Appendix A1:

A1.1ScalA Application

The ScalA-analysis is generally made based on project information provided by the user by filling in several checklists. For a proper assessment, the tool requires access to detailed information on the project approach, agricultural practices in use, the ecological, economic and social framework conditions, the implementing organization etc. The application of the ScalA tool requires a priori collection of all relevant data, figures and any other documents. All relevant experts and stakeholders for the focus group should be contacted and informed of the upcoming evaluation. Once all information has been assembled the tool can be accessed via a CD and the user can begin evaluating a project. The user goes through step 1-8 to arrive at the final results page, which shows the total deviation. Once the deviation for the project is known the evaluating organization can choose to test the recommendations in the field. An important part of the ScalA application is the dissemination and monitoring of field results into a feedback loop (see figure A1).


A1.2. Evaluation of Steps 1 to 8

The ScalA tool applies a simple, dynamic algorithm to facilitate the selection to CRSApractices that are to be scaled up. The first 5 steps are a series of questions to determine sustainability and climate resilience capacity. Each of the steps is composed of sub questions on various related indicators, the answers to which are either a “yes” or a “no”. A score of 1 is indicated by “yes” and 0 for “no”. Depending on the number of sub-categories that are fulfilled (“yes” responses), the potential of the project is classified as “low”, “medium”, “high” and “failed” (See details in table 1). Once all 5 steps have been evaluated, these results are compiled in step 6. The combinations of “low”, “medium”, “high” and “failed” from the first 5 steps determines here if the project is sustainable and climate responsive or not. Step 7 is applied to determine the importance of each factor to a given project by assigning a relevance rate (weighing) between 0-3. The number 3 indicates high significance and 0 indicates non-relevance

Figure A1: Procedure for the application of ScalA tool