of buckle down : ______
Approximate meaning : ______