Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia

Emergency Management Department

Unit for Investigation of Railway Accidents

Annual report of railway accidents investigated in 2005



Paldiski level crossing

AS Eesti Raudtee infrastructure


The responsibility for investigation of railway traffic accidents and railway incidents has been placed on the investigation unit established in the Emergency Management Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia. The unit is independent in its decisions related to investigation. The investigation unit is obligated to investigate first and second level railway accidents and they have a right to decide whether to investigate a railway accident, railway incident or accident to persons caused by rolling stock.

First level railway accidents are traffic accidents on railway, which have caused at least an extensive fire, significant pollution of environment, one or more casualties (except in the case of accidents caused by rolling stock to persons, who were on rail tracks and which had not led to other consequences), or interruption of railway traffic for more than 24 hours.

Second level railway accidents are collisions of passenger or freight trains with other trains or other rolling stock, motor vehicles or objects located in the railway structure gauge which render the rolling stock unfit for use. Second level accidents are also derailment of rolling stock of train and ignoring of prohibiting crossing traffic lights by rolling stock if it leads to immediate danger of collision with another train or another type of rolling stock.

This annual report will give an overview of the railway accidents which were investigated in 2005, and will compare, analyse and summarise the causes and circumstances of accidents.

The annual report will present the investigated accidents broken down by owners of railway infrastructure as well as by owners of rolling stock, give an overview of the casualties. The material loss which had resulted from the accidents will be considered in relation to other factors characterising the accident. The report will systematisethe proposals made in investigation reports for further improvement of railway traffic safety.

  1. Overview of accidents investigated in the year 2005

Three railway traffic accidents happened at the end of December 2004. The investigations started in 2004, but were not completed by the end of the year. Relevant information on the accidents will be presented in the following table:

Accidents of which investigation started in 2004

Table 1

Owner of rolling stock / infrastructure / Open track / Site of accident / Date and time of accident / Description of accident / Accident by severity
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Tootsi – Lelle open track / Lelle level crossing, km 73,4 / 16.12.2004
08.22 / Collision of Audi-100 car with passenger train no. 0230 / Level I
Põlevkivi Raudtee/ Põlevkivi Raudtee / Viru – Kohtla-Järve open track / Level crossing no. 16 / 22.12.2004
11.40 / Collision of trolley travelling as train no. 5102 with Hyundai minibus / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Võhma – Viljandi open track / Pärsti level crossing, km 73 / 23.12.2004
11.27 / Collision of Volkswagen-Transporter with passenger train no. 0241 / Level I

In 2005 we had all in all 26 railway accidents. Investigation was completed for 24 accidents. Relevant information on the accidents will be presented in the following table:

