Thursday February 12, 2015

Dinner at 5:30 Meeting at 6:00 pm CVRD Board Room


1.  Welcome and Introductions

2.  Adoption of Agenda 1

3.  Celebrating Our Cowichan Members – Cowichan Seniors Foundation

4.  Spotlight Speaker – Dale McMullen Island Health- Mental Health

5.  Delegation Speaker- Devon MacFarlane, Phil Lawrence Island Health

6.  Approval of OCCHN Minutes December 11, 2014 2-5

7.  Business arising from minutes

8.  Correspondence- Coroner’s Inquest Recommendations

9.  Reports OCCHN Committees

a.  Admin Committee – Gerry 6-11

i.  Business Arising from Admin Committee

ii.  Budget January Financial Statement and draft 2015 budget Budget Package

iii.  Membership –

1.  Welcome –Dave Ehle – Canadian Mental Health Association, Tom Walker – Municipality of North Cowichan, Bob Day –Town of Lake Cowichan, Jane Osborne- BC Community Response Network, Lori Iannidinardo CVRD Cowichan Bay, Allison Nicholson CVRD Glenora Sahtlam

b.  Granting-

c.  Asset Mapping / Data Collection

d.  Communications –

e.  Website-

10.  OCCHN Liaisons

a.  Collaborative Services Committee- no report

b.  Attachment and Integration Working Group- Melie

11.  New Business

a.  I Clicker Rental Policy 12

b.  Strategic Planning – Status to date and small group follow up- presentation from Early Years


Network Minutes

Thursday December 11, 2014 CVRD Board Room- 6:00 pm

Present: Rob Hutchins Chair, Co- chair, Denise Williams, Cindy Lise Regional Facilitator, Gerry Giles, Gus Williams, Anita McLeod, Melie De Champlain, Amy Trippe Brophy, Grant Waldman, Robert Calnan, Laura Court, Rick Juliusson, Candace Spilsbury, Val Crossley, Leslie Welin, Gretchen Hartley, Robin Routledge, Kathleen Erickson, Jane Sterk, Valorie Masuda

Regrets: Isabel Rimmer, Jane Hope, Rhoda Taylor, Jan Tatlock, Sheila Service

Absent: Bonnie Thomson,

On Leave: Jenn George, Jennifer Jones, Joanna Nielson

Guests: Denise McKinley, Aimee Sherwood, Mary Chudley

1.  Welcome and introductions.

2.  Adoption of Agenda- Moved/second Approved

3. Celebrating Our Cowichan- Grant Waldman informed the network of the many services and supports offered through the West Coast Men’s Society. These services include youth mentoring program, peer support, dad’s groups, youth circles, cooking, respect and compassion (anger management), support for new dads and more.

4. Spotlight Speaker: Mary Chudley from Patient as Partners- Voices Network walked the members through the

valuable resource that a patient voice brings to community tables, committees and initiatives. Patients as partners- patient voices is a community of BC patients, families, caregivers and others who are using their experiences to influence change in BC’s health care system. Through the network, they have the opportunity to work openly and collaboratively with health care providers and decision makers by lending their voice to important discussions around health care service delivery. There will be an orientation session in Duncan on March 5 to train new patient representatives. OCCHN members were provided with posters and information to engage potential patient voices partners.

5. Delegation: No delegation

5.  Minutes of November 13, 2014 Approved

6.  Correspondence: None

7.  Business arising from minutes –

a.  None

8.  CCHN Committee Reports:

a.  Admin Committee-

a.  Budget- November financials Approved

b.  Business Arising from Admin Committee- Consultants budget

Subject: Revision of 2014 Consultants Budget

When setting the 2014 budget a consultant for strategic planning was not anticipated. Upon reviewing the previous strategic plan it was determined that OCCHN had far surpassed its original goals and that additions to the strategic plan were required to move the network forward. Quest Consulting was hired to assist with the 2014 strategic planning.


