University Services
Human Resources
SVC 2172 • 974-2970
FAX 974-5227
DATE:March 16, 2007
TO:HR Contacts
FROM:Julieth Chambers – Assistant Director, HR
SUBJECT:Pay Distribution Requests
Pay Distribution information is an important part of the appointment process. Therefore, this memo is to clarify the circumstances for which you would submit a pay distribution request to the EmploymentCenter or directly to Payroll.
As always, departments do have the option to update the Pay Distribution chart fields themselves directly into GEMS. However, if you choose to submit Pay Distribution information to Human Resources or Payroll the following are the guidelines for when and how to do so.
New Hires and New Appointments
- New Hires–Please use the RightStart offer letter to denote the pay distribution information for your new hire. Your HR Representative will update that information directly into GEMS for all new hires.
- New Appointments– Please indicate the pay distribution information for new appointments in the remarks sectionon the Appointment Status Form (ASF). Your HR Representative will update that information directly into GEMS.
Changes during an active appointment
- All other changes to Pay Distribution excluding the new hire process or new appointment process MUST BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO PAYROLLvia thePay Distribution Form located on the payroll web site at
- Training for department contacts to learn how to correctly update Pay Distribution directly to GEMS is available by contacting Carol Sands at 974-6035 or via email at .
Additional Helpful Reminders
Departments have until payday Friday of each pay period to address and correct any pay distribution errors. For example if the pay period ended 03/08/2007, the department would have until Friday, 03/16/2007 to complete their Account Code Validation and RSA Check and either make their distribution changes or notify payroll of changes.
NOTE: Review the Payroll Processing Schedule for accelerated payrolls.
Account Code Validation
- The Account Code Validation functionality in GEMS refers to the GEMS Account Codes used for pay distribution. This functionality identifies the status of the various GEMS accounts as Active or Inactive. The Account Code Validation page displays the pay distribution information for any position and/or OPS employee whose pay is distributed to an inactive GEMS Account Code. Additionally, this functionality has built-in edits to prevent Department Budget Table (pay distribution) setups to inactive or invalid (does not exist) accounts.
Page Navigation: Define Business Rules > Define Commit Accounting (US) > Inquire > Account Code Validation
RSA Check
- The Remaining Spending Authority (RSA) functionality in GEMS has been developed to allow users to preview (“Check”) the result of current pay period salary dollars, including employer contributions, posted against current FAST!! salary budgets. The RSA Check page displays a department’s current salary charges to the FAST!! Chartfield combinations associated with GEMS Account Codes (minus the GL Account Chartfield value). Once a biweekly payroll has been confirmed, users can see how the salary charges will affect their current RSA in FAST!!. Additionally, this functionality allows users to change pay distribution and/or transfer budget in FAST!! and then recheck salary budget RSA against the biweekly salary charges before they actually post to FAST!!.
Page Navigation: Define Business Rules > Define Commit Accounting (US) > Inquire > RSA Check
An email will be sent to all GEMS and FAST Listserv members notifying them when the current payroll’s Account Code Validation and RSA Check are available. Please pay close attention to the instructions, deadline dates and times located within the email.
Please feel free to contact either Carol Sands at 974-6035, email: , Ruby Nichols at 974-7954, email: , Heather Matthews at 974-6048, email: , or in the event you need a supervisor contact Sherry House at 974-4912, email: .