Accidents of which investigation was conducted and completed in 2005

Table 2

Owner of rolling stock/ infrastructure / Place name or open track / Site of accident / Date and time of accident / Description of accident / Accident by severity
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Elektriraudtee/Eesti Raudtee / Paldiski – Klooga open track / Paldiski level crossing, 18,091 km / 30.01.2005
09.11 / Collision of passenger train no. 0520 with Ford Sierra car / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Türi – Lelle open track / Käru level crossing 9,054 km / 31.01.2005
11.10 / Collision of trolley travelling as train no. 5104 with Fiat car / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Lagedi – Raasiku open track / Tuulevälja level crossing 121,284 km / 07.02.2005
12.25 / Collision of freight train no. 2023 with Mercedes Benz car / Level II
Maardu Raudtee/ Milstrand / Harutee Viimsi – Maardu station / Pärnamäe Road level crossing 18,907 km / 09.02.2005
14.40 / Collision of freight train with KAMAZ truck / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/Eesti Raudtee / Jõhvi – Oru open track / Toila level crossing
271,46 km / 08.03.2005
16.11 / Collision of freight train no.3106 with semi-trailer IVECO truck / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Liiva – Tallinn-Väike open track / Järvevana level crossing
5,17 km / 13.03.2005
08.45 / Collision of passenger train no. 0042 with Fiat Brava and Volkswagen Passat cars / Level II
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Edelaraudtee / Liiva – Kiisa open track / Männiku level crossing
14,599 km / 17.03.2005
14.03 / Collision of passenger train no. 0235 with Nissan car / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/
Eesti Raudtee / Rakke – Vägeva open track / Vägeva level crossing
359,001 km / 19.03.2005
12.04 / Collision of freight train no. 1726 with Sisu truck / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / 4. km blockpost – Ülemiste open track / Soodevahe level crossing
3,934 km / 23.03.2005
17.20 / Collision of double locomotive travelling as train no. 4073 with DAF-type truck / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Liiva – Ülemiste open track / Järvevana level crossing
1,697 km / 21.05.2005
01.34 / Collision of freight train no. 3474P with Peugeot Boxer van / Level II
Elektriraudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Between Klooga station and – Kloogaranna stopping point / Kloogaranna level crossing
2,493 km / 22.05.2005
19.35 / Collision of passenger train no. 0553 with Peugeot car / Level II
Maardu Raudtee/ Milstrand / Harutee Viimsi – Maardu station / Pärnamäe tee level crossing
8+301,2 km / 07.06.2005
14.25 / Collision of freight train with Renault truck / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Võhma – Viljandi open track / Sürgavere level crossing
63,863 km / 20.06.2005
11.13 / Collision of passenger train no. 0241 with Ford Sierra car / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Pärnu – Tootsi open track / Suigu level crossing
120,006 km / 28.06.2005
07.33 / Collision of passenger train no. 0230 with Volvo truck / Level II
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Põlevkivi Raudtee/ Põlevkivi Raudtee / Viivikonna – Ahtme open track / Metsa level crossing no.48
46+70 picket / 14.07.2005
14.53 / Collision of freight train no. 3906 with KAMAZ truck / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Edelaraudtee / Võhma – Viljandi open track / Sürgavere level crossing
63,863 km / 17.07.2005
16.05 / Collision of passenger train no. 0242 with Volkswagen Golf car / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Tartu – Kärkna open track / Tiksoja level crossing
423,631 km / 02.08.2005
19.52 / Collision of freight train no. 2402 with Peugeot Boxer van / Level II
Elektriraudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Valingu – 89 km post / Valingu level crossing
81,183 km / 06.08.2005
07.20 / Collision of passenger train no. 0503 with Audi car / Level II
Edelaraudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Tallinn-Baltic station / Tallinn-Baltic station
Track no.1 / 10.08.2005
06.05 / Derailment of passenger train no. 9060 with one wheelset / Level II
Põlevkivi Raudtee/ Põlevkivi Raudtee / Kohtla-Järve Viru open track / Ereda level crossing no.19
128 picket / 13.08.2005
11.50 / Collision of locomotive travelling as train no. 4301 with Volvo truck / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Tabivere – Kaarepere open track / Ausi level crossing
394,261 km / 14.08.2005
11.19 / Collision of freight train no. 2503 with Peugeot-Partner Combi / Level II
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Maardu – Muuga open track / Maardu level crossing
8,853 km / 16.09.2005
21.37 / Collision of locomotive travelling as train no. 4213 with Suzuki Jimny car / Level II
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Eesti Raudtee/ Eesti Raudtee / Narva station / Narva station
Switch no.4 / 05.10.2005
20.55 / Derailment of freight train no. 2240 with three wheelsets / Level II
Põlevkivi Raudtee/ Põlevkivi Raudtee / Viru – Kohtla-Järve open track / Level crossing no.17
186 picket / 25.11.2005
08.50 / Collision of trolley travelling as train no. 5102 with Ford Mondeo car / Level II

There were no accidents in April. The periods with the largest number of accidents were March and August, both with five accidents.

Of the 27 accidents investigated in 2005 two had more severe consequences, i.e. they were first level accidents. According to their level of severity, the rest of the accidents were second level accidents. Both of the more severe accidents happened before Christmas of 2004.

