Bud, Not Buddy

Ch. 1-19 Vocabulary and Definitions

Chapters One-Six

brute- any animal other than a man; a beast

commence- to come into existence; begin

cur- a dog considered to be inferior or undesirable

decoder- someone or something that converts code into something legible

glum- in low spirits; dejected

ilk- type or kind

ingratitude- lack of gratitude

lavatory- a room equipped with toilet facilities

provoked- incited anger or resentment

twine- strings that have been twisted together

urchins- small mischievous boys

vermin- various small insects or animals that are destructive or annoying

welted- beat severely

crouched- stooped with limbs pulled close to the body

privilege- a special advantage

raggedy- tattered or worn out

spigot- a faucet

swopped- (made-up word) dropped; slopped onto

Chapters Seven-Eight

britches- an informal term for breeches; pants

crawdad- a freshwater crustacean related to the lobster

dandelion- a weed with yellow flowers and a fluffy white seed head

gait- a manner of walking, stepping, or running

hypnotizing- putting in a hypnotic state; mesmerizing

kin- family; relatives

matrimonial- of or pertaining to marriage

muskrat- a large rodent

radiating- extending from a center; spreading

retrieve- to recover or regain

whiff- a slight gust of wind, air or smoke; taking in, smelling wind, air, or smoke

wiry- resembling wire; thin; sinewy

Chapters Nine-Fourteen

conscience- a sense of right or wrong conduct; one’s scruples

fangs- teeth on an animal; often sharp

knickers- short pants

paltry- insignificant; unimportant

puny- of inferior size; weak

scooted- moved away quickly

trousers- another name for pants

acquaintance- someone you know on a relatively impersonal basis

alias- an assumed name

bawling- crying loudly, as from pain or annoyance; howling

festering- generating pus; becoming increasingly bitter or resentful

meddling- intruding in other peoples’ affairs or business

mellowed- calmed; soothed

scamp- a mischievous youngster

shunned- avoided; scorned

sully- to mar the cleanness or luster of; soil, stain

Chapters Fifteen-Nineteen

copacetic- excellent or very good

embouchure- the mouthpiece of a wind instrument; the mouth of a river

scales- a series of musical notes arranged by pitch

slacking off- being lazy or sluggish

strap- beat heavily with a strap of leather or plastic

offended- caused someone anger, resentment, or hurt

stiffed- reneged; left with no money

nudging- pushing someone slightly; gently persuading

rummaging- quickly searching through

insinuating- implying or assuming something to be true

tidings- news

crow- yell or complain loudly; bellow

ornery- uncooperative and stubborn