MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010
The Biwabik City Council met for their Regular Meeting on Monday, April 12, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Roll Call
Present: Councilors Jackson, Licari, Schroeder, and Mayor Weikum
Absent: Councilor Swearingen
Others Present: City Administrator Jacobson, Deputy City Clerk Berts, City Attorney Minton, City Engineer Johnson
Audience: John Plesha, Darlene Jackson, Patti Wallert, Dexter Pehle, Chris Enquist, Steve Enquist, Steph and Billy Jo Martin from Mediacom
Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Licari to approve the agenda with the removal of item number 7A, Approval of Liquor License for Amber Flow from the agenda. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Licari, supported by Councilor Schroeder to approve the consent agenda: A) Regular City Councilor Meeting 03/08/2010; B) Public Utilities Commission Minutes Regular Meeting 02/11/2010; C) Board of Recreation Regular Meeting no meeting; D) Planning & Zoning Commission no meeting; E) City of Biwabik & Utility Combined Financial Statement February 2010; G) Bills and Payroll 03/12/2010, check numbers 10003 – 10012 & 114510 - 114571, $111,813.28; Bills and Payroll 03/26/2010, check numbers 10013 – 10042 &114572 - 114606, $70,958.88; H) Building Permit Report not available. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Schroeder to hold the first reading of Ordinance No. 200:05, An Ordinance of the City of Biwabik Amending Section 200:02, Subdivision 7(e) of the City of Biwabik’s Liquor and Beverages Ordinance. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Schroeder, supported by Councilor Jackson to dispense with the reading of Ordinance No. 200:05, An Ordinance of the City of Biwabik Amending Section 200:02, Subdivision 7(e)_ of the City of Biwabik’s Liquor and Beverages Ordinance. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
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After a discussion on awarding bids for the sanitary sewer trunk project, it was moved by Councilor Licari, supported by Councilor Jackson to table awarding the bid and adoption of Resolution No. 2010-05 until further information is available. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Licari, supported by Councilor Schroeder, to adopt Resolution No. 2010-06, Resolution to appoint Jack Larson to the Public Utility Commission
Roll Call: Ayes – Councilors Licari, Jackson, Schroeder and Mayor Weikum. Nays – none. Councilor Swearingen absent and not voting. Resolution No. 2010-06 adopted on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Schroeder, to adopt Resolution No. 2010-07, Resolution to appoint Dan Micheletti to the Iron Range Tourism Bureau
Roll Call: Ayes – Councilors Licari, Jackson, Schroeder and Mayor Weikum. Nays – none. Councilor Swearingen absent and not voting. Resolution No. 2010-07 adopted on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Schroeder, supported by Councilor Licari, to adopt Resolution No. 2010-08, Resolution rescinding Resolution 2009-24 authorizing the execution of a revolving loan agreement with Pat Ryan
Roll Call: Ayes – Councilors Licari, Jackson, Schroeder and Mayor Weikum. Nays – none. Councilor Swearingen absent and not voting. Resolution No. 2010-08 adopted on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Councilor Jackson expressed concern about the Revolving Loan policy and the lack of a policy for grants and loans. The Council would like to see a policy for the program for a future meeting.
Moved by Councilor Licari, supported by Councilor Jackson, to approve a Special Event permit from the 4th of July committee for events on the 4th of July 2010. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Schroeder to approve a temporary liquor license for the 4th July Committee on the 4th of July at the Rec Complex. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Administrator Jacobson explained the Blandin Foundation leadership program that Councilor Swearingen has been in contact with representatives. It is an established program to teach leadership and other skills to interested community members. They are looking at it as an east range wide program. The council
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would like to have someone from Blandin foundation come and address interested citizens on this program.
Moved by Councilor Licari, supported by Councilor Jackson to donate $50 from the mayor’s contingency fund to the Mesabi East All-night graduation celebration (Congradance). Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
A discussion was held on early retirement incentive offer. The personnel committee has been looking at the option of providing a post-retirement healthcare benefit as an incentive for employees who have reached eligibility for retirement under Public Employees Retirement Association guidelines which means employees whose age and years of service add up to 90. The option that has been discussed is to allow retired employees to stay on the current Blue Cross plan and have the city contribute an amount equal 80% of today’s monthly premium for single coverage. This is part of the effort to reduce salary costs.
Administrator – 2010 National Detector Dog Trials will be in Biwabik May 2 – 5 at Giants Ridge
Recreation – work is being done at the campground in preparing for the upcoming season, opening about May 1, 2010
City Attorney – deeds for the railroad property have been sent in to the County for recording
Darlene Jackson – Parks Committee – Adam Arvidson from TreeLine Architectural was here on March 20 to walk through the park at Voyagers Retreat and marked the trails. An open house was held that afternoon with Adam and City Administrator to review the park plans with citizens present. Honk is in for repairs. A fund will be set up for donations to cover the costs of the repairs.
Dexter Pehle – questioned the siren and the changes in the weather. Administrator Jacobson will publish the siren sounds and put it on the website. He also thanked Mayor Weikum for speaking at the Senior Center meeting.
Councilor Schroeder – Beautify Biwabik day will be on Saturday, April 24
Councilor Licari – commented on the Orchards in the Mesabi Daily News that Mayor Weikum received for conducting good meetings. During the winter the house at 410 Main Street had a flag pole knocked down by public works will cleaning the sidewalks. Administrator Jacobson will look into this.
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Councilor Jackson – discussed the manholes on Main Street that need to be raised and should be addressed soon. Getting rid of scrap equipment. Administrator Jacobson will meet with Public Works Director Bertram.
Mayor Weikum – as Director of the Arrowhead Library System informed the council and audience about a free bus tour to the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul to see the Minnesota Greatest Generation Exhibit on Saturday, April 24, 2010. Funding is through the Arrowhead Library System.
Mayor Weikum declared a closed session at 7:07 p.m. for the purpose of contract negotiations.
Mayor Weikum calls the closed session to order at 7:14 p.m.
7:48 reconvened the regular meeting.
Moved by Councilor Schroeder, supported by Councilor Licari to hold a special meeting on Friday, April 16, 2010 at 8 a.m. for the purpose of liquor license approval for Amber Flow if everything is in place and to discuss the sanitary sewer project with the City Engineer and to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Motion carried on a 4 – ayes, 0 – nays, 1 – absent vote.
Jim Weikum, Mayor
Jeff Jacobson, City Administrator