Below are questions to ask when performing a Task Analysis: (Answers to these questions should be asked to the SME during the APS Training Session and filled out accordingly!)
Divide these questions amongst group members. There are 20 questions and each group member should approximately have 4 to 5 questions.
You might have to rephrase some of the questions to suit the exact context of application.
- How difficult or complex is the task?
- What behaviors are used in the performance of the job?
- How frequently is the task performed?
- How critical is the task to the performance of the job?
- To what degree is the task performed individually, or is part of a set of collective tasks?
- If a subset of a set of collective tasks, what is the relationship between the various tasks?
- What is the consequence if the task is performed incorrectly or is not performed at all?
- To what extent can the task be trained on the job?
- What level of task proficiency is expected following training?
- How critical is the task?
- What information is needed to perform the task? What is the source of information?
- What are the performance requirements?
- Does execution of the task require coordination between other personnel or with other tasks?
- Are the demands (perceptual, cognitive, psychomotor or physical) imposed by the task excessive?
- How often is the task performed during a specified time-frame (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)?
- How much time is needed to perform this task?
- What prerequisite skills, knowledge, and abilities are required to perform the task?
- What is the current criterion for acceptable performance? What is the desired criterion?
- What behaviors distinguish good performers from poor performers?
- What behaviors are critical to the performance of the task?
We are looking for ways to improve our training program and would like your views on the kind and amount of trainingrequired to learn your job. This survey is to be filled out by a typical employee (working with SABRE client) who would need this type of APS Training Program.
Type of APS Training Program:
1. What type of training did you receive for this job beforestarting work with this company and how helpful were they inenabling you to do the job you are now doing.
Did not Could not A great SomewhatNo help
receive have done help helpful at all
without it
Formal schooling:
Employer training program:
On-The-Job training:
On-the-Job help:
From coworkers:
Instruction manuals:
Job aids:
2. What type of training did you receive for this job after youwere hired by this company and how helpful were they in enablingyou to do the job you are now doing.
Did not Could not A great SomewhatNo help
receive have done help helpful at all
without it
Formal schooling:
Employer training program:
On-The-Job training:
On-the-Job help:
From coworkers:
Instruction manuals:
Job aids:
3. How much time did you spend in training and on the job beforeyou really knew it?
4. Would additional training have helped? If so, what type oftraining?
5. What type of training would you recommend this company giveto someone starting a job like yours who has minimal previoustraining?
6. Would further training help you now? If so, what kind oftraining?
7. Would further training help your coworkers? If so what kind?
8. Do you think this organization offers:
a. Too much training
b. A good mix of training
c. The wrong types of training
d. Too little training
e. Too much formal training and not enough on-the-job training
f. Too much on-the-job training and not enough formal training
(NOTE: circle all that apply)
9. Any comments on how we could improve the company trainingprogram?
10. Optional! You are not required to fill in the followingquestions. You may answer some or all of the questions.
Job Title______
Years spent performing this type of work ______
Years at this company performing this type of work______
Name ______
If we need further training information, may we contact you? ______