It is requested that 3,480.75 be moved from contingency 01211 207 500 to consultants 01211 202 2330


  1. Granting: All 2014 small grants have been distributed to recipients
  2. Membership:

-  Welcome to Jane Sterk, Kathleen Erickson, Valorie Masuda

-  New representative from the Municipality of North Cowichan will be Tom Walker- City of Duncan and CVRD Representatives will be determined in January

-  Best wishes to : Anita Mcleod, John Koury and Pat Weaver who are leaving OCCNN

  1. Asset Mapping / Data Collection-

d.  Communications: No report

e.  Website-A website report was submitted – OCCHN had 15,734 visits where the viewer browsed the site. This number does not distinguish unique visitors. The busiest months were September, October and November

9.  OCCHN Liaisons

a.  Collaborative Services Committee – Robin reported on the unique structure of the Collaborative Services Committee (CSC) that includes representation from Island Health, First Nations Health Authority, The Division of Family Practice, Specialists and the Community via Our Cowichan. The CSC is able to hold high level discussions regarding health services and planning within the region.

b.  Attachment and Integration Committee- Melie reported that this committee will become an integration and attachment steering committee. This group is currently reviewing the current state mapping of health services in the region which mapped 16 patient experiences in the community. It is important to note that the work underway at the CSC and the Attachment and Integration steering committee aligns with Our Cowichan and the work of the newly structured regional management team for the Cowichan region.

10.  New Business:

a.  Election of Co Chair- Rob Hutchins term as Co- Chair ends December 31, 2014. He has agreed to let his name stand for another term. Jennifer Jones is currently on leave. Denise Williams has agreed to fill the role as interim Co- Chair until Jennifer returns.

Motion- That Rob Hutchins be reinstated as Co Chair- Carried

b.  Succession of Admin Committee- It was noted that the members of the admin committee have been filling the role for quite some time. The admin Committee is open to all members who wish to engage in the administration duties of the OCCHN. These duties include: setting agendas; Planning for Spotlight Speakers and Delegations; Creating the Budget; Membership and monitoring the deliverables of the facilitator. New members are encouraged to join this committee and would be most welcome!

c.  Update on CDH- The technical committee and the consultant are still in the process of working to determine the final site selection. The process is confidential so no indications to the public have been made as to what the final two sites may be. It is hoped that there will be an announcement by March. New members of OCCHN were provided with the site selection criteria document for their reference.

  1. Our Cowichan 2015 and Beyond Report – Members were provided with a copy of the report and request for funding that was submitted to Island Health in the presentation to Allison Cutler. An ask of $160,000 per year for three years was included in our request for funding. In addition to working with the local community, Our Cowichan has offered to support Island Health in their endeavors to establish Health Networks throughout the Island Health region. We will not know until the New Year what funds may be available.
  2. Small Group- Strategic Planning –Cindy shared a power point presentation outlining the strategic planning progress to date. It was noted that OCCHN priorities are very closely aligned with Island Health, First Nations Health and the Division of Family Practice. There is still a little more work to be done in the small groups before finalizing the strategic priorities. 4 more questions to help facilitate the final decision which include:
  3. Is the issue greater than the provincial or Island Health norm?
  4. What effects does the issue have on the individual> i.e. death, disability, unhappiness
  5. What impact does the issue have on our health or community services? i.e cost to ER, or impact on social services
  6. What role can OCCHN play?

Small groups have been tasked with completing the 4 questions by January. The January meeting will be delegated to completing the strategic planning process.

f.  Setting the public engagement sessions – It was agreed that no public engagement sessions will be planned until funding for OCCHN has been secured. It was felt that going to the public without knowing that the work of OCCHN could continue was not recommended.

g.  Alumni staying engaged-Alumni members will stay on the mailing list and will be included in all communications of OCCHN unless they otherwise choose to be removed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM

NEXT MEETING THURSDAY January, 2014 CVRD BOARD ROOM – 6:00 PM- Dinner served at 5:30

Minutes taken by Cindy Lise


January 8, 2015 5:30 pm CVRD Committee Room 2

Present: Cindy Lise, Robin Routledge, Rob Calnan, Rob Hutchins, Gerry Giles - Chair, Denise Williams

Regrets: Jan Tatlock, David Robertson

On Leave: Jennifer Jones

Farewell: Candace Spilsbury

1.  Agenda adopted by consensus

2.  Minutes of CCHN Admin meeting November 19, 2014 Adopted by consensus as presented.

3.  Action Items-

4.  Standing Items

a.  Correspondence – Letter from BC Coroner’s Office

A document package was received outlining the case of a person who passed away as a result of intoxication complications. Following the Coroner’s review a number of recommendations were made. One being that the CVRD, Mayors and Island Health set up a joint review committee to determine the viability of a sobering centre and detox services for the Duncan and Cowichan District and the share of information between the agencies. The review committee should include a cross section of service providers including health, police, addictions and mental health clinicians, Cowichan Tribes Council and local government to determine the extent of substance use and the need for such a facility.

