St Joseph’s Primary School 2015 - 2016.

PE and Sport Premium

Our vision at St Joseph’s is for every child to experience a variety of sports and physical activities that inspire and motivate so that physical activity is enjoyed and embedded in their healthy lifestyle.

In 2015 –16 the PESP funding is: £9835.00

The school will measure the impact of the funding at the end of 2015-16 through:observation of PE lessons in EYFS KS1 and KS2, pupil surveys, staff skills audits, analysis of data to include attendanceat clubs. A report to the governors is made termly. Governor with direct responsibility for PESPis: The Resources Committee

Success Criteria

To upskill class teachers in teaching and assessment of PE

To monitor children’s learning in PE

To engage a Sports Technician to support in the delivery of PE lessons, look after equipment and provide further opportunities in the enrichment programme

Increase the numbers of children participating in sport across a school week.

Improve the playground environment with more children involved in structured sports activities increasing opportunities for physical activity

The school is able to participate in more locally organised competitions.

Target / Actions to be taken / Monitoring Arrangements / Time-scales / Lead staff / Impact
2015 - 16 / PESP funding
Teaching and Learning
Develop the quality of teaching and learning in PE across the school
Provide enriching PE experiences within a progressive, broad and balanced curriculum / New curriculum map to be introduced and embedded reflecting progression of skills
PE folder developed for each group reflecting a whole approach to the delivery of PE. / Observation of lessons
Audit staff skills
Provide CPD to reflect needs of staff
Release PE co-ordinator to support PE planning and delivery.
Re-audit staff skills / Developed Summer 15
Introduced Autumn 15
Embedded Summer 16 / PE Lead / 14 teachers attended CPD on New Curriculum map reflecting progression of skills. All feel more confident in what the progression of skills looks like from early Years through to Upper Key Stage 2 and Lower Key Stage 3. / HSIP PE package
Teaching and learning cont….. / Bought into teaching and Learning Assessment Toolkit. CPD – PE Lead and NQT
CPD – OAA course – attendance KS1 and KS2 + Sports Leader
Planning day to develop resources and cascade to all year groups
Attendance at termly
PE Lead meetings
Each year group to benefit from a specialist coach delivering gymnastics ½ term 2 classes / CPD for all staff reflecting on progress with introduction of Toolkit.
Report back to Head, governors
Teachers receiving upskilling from gymnastics coach to be buddied with another teacher in 16-17. / Summer 16
Summer 16
Termly / Expected impact: greater understanding of development of skills, adding challenge to all learners
Evolving piece of work which will be added to as courses are attended – OAA, panthlon, inclusion
Updated on national and local initiatives
Networking opportunities and sharing of good practice
4 teachers have benefited from the input of the coach and all feel more able to deliver on their own. / £400.00
Teaching and learning cont…..
Employment of Sports Technician: / Look after equipment
Support delivery of lessons [teacher leading]
Intervention programmes to include:
10 children each week on rolling programme for each term – an additional 80 children to be targeted / PE Lead to observe support role
Formal observation of sports technician supporting the delivery of PE
Class teacher to feed back to PE Lead
Class to teacher to work alongside coach
Feed back to class teachers / Autumn 15
Spring 16 / All teachers feel more confident knowing that the equipment is in good condition and ready for the children to use.
Targeted children benefit from small groups focussing on specific skills
60% are feeling more confident about their fundamental skills / £5,000.00
Teaching and learning cont…..
Ensure all children have access to an array of suitable equipment and opportunities to explore how different pieces of equipment might be used for example in creating own skill activities developing Creative ME / Purchase suitable high quality equipment.
Raise awareness of being inclusive when planning and delivering PE lessons.
Build panathlon activities into curriculum planning. / CPD for all staff – after school
Bespoke training for all year groups over 4 weeks upskilling class teachers / Spring 16
Summer 16 / Expected impact: all teachers to benefit from ideas on extending all children including disabled. / £400.00
Develop opportunities for children to engage in physical activity and represent the school.
To increase pupil participation in extra-curricular PE clubs from 30% to 40% by the end of 2016 / Buy in to Sacred Heart Cluster competition programme
Introduce new clubs / Data analysis / Autumn 15 – Summer 16 / 10 clubs already running,
5 new clubs introduced to the school
6 Pupil Premium children now belonging to different clubs and this is having a positive impact on their learning. / Sacred Heart Cluster
Skipping workshop