/ Higher degrees by research candidaturePolicy Group: / Academic and Research Policy
OBJECTIVES / This policy sets out the requirements for commencement, progress andsatisfactory completionof a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at RMIT.
This policy and its associated procedures support university strategy by:
- assisting candidates to become familiar with the research trainingenvironment at RMIT, their entitlements and responsibilities, and the mechanisms in place to support and guide them during their candidature;
- promoting successful and timely HDR completions by providing a means of monitoring and assisting candidate progressthrough periodic review by those outside the supervision team.
EXCLUSIONS / Students enrolled in VET, undergraduate and postgraduate courseworkprograms including Honours.
- Introduction
- is ethical, transparent and fair
- supports free intellectual inquiry and expression, critical and independent thought
- builds a capacity for learning throughout life, and
- facilitates collegial engagement between HDR candidates and established researchers.
- General principles
- RMIT support for higher degree by research candidates focuses on facilitating a successful completion within the required duration of candidature.
- In accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Researchthe university:
- provides an induction to all new candidates, and ongoing training in good research practice;
- promotes responsible publication and dissemination of research findings; and
- requires that candidates’ research is treated with the same level of integrity as that provided to academic researchers, including the management and storage of research data.
- The university has formal procedures to review the progress of candidates against clear criteria and to identify and address issues that may require additional attention, resources or other support. Formal records of both:
- candidate progress, and
- provision of targeted support
Commencement date / 14 Dec 2012 / Review date / 14 Dec 2017 / Secretariat Posting Approval / 6 August 2014REVISION HISTORY – section maintained by the University Policy Officer
Revision Ref. No. / Status / Type Amendment / Date Approved / Approval Authority / Resolution Number / TRIM ReferenceApproval/Other
V1.0 / Approved / 14 Dec 2012 / Academic Board / POL/2013/00007[V1]
V1.1 / Update of Metadata / 10 June 2014 / N/A / POL/2013/00007[V2]
V1.2 / Approved
Minor Amendment (Editorial) / 6 August 2014 / University Secretary / INT/2014/08532
Policy Sponsor: / Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Vice-PresidentImplementation and Communication: / Dean, SGR
Monitoring and Compliance: / Senior Manager, SGR
Manager, Policy and projects
Manager, HDR Administration, SGR
Graduate Research Committee
RMIT Research Committee
Approval Authority: / Academic Board
Key words for search engine / Masters, PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidature, Research, Training, Milestone, Review, Progress, Completion, Publication, Support, Outputs, Induction, DataPage 1 of 2