BIENVENIDOS a la clase de
Español II
Señor Ekker
Course: Spanish II
Prerequisite: Spanish I or Teacher Recommendation
Textbook: “Realidades” Textbook (Classroom Set and Online Text)
Materials: It is highly recommended that all students have a 3 ring binder due to the amount of handouts given throughout the year.
Course Scope: This one-year course is designed to continue the development of proficiency introduced in Spanish I. The focus is communication in Spanish, incorporating further understanding of Hispanic cultures, connecting with other disciplines, comparing native language to Spanish, and participating in multicultural communities. Knowledge of basic structures and vocabulary will be reviewed and expanded to allow the student to communicate at the intermediate level in real life situations.
Course Goals:
To expand the ability to converse in Spanish using accurate pronunciation.
To increase oral comprehension and understanding of reading selections.
To present information to an audience.
To appraise the relationships among the practices, products, and perspectives of the diverse Hispanic cultures.
To further connect knowledge of Spanish with other disciplines.
To explain the distinctive viewpoints of other cultures.
To continue the comparison of the Spanish and English languages.
To relate Hispanic cultures to individual ethnic backgrounds.
To extend the use of the Spanish language both within and beyond the school setting.
To value the study of the Spanish language for personal enrichment.
Course Outline:
Quarter 1: Para Empezar, Units 1 & 2
Quarter 2: Units 3 & 4
Quarter 3: Units 5 & 6
Quarter 4: Unit 7
Quarterly Projects: TBA
** Each Unit takes on average 4 weeks to complete
Class work: Class work is a vital component of your foreign language instruction. Each class will begin with a “Warm-Up”. These will be collected every day. Upon entering the classroom and taking your seats, you will begin the activity. Class work will also include a variety of written and oral work and will be both group and individual. Some of this work will be collected, others will not. Points will be given not only for correct answers but also on a students’ effort or attempt. Spelling is an important aspect of language learning and will be graded accordingly.
Homework: Homework is a crucial aspect of foreign language learning. Homework is provided as an opportunity for students to practice concepts learned in class. Students will receive homework 2-3 times a week and it will be checked or collected regularly. Students will receive full credit depending on completeness of the assignment. Homework “quizzes” will also be given on a weekly basis to check for comprehension. Students will receive a schedule with their homework and it will also be posted on my website. Be sure to check for any changes. Homework will only be accepted for full credit on the day it is due. Late homework will be accepted at teacher discretion and will comply with Bob Miller’s policies. If you are absent, you have up until 5 days to the end of the quarter to complete the assignments for full credit or it becomes a “O”. Check the baskets for any worksheets you may have missed. If you miss a test/quiz, you will be expected to schedule a make-up before the deadline given. Special circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Retake/Redo: I believe in a growth mindset and that students should be allowed to redo quizzes and homework. If a student scores below a 80% on a quiz they may opt to redo the quiz. If they score below an 80% on homework/classwork they may redo it also.
Participation: Students are expected to speak in the target language on a daily basis. You will receive “puntos” for volunteering homework answers, reading aloud, participating in the warm-up, etc… I will keep track of you points and you will be given a participation grade every other week based on the class average. You may ask after class to see how many points you have earned.
Students will also need to watch 1 hour of Spanish programming every 3 weeks. Students will receive a viewing form where they will write a summary in English as well as documenting a minimum of 5 new vocabulary words. Students can divide the programming into lesser intervals of time as long as it totals 1 hour. This assignment is worth 10 participation points.
Extra Credit: The Foreign Language Department does not offer extra credit assignments. However, at the beginning of the year, students that completed the summer work we have the option of an opt out grade. If they do poorly on an assignment they can use that summer work as a full credit assignment.
*Students that participate in the foreign language fair may receive extra credit at teacher discretion.
