Teaching ObservationReport

Observation completed by (your name): ______Date of observation: ______

Instructor observed: ______Course Name: ______

Number of students present: ______Is this course a requisite for most of its students? ______

Student level (circle all that apply): graduate students, undergrads, majors, non-majors

Purpose: The purpose of this classroom observation is (1) to examine what we have learned from the workshops in regards to someone else’s teaching, and (2) to improve our teaching performance by applying what we learn to our own teaching practice.


  1. The observer should gain the instructor’s approval several days in advance of the observation.
  2. Before conducting the observation, the observer should familiarize himself/herself with the points below, and be prepared to take notes on these during the observation.
  3. Arrive early and remain in the classroom for the full class period in order to complete the observation.
  4. After the observation, the observer should meet with the instructor to discuss observations and conclusions.
  5. Finally, the observer will complete the form below by considering each item, checking the appropriate box, and commenting where necessary. Print the completed form and add it to your dossier.

TEACHING / N/A (not applicable) / Not demonstrated / Satisfactory / Outstanding
Defines objectives for the class presentation.
Effectively organizes the learning situations to meet the objectives for class presentation.
Uses instructional methods encouraging relevant student participation in the learning process.
What instructional methods were used (circle all that apply)?
Lecture / Worksheets / Drill and practice / Simulation
Demonstration / Textbook exercises / Focused imaging / Pair work, then sharing
Class discussion / Brainstorming / Guided thinking / Other: ______
Small group work / Debates / Problem solving
TEACHING / N/A (not applicable) / Not demonstrated / Satisfactory / Outstanding
Uses class time effectively.
Demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Communicates clearly and effectively to the level of the students.
Uses visual aids effectively.
What visual aids were used (circle all that apply)?
Writing on the board PowerPoint presentation Objects for demonstrations Handouts
Prezi presentation Video Websites Other: ______
Offers “real world” applications.
Relates the class to students’ personal goals or societal concerns.
Explains important ideas simply and clearly.
Demonstrates command of the subject matter.
What were the primary points of the subject matter of this class presentation?
Encourages student questions.
Pays attention to student cues of boredom, confusion.
Briefly describe the form and extent of student participation.
Helps quieter students interact with each other.
Specifically, what does the instructor do to encourage (or discourage) student questions?
Responds appropriately to student questions and comments.
Encourages critical thinking and analysis.
Uses students’ names.
Does not embarrass or belittle students.
Gives students eye contact.
Students seem interested, enthusiastic.
What specific suggestions would you make concerning how this particular class could have been improved?
Voice Patterns / Yes / No / Unsure
Instructor’s voice is at an effective volume.
Instructor varies his/her intonation.
It is easy to pick out the important words (prominence).
It is easy to know when the instructor changes topics.
Speaks in clearly-divided sentences (has predictable thought group division).
Instructor’s use of fillers (uh, um) is not distracting.
How / When / In what ways does the instructor use fillers?
Nonverbal Communication / Yes / No / Unsure
Instructor maintains the same look on his / her face throughout the class.
Instructor effectively uses hand gestures to support communication.
Instructor does not block visual aids with his / her body.
Instructor stays in the same place throughout the class.
Other comments on nonverbal communication:
Personal Interview Questions: In the 3 boxes below, write questions that are of importance to you, personally. These could be field-specific questions, teaching tips questions, cultural questions, or whatever else is of use to you. Afterwards, type the instructor’s answers here.
Application / Wrap Up
1. What did you learn about your own teaching style based on this observation (if you haven’t taught yet, what did you learn about teaching based on this observation)?
2. What, specifically, will you adopt into your own teaching practice (present & future) based on this observation?

Revised: 10/2012