1. Call to Order
  1. Roll Call

Name / Attendance / Proxy
Tim Perry– President / x
Amy Guilfoyle– Past President / x
Ryan Goldman – Vice President / x
Elva Peppers– Treasurer / x
Hannah Rowe – Secretary / x
Bruce Hasbrouck – Parliamentarian / X
Teri Hasbrouck – Administrator / x
Hannah Rowe – Central Chapter / x
Stan Stokes – Northeast Chapter / -
Ashley Jansen– Northwest Chapter / -
John Abbott – South Chapter / x
AriellePoulos –Southwest Chapter / x
Echo Gates –Tallahassee Chapter / x
Tina Fritz – Tampa Bay Chapter / -
Susan Mason– Treasure Coast Chapter / x
Todd Hodgson – At Large Member / x
Elva Peppers – At Large Member / x
Tom Mullin – At Large Member / X
Jill King – At Large Member / -

Need 9 for a quorum

  1. Approve FebruaryMeeting Minutes

Ryan moves to approve the February minutes, and Todd seconds. Susan abstains. No opposed. All aye. Motion passes.

  1. Past-President’s Report

Bruce filed the taxes these week. Amy signed them.

  1. VP’s Report

Nothing to report.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Bank United balance 25,492.10

Wells Fargo 20,244.29

Income- 4,680.00

Expenses 5214.16 with normal expenses except $614.50 which was NAEP conference travel expense.

Upcoming expense is for hotel bill for $665.68, which is not paid yet.

  1. Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report.

  1. Administrator’s Report

FAEP currently has 801 members; as ofFebruary 28th. This month we had 61 new and renewing members and only 3 expired renewals.Our current NAEP membership is 54.Our highest membership numbers were 957 in March 2014. Last month the SW Chapter added the most new members, with 6.

Friday is the deadline for newsletter articles.

  1. President’s Report

a.April Calendar –Chapter reps - Please send your events to Tim. Let Tim know if you would like to sponsor the calendar for $50?

b.Membership Drive Reminder - FAEP provides a $20 gift card per local chapter Board member and $100 for a gift giveaway for the local chapter membership drive to be held March 15 – May 15, 2018, to the chapter that brings in the most % of new and renewing members.

c.NAEP Update

Tim went to the conference and board meeting. The conference well attended, by over 400 people. He will provide info to John and Ryan.

  1. NEPA Policy & Legislative Update Webinar, 4/11/18, 3-4:30 EST
  2. Branding Process – NAEP are going through a rebranding process, which includes working on new logo and tagline. Tim will be monitoring their progress and will share it with the board as it may apply to us at a state and local level.
  1. Old Business

a.2018 Conference– Central chapter are moving along with the conference planning. Their website is being updated with information, as it becomes available. Sponsorship information has been released, along with the hotel reservation information. Call for abstracts and conference registration will be available soon!

b.2019 Conference – TBAEP voted to host. Request approval to move forward with contract. Susan makes a motion, seconded by Ryan. No opposed. All aye. Motion passes.

c.Committee Volunteers Needed – Please let Tim know if you can help out!

  1. Events,
  2. Memberships,
  3. Sponsorship,
  4. Finance
  5. Conference - Tim
  1. New Business

a.Educational / Training Program for FAEP members – Florida Wetland Delineation Workshop, Gainesville, Discount for FAEP Members -

Susan asked if the info can be shared. TBAEP used to have a similar partnership for a wetland course. Was always very successful. Popular, and made money.

Bruce will ask for more information and request they sponsor our calendar email.

b.New Board Goals

  1. Encourage each chapter to hold one “Women in STEM” event each year?
  1. Board Goals

a.Beacon Publication and Articles Goal – 2 articles per chapter per year – The deadline is at the end of the week. FAEP are looking for newsletter sponsors – we are down compared to previous years.

b.Goal – 860 – Membership drive on-going. Tallahassee are offering a prize either way.

c.New Website – Teri reached out to memberclicks. They have a new platform. If we decide to migrate, we would get a new webpage with a fresher look. The cost per year would increase by approx. $500/yr. It may be the most efficient and cost effective way to get a new website.

d.Educational / Training Program for FAEP members; Multiple locations around the state; Possibly paid presenter; Possible topics - Phase 1 training, soils, regional botany, UMAM?

  1. Chapter Discussions(as time permits).

a.Tallahassee – Echo Gates– March the 29ththere will be a luncheon at The Edison; Cascades Park. Professional speaker on communication skills.

b.Tampa Bay –Bruce – TBAEP had a low attendance this month, they think due to non-technical program. The lesson learned is that technical topics benefit members the most and are better attended. They had a pop-up membership drive at the luncheon w/half price membership. They are still looking to confirm who will be the 2019 FAEP conference chair. April 29th is their next social and 18thApril will be a luncheon.

c.Treasure Coast – Susan Mason- Fun run walk at one of the natural sites in Palm Beach County. In April there will be panel discussion on marine debris – date TBC.

d.Central – Todd Hodgson – 45 attended our February social on the 15th. Luncheon coming up 19th April will be the Sable transmission line talking about progress. CFAEP are excited to announce our charity golf tournament with TBAEP – May 18th. Harbor Hills – Lakeland.

e.Northeast – Stan Stokes – No update.

f.Northwest – Chasidy Fisher Hobbs – No update.

g.Southwest – Arielle Poulos – On April 7thSW team up with marine aquariums for the run for the sea turtle at Siesta Key. They are sponsoring research day – awarding $300 each to the best undergrad and masters posters.

h.South –John Abbott – They just hosted their annual symposium on March 16th, with14 speakers and 72 attendees at Nova Southeastern University. April events are still TBC – they will likely do something for the Bonanza on April 21st and will host another cleanup on sandspur soon.

  1. Upcoming Meeting– May 23
  2. Review Action Items (if any)
  1. Adjournment