Open Access

Implementation Strategy

  1. Background

This Strategy is intended to provide a framework by which the principles of the University’s Open Access Policy may be embedded at Kent. The key principles are:

  • That, where possible, all forms of research output should be made available ‘freely and accessibly in ways that allow them be used and re-used for the benefit of the wider society’;
  • That, where possible, this should be done through either free Gold OA or Green OA route. If this is not possible, Standard Gold OA (which would require payment of Article Processing Charges (APCs)) will be supported ‘where appropriate and within available resources’. If neither is possible, a non-OA route may be pursued.
  • That the Kent Academic Repository (KAR) should be used for Green OA.
  • That, where possible, the University will support the establishment of free Open Access Journals (such asfeminists@law).

Underlying this is the fundamental principle that academics should strive to publish in the best and most appropriate outlet for their research, regardless of OA status.

  1. Embedding Open Access
  1. The Open Access Policy should not detract from or add unnecessary bureaucracy to the normal working pattern of academic research and publication.
  2. Nevertheless, all academics should ensure that their work adheres to the University’s four key OA principles, above.
  3. In support of this, they may find it useful to discuss their publication plans with their Director of Research (DoR), research group leader, and/or mentor, as appropriate.
  4. DoRs (or equivalent) will be supported in discussion with colleagues about publication plans by data from Information Services regarding journal profile, APC, etc.
  5. The attached decision tree provides guidance for publication in accordance with the the four key principles as follows:
  6. Free Gold OA or Green OA will be pursued, and a copy of the publication will be deposited in KAR and, where appropriate, external discipline-specific OA repositories;
  7. Standard Gold OA will be pursued, and the APC will be paid from the University’s APC Fundwhere the University has received funding for this purpose (see Section C, below). Where possible, a copy of the publication will be deposited in KAR;
  8. A non-OA route will be pursued. Publication details will be added to KAR.

Whichever route is pursued, metadata must always be deposited in KAR.

  1. OA compliance will be monitored by Information Services and Research Services, and will be reportedto the Board for Research & Enterprise.
  1. APC Fund
  1. Research Services will manage a limited fund intended to cover some of the costs incurred by Gold OA.
  2. This Fund will comprise OA funding provided by the Research Councils. If other funders provide institutional funding for OA this will be added to the fund.
  3. It will be accessible to award holders who are the lead author on an article and where the article arises from a grantfunded by one of these sponsors.
  4. In order to apply for the funding, award holders should email with a request for funding, stating:
  5. The name of the original funder;
  6. The name of the original project;
  7. The title of the output;
  8. The title of the intended publication;
  9. The publisher to which they wish the payment to be made
  10. The reason why the chosen publication venue is the best possible one for this article.
  11. These arrangements will be implemented initially for 12 months and will be reviewed at the end of that period.
  12. A report on the distribution of the APC Fund will be provided annually to the Board for Research and Enterprise.
  13. Research Council award holders will be individually responsible for updating ROS or ResearchFish as to their outputs.
  1. Free Open Access Journals
  1. The University supports the establishment of free Open Access Journals ( Information Services will provide support in the setting up of such journals.

May 2013