Evaluation and Grading System: Students will be assessed in a variety of ways such as tests/quizzes both oral and written, homework, skits, group work, class work and participation. Quizzes, both announced and unannounced are given on a weekly basis and tests are given approximately every four weeks. Points are assigned to each assignment based on the material and time spent. When projects are given, they will either receive a quiz or test weight depending on the size of the project, work necessary to complete the project and the quality of the project. For every day a project is late, 25% of the final grade will be deducted. After the 4th day, projects will no longer be accepted and a grade of “0” will be given. If you are absent on the day a project is due, your project will be due on the day you return to class. Absences must be excused in order to receive full credit. Quarter grades will be determined using the following scale:
Grading SystemGrading Scale
90-100 ATests/Projects (Written/Oral)35%
80-89 BQuizzes(Written/Oral)25%
70-79 CHomework/Classwork20%
60-69 DDaily Activities10%
0-59 FParticipation10%
** Midterm and Final Exams are worth 20% of your semester grade.
Summative assignemnts/assessments are 60% of the grade.
Formative assignments/assessments are 4-% of the grade.
State Honor Code:
There is a clear expectation that all students will perform academic tasks with honor and integrity, with the support of parents, staff, faculty, administration, and the community. The learning process requiresstudents to thinks, process, organize and create their own ideas. Throughout this process, students gainknowledge, self-respect, and ownership in the work that they do. These qualities provide a solid foundationfor life skills, impacting people positively throughout their lives. Cheating and plagiarism violate thefundamental learning process or compromise personal integrity and one’s honor. Students demonstrateacademic honesty and integrity by not cheating, plagiarizing or using information unethically in any way. Examples of this specialized for this course includes, but are not limited to: looking at someone else’spaper during any form of assessment, using an online translator on written assignments, copying anotherclassmate’s assignment.
Cheating: Students caught cheating or assisting another student cheat will automatically receive a ZERO for the assignment, quiz, test, etc. Also, a referral will be sent to the dean. The student make take the exam or quiz for full credit but will have to do a different exam.
Regular attendance is essential to the success in the study of a foreign language. Comprehensible input must be heard on a regular basis in order to gain oral language skills. The Coronado High SchoolAttendance Policy will be enforced and any student with more than 10 unapproved absences will loseacademic credit for the semester.
All students should be in class on time. A student who is more than 20 minutes late will be counted absent.School policy regarding the consequences for each tardy will be followed. Students who are tardy will notbe allowed to make up work missed at the beginning of class unless the tardy is excused.
Progressive Discipline Plan:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Loss of Participation Points
3. Class Detention
4. Phone Call / Email Home
5. Referral to Counselor
6. Referral to Dean
****Serious offenses may result in more immediate action.
Classroom Procedures:
Be on Time to Class. (Refer to Student Handbook for Consequences.)
Be prepared for class.
Gum, food, and beverages are not permitted in the classroom at any time.
All work to be turned or checked must be legible and include the student name, date and class period.
Mobile devices are only allowed in class with teacher permission for specific assignments. If I see them they will be confiscated and turned in to the Dean’s office.
Citizenship Policy:
CATEGORY / Outstanding(4) / Satisfactory
(3) / Needs Improvement
(2) / Unsatisfactory
Engagement / Consistently involved in class activities; contributes to overall learning process; collaborates with others and/or the teacher. / Engages in class activities, but may have to be encouraged; works with others or groups, but may not initiate collaboration. / Does not engage in class activities; rarely demonstrates initiative and may occasionally disengage from class. / Consistently uninvolved in class activities. Adamant refusal to work.
Preparation / Consistently prepared with materials; work is on time and may go beyond expectations. / Student has materials and submits work in a timely fashion and as expected. / Student may have had multiple instances of being unprepared, late work, or not completed as requested. / Consistently unprepared for class. Does not submit work on time or at all.
Behavior / Consistently respectful of both classmates and adults; Takes responsibility for individual actions; Consistently complies with school and classroom expectations. / Respectful to both peers and adults. Occasionally accepts personal responsibility. Mostly complies with school and classroom expectations. / Disruptive to others. Argumentative and defensive. Disregard for school district or class expectations. / Consistent disrespect to classmates or adults. Regularly disruptive to learning process and violation of school or class expectations. Plagiarism.
***Students that are caught cheating will automatically receive an “S” or lower.
Student citizenship grades are reported as follows
O = Outstanding
S = Satisfactory citizenship
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory citizenship
Student grades are posted on-line and updated weekly. Please feel free to contact me at either of the below with any questions:
voice mail: 702-799-2260
Click on the full link to fill out your electronic signature sheet for a homework grade.