In the period under examination two railway accidents happened to rolling stock belonging to Maardu Raudtee AS at the same Pärnamäe Road level crossing in the infrastructure of AS Milstrand. The rolling stock of the same company, Maardu Raudtee AS, collided with other means of transport at two different level crossings, Järvevana Road and Sürgavere, in the infrastructure of Edelaraudtee AS.

The investigation of the two accidents, which happened in the last month of the year, has started, but the writing of the investigation report will be completed in 2006. The accidents will be characterised in the following table:

Accidents of which investigation was not completed in 2005

Table 3

Owner of rolling stock/ infrastructure / Place name or open track / Site of accident / Date and time of accident / Description of accident / Accident by severity
GoGroup/ Eesti Raudtee / Jõhvi – Oru open track / Toila level crossing
271,461 km / 20.12.2005
19.38 / Collision of passenger train no. 0004 with Scania trailer truck / Level II
Maardu Raudtee/ Milstrand / Branch railway Viimsi – Maardu station / Pärnamäe Road level crossing
8+301,2 km / 27.12.2005
12.29 / Collision of freight train with Scania truck / Level II
  1. Descriptions of investigated accidents

Lelle level crossing on 16.12.2004

A car collided with the Pärnu – Tallinn passenger train at automatically unregulated Lelle level crossing at 08.22. This was a first level railway accident.

The Audi car ran into the first right bogie of the diesel train in the driving direction. The second wheelset of the bogie was thrown off the rail tracks as a result if impact.

A car passenger, who was hurt in the accident, died later in the hospital. The driver was seriously injured and also the two children, who were in the car, were injured.

The railway infrastructure, diesel train and car were damaged in the accident.

The driver had not used appropriate speed on the slippery road and had not stopped before the traffic sign 222 “Stop and give way” to give way to the train.

In order to improve railway traffic safety it was suggested to consider the possibility of installing crossing traffic lights at the level crossing and to make amendments to legal acts concerning automatic regulation of level crossings. It was decided to analyse fitting of level crossings with different traffic control devices in more detail.

Level crossing no. 16 on 22.12.2004

A trolley travelling as a train collided with a Hyundai minibus at level crossing no.16 at 11.40. The minibus had made a turn to the right immediately before the level crossing. The driver had not reacted to flashing prohibiting lights and had driven to the rail tracks and collided with the trolley which had arrived at the level crossing. The warning time did not correspond to the time indicated in documents. The trolley was manned with the locomotive crew of only one person and that was against regulations.

People were not injured. The minibus was damaged. The rolling stock and infrastructure did not suffer.

In order to improve railway traffic safety the railway undertaking was proposed to implement the provisions of legal acts on manning the locomotive crews with one-man crews, to regulate the warning timeto meet the passport information of the level crossing. In addition to numerical symbols it was proposed to use names for level crossings, to review specification data of the level crossing and to evaluate the fitting of level crossing with necessary devices.

Pärsti level crossing on 23.12.2004

The passenger train no. 0241 and a Volkswagen-Transporter minibus collided at automatically unregulated Pärsti level crossing at 11.27.

The minibus was thrown off the road as a result of collision, rolled over and stopped on its roof. The driver died as a result of the accident.

The driver of the minibus and the locomotive driverof the approaching train could have noticed each other at the distance of approximately 350 m. The driver had not noticed the train before the train gave an additional whistle signal. After the whistle signal the driver started to stop the minibus. The road was slippery and the driver was unable to stop the minibus before the traffic sign 222 “Stop and give way”.

In order to improve railway traffic safety it was recommended to fit the level crossing with additional traffic control devices and to do de-icing.

Paldiski level crossing on 30.01.2005

At 09.11 a Ford Sierra car ran into the side of the second bogie of the leading car of a passenger train at Paldiski level crossing.

The crew of the electric train did not notice the side collision and continued their journey. The movement of train caused visible turbulence in its immediate vicinity because of soft snow. The driver and the car suffered in the collision. The damages of the rolling stock were insignificant.