After reviewing the request the CVRD forward the request to Our Cowichan to see if they might be the right platform to begin this process. It was decided Our Cowichan would need more facts in order to proceed. Cindy will contact Dale McMullen to see if he will present to the Network and provide the following questions as a guide for him: :

·  Are we an anomaly?

·  Who has detox centres on Vancouver Island?

·  Who does not?

·  Where does the funding for centres such as this come from?

·  What determines whether a community has a sobering or detox centre?

b.  Financial Report – December Finances are in good standing. The committee reviewed the draft budget for 2015 and recommended that the draft 2015 budget go to the membership for approval subject to the appropriate funding coming from Island Health.

c.  Website – Island Health web specialist Zoe Gray had time to take a close look at our website. She reported that the website is very well done and made some small recommendations to improve navigation. Her recommendations were forwarded to Gary Carleton.

d.  Membership-

  1. We are sad to report that Candace Spilsbury is leaving the Network. Candace has been an important and respected member of the team. We wish Candace the best in her new role as School District 79 trustee and Chair. .
  2. Jane Sterk from Cowichan Women Against Violence/Safer Futures has also contacted us to inform us that she will not be able to participate in the network.. It was recommended that Our Cowichan seek an alternate representative from CWAV as one of the leading priority areas for OCCHN includes addressing domestic violence. Denise is to contact Thanya Al Saddoon.

5.  Facilitator Report –As Our Cowichan grows requests for participation in community initiatives are also growing. Small group work has been very active and progress is being made towards completing priority matrix work. Time has also been dedicated to the orientation of new members.

6.  February Our Cowichan Meeting

a.  Spotlight Speaker- Dale McMullen- Canadian Mental Health

b.  Delegation:

c.  Celebrating Our Cowichan Network Members- Sheila Service

7.  Items to be placed on the February OCCHN Agenda

a.  Strategic Planning reports from small groups

b.  I clicker rental policy and user information

8.  New Business

a.  Budget for 2015- as reported above

b.  Strategic Planning- small group work- The admin committee will be meeting on Thursday January 22 at 4:00 pm to strategize on how to proceed with collating the data from the priorities matrix to present to the OCCHN in February.

c.  Transitioning to New Admin Committee Chair- Gerry will remain as the Admin Committee Chair for the time being but would like to recommend succession planning begin for the role as Admin Committee Chair. It was also discussed that an additional representative would be welcome to join the Admin Committee as Candace has now retired. The Admin Committee is an open committee and any OCCHN member is welcome to attend at any time.

d.  Community Public Engagement Session- The confirmation of the community consultation date will be on hold until OCCHN has word of a funding. The work to be undertaken requires the capacity to do so and as a result the funding announcement plays an important decision in when the session will be held. Cindy will contact the Island Savings Centre to have two dates on hold- one for March and one for April.

e.  I Clicker Rental Policy- OCCHN is the owner of 200 I clickers that are being housed at the CVRD. The I Clickers are available to OCCHN member organizations for use at forums and meetings. Currently the I-clickers are accessed mostly by the CVRD and local government. A rental policy has never been established and it was agreed that a rental agreement be implemented including a nominal rental fee of $25.00 to cover the cost of lost or damaged clickers. All rental requests will go through Cindy.

f.  Safer Pregnancy Advisory Panel- Cindy was asked to be a member of a safer pregnancy advisory council on behalf of the OCCHN. This advisory panel will develop protocol for improving communications between Health, MCFD, First Nations and the community to improve outcomes during the prenatal period for families at risk of having infants removed and placed into custody. It was agreed that this is important work and that Cindy would participate.

g.  Island Gathering of Health Networks #2 – It has been a year since representatives from the Health Networks on Vancouver Island have got together. It would be great to host the networks in the Cowichan Valley. It was agreed that this idea would be put on hold pending a funding announcement.

h.  Masters Student- Dr Paul Hasselback has contacted OCCHN with the possibility of having a Masters student until April. The Admin Committee unanimously agreed that a student would be a great asset and would be able to work with us on the complexities of moving the Cowichan Communities Health Profile forward with a strategic plan. Cindy is to contact Dr Hasselback with our openness to support a student.