Mr B.CoalesMr H.Wilson

Tel : 01788 330193Tel : 01788 551986


Mr S.EvansMr C.Walsh

Tel : 07906 049011Tel : 07971846839


All persons refereeing a game will only call foul and a miss if any of the following five situations occur.

1. A player can see a ball on so that full central ball contact can be made and fails to hit a ball on with the first impact of the cue ball. (This includes the situation where full ball contact would be possible but for the fact that the ball on is partially obstructed by another ball on i.e. reds in a group.)

2. A player can see any part of a ball on, but elects to play an indirect or swerve shot to hit either a ball he can see or any other ball on and fails to hit any ball on with the first impact of the cue ball. A player may ask the referee if he considers that he can see any part of any ball on and the referee will advise him accordingly. If there is any doubt as to whether a player can see any part of any ball on, in a straight line, it should be ruled that he can not. (An indirect shot is when the player makes the cue ball hit a cushion before striking a ball on.)

3. A player can see any part of a ball on and plays a direct stroke but with insufficient strength to have hit any ball on. (This includes a miscue.)

4. A player when completely snookered on all balls on, fails to hit the cue ball with sufficient strength and general direction to have hit any ball on. (This includes a miscue.)

5. A player when attempting to get out of a complete snooker by playing directly at the snookering ball or attempting to swerve the cue ball around the snookering ball and hits the snookering ball with the cue ball. (This includes a miscue.)

When the referee calls a foul and a miss the non-offending player has the following options: -

(a) Electing to play from the position left after the foul or playing from in hand if the cue ball has been pocketed or forced off the table. (This includes electing to take a free ball if awarded by the referee.)

(b) Asking the opponent to play again from the position left after the foul or playing from in hand if the cue ball has been pocketed or forced off the table.

(c) Asking the referee to replace the cue ball to its original position, replacing as near as possible to their original positions any other balls moved and have the offender play again from there. Both players will be consulted as to the position of the balls being replaced after which the referee’s decision shall be final. During such consultation if any player touches any ball in play he shall be penalised as if he were the striker without affecting the order of play.The ball touched shall be replaced by the referee to his satisfaction in its original position, even if it was picked up by the player.

When asked to play again a player may elect to play a different shot to that previously attempted but if again any of the above circumstances are contravened the referee will again call foul and a miss.


A miss will not be called if a situation exists where it is impossible to hit any part of any ball on, provided the player plays directly or indirectly in the direction of the ball on and with sufficient strength to have reached the ball on but for the obstructing ball or balls.

No frame is to be awarded to the non-offending player for a succession of misses being called.