Research Packet
Your Invaluable Researching Resource
Mrs. Staffen’s CP Eng I Research Paper
You will be writing about a person who made a positive impact on the 20th century. The main focus should be on the contribution.
900 words, approximately 3-31/2 pages.
Times New Roman or Arial Narrow 12 point font
Double spaced
Top left corner should have your name, Teacher’s name, class level- period, and date
Required Sources: (Each needs 1 bibliography card and at least 2 note cards)
- 2 reference books
- 3 other book sources (articles, databases, reference, fiction)
- 3 online sources (these must be reputable!)
* Although I am requiring you to have sources in all these areas you may not choose to use all of them in your paper. You do have to have at least three sources in your paper, but no more is required.
The grades for your research paper are coming from different areas at different times. You will be graded on
Topic Approval5 points
Bibliography Cards 4 points each (32 points)
Note Cards 2 points each (16 points)
Thesis Statement 15 points
Outline Research Report Sheet 10 points
Rough Draft 20 points
Peer editing 15 points
Works Cited Page (include 4 sources in paper)20 points
Final Draft 60 points
GRAND TOTAL:193 points
You need to pay careful attention in class and write down the due dates for various checks and to see that you are progressing throughout rather than procrastinating on your paper.
During your time in the library, you will turn in at least two bibliography and four note cards per day.
Finally, LISTEN! I am here as a valuable tool for you to use. I will read drafts, offer advice and guidance, as well as just inform you of how to research in the most effective ways. I am here for you and you need to start taking advantage of the help.
Bibliography Help Sheet:
One Author-
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, State: Publishing Company, Copyright date.
Editor’s Last Name, First Name, ed. (just like that)Title of Book. City of Publication, State: Publishing Company, Copyright date.
*Two to three authors or editors- simply add another author at the beginning. The second author’s name will be written first name and last name. (for more than one editor, change ed. to eds.)
*More than three authors or editors- you choose- either add them all, in the order they appear on the title page, or type in the first name and put et al. (just like that)
Anthology: (a work by several authors with one or more editors) if you don’t know- ASK!
Author of the article you are looking at Last Name, First Name. “Title of the article”. Title of the book. Ed. (editor) First name Last name. Place of publication: publishing Company, Copyright date. Page numbers (in your section).
No Author-
“What you looked up.” Name of Encyclopedia (full name). Copyright date ed. (ed. just like that)
With Author-
Author of Entry’s Last Name, First Name. “What You Looked Up.” Name of Encyclopedia(full name). Copyright date ed. (ed. just like that)
Article: magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, newspaper
No Author-
“Title of Article.” Title of Magazine. Day Month (abbreviated). Year: page numbers.
With Author-
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine [City] Day Month (abbreviated). Year: page numbers.
*Same rules for magazine with more than one author as in books- see books-
Internet: these are the basic components:
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article or website.” Title of Magazine, Journal, Newsletter, Book, Encyclopedia, or Project. Ed. Editor. Indicate type of material (advertisement, cartoon, photograph, posting, other). Date of Article (Day Month year). Group or sponsor. Access Date (Day Month Year). <Complete URL>.
*If you can’t find some of the material listed, simply move on to the next item on the citation.
Research Focus Sheets Name:______
You need to read the prompt carefully and undertake a little preliminary research in order to begin your paper.
Before you begin on the research paper, it is important to get focused. You need to select a person who fits the criteria of the paper.
Person of choice:______
Their Impact:______
Now please answer the following question:
Why do you want to research or pursue this person?
Background Information Sheet
Naturally, part of the research paper will be describing the person.
Now, please answer the following question in at least 100 words:
How would you describe this person’s life before their achievement?
Reason for beginning contribution Sheet
Now that you have researched the background information, please answer the following question in at least 150 words:
What lead the person you are researching to create the impact he or she is known for?
Contribution Specifics Sheet
Now that you have described the way the impact was started, you can get more specific. Please answer the following question in at least 200 words:
What is the impact they had? (be very specific)
Opportunities Sheet:
Now that you have researched the specifics of the impact, please answer the following question in at least 150 words:
What opportunities has the impact created? What kind of positive effect has it had?
Personal Reaction Sheet
Now that you have researched the impact, please answer the following question in one paragraph of at least 100 words:
Why does it matter to you? What can you learn or take from what this person has done?
Writer's Name: ______
Editor's Name: ______
-Exchange papers and read them carefully.
-Correct any grammatical errors as you read the essay.
-Complete the worksheet below. Avoid "yes" or "no" answers to the following questions; instead, make specific suggestions that will help your partner revise the paper effectively.
-Once the worksheets have been shared and discussed with your partner rethink what changes to make to your essay.
What is the topic of the paper?
Has the writer addressed the topic? Why or why not?
What do you think of the essay's title? If it's too general or bland, or if there isn't one, suggest a good one.
Is the introduction interesting? Why or why not?
What is the thesis statement? (Write it down) Is it effectively stated?
Write down the answers to the following questions. If the writer did not put them in the paper – write NOT AVAILABLE.
1. Why did they want to research this person?
2. How much time did they spend on background information on this person?
3. What are some of the interesting things you found out about their contribution?
4. Did the writer use any quotes from or about the person or contribution? If so, mention your favorite.
5. Has the writer used effective sources (i.e. to support, illustrate points made)? Where can support (quotes, examples, facts, figures, etc.) be added? Where does the writer need to explain the supporting details more clearly?
6. Are the details incorporated smoothly (and correctly) and explained so that the point or relevance is clear?
7. Has the writer provided a works cited list and used correct documentation conventions?
Mark any references that are not documented properly. (Yes or no below)
8. What is the best part of the essay? Why?
9. What is the weakest part? Why?
List THREE things you liked the best about this paper and WHY.
What are THREE things you would consider revising and WHY.
Does the conclusion reaffirm the thesis and discuss the significance of this topic? Does it end effectively?