The locomotive crew could not get transmission connection by radio communication. The proposals were mainly concerned with the compliance of radio communication equipment with the current legislation in Estonia and making amendments to the user instructions of the means of communication, also winter maintenance work at level crossings.

Käru level crossing on 31.01.2005

A trolley travelling as train TKA6-06 collided with a Fiat car at unregulated Käru level crossing at 11.10.

After accident the trolley was standing on the rail tracks, but the Fiat was thrown to the right, into the railside ditch in the driving direction of the trolley. The trolley did not suffer any serious damages. The car suffered damages and the driver suffered light injuries.

The driver had stopped the car four metres before the traffic sign 222 “Stop and give way”, but the building of Käru railway station blocked his range of vision and limited the vision to the right. The driver could not see exactly what happened on the railway. He started driving and then noticed the rolling stock approaching from the right. The driver braked the car, but because of slippery road the car ran to the rails where the engine stopped. Despite the attempts made by the driver he could not free the tracks. The rear part of the car collided with the trolley and the car was thrown into the ditch. The trolley was manned with the locomotive crew of only one person and that was against regulations.

In order to improve railway traffic safety it was proposed to reconsider the location of the traffic sign “Stop and give way” and to use the provisions of legal acts on manning the locomotive crews of trolley with one-man crews.

Tuulevälja level crossing on 07.02.2005

A freight train collided with a Mercedes Benz car at automatically unregulated Tuulevälja level crossing at 12.25.

The Tuulevälja level crossing is crossed by double-track railway.

The driver suffered light injuries in the accident. The rolling stock did not suffer any serious damages as a result of the accident. The Mercedes Benz got more severe damages.

The level crossing was not equipped with the warning sign 112 “Level crossing without barrier”, which could have warned the driver of approaching the level crossing in advance. After noticing the train the driver did not manage to stop his car before reaching the structure gauge of the train on the slippery road.

In order to improve railway traffic safety it was recommended to fit the level crossing with additional traffic control devices and do de-icing in the vicinity of the level crossing.

Pärnamäe Road level crossing on 09.02.2005

A railway traffic accident happened at unregulated Pärnamäe Road level crossing at 14.40. Locomotive TEM-7, which was pulling a freight train, and a KAMAZ truck collided.

The KAMAZ truck had stopped at the level crossing before the sign 222 “Stop and give way”. The driver was in his cab on the left and his visibility to the right, where the train was approaching, was blocked by the walls of the cab. The road and the rail tracks formed a sharp angle in the direction from which the train was approaching and that additionally reduced visibility. The car started driving, reached the rail tracks, even almost managed to cross it when the locomotive at the head of the train rammed it. The damages were just small dents. The car stopped after collision at the distance of approximately five metres from the locomotive. People were not hurt.

In order to improve railway traffic safety it was recommended to fix the level crossing with additional traffic control devices, to identify the characteristics of crossing, to amend and specify internal normative documents of the railway undertaking. It was proposed to specify and lay down the principles of railway traffic organisation at sidings in legal acts.

Toila level crossing on 08.03.2005

At 16.11 a freight train collided with an IVECO 440 E42 semi-trailer truck at Toila level crossing which is without automatic signalling system.

The IVECO-type semi-trailer truck was approaching the level crossing along a road covered with hard-packed snow. The driver started to brake at the traffic sign 112 “Level crossing without barrier”, but because of slippery road he could not stop before the sign 222 “Stop and give way”. The driver, who had a 25-year driving experience, turned the truck towards the right shoulder, but it was also slippery. The first left corner of the cab and the first left corner of the semi-trailer collided with the rear of the locomotive. After impact the semi-trailer of the truck was thrown off the road, parallel to the train, in the direction of the movement of train. The load fell off the semi-trailer.

Considering the intensity of traffic it was recommended to fix the level crossing with crossing traffic lights and carry out winter maintenance of the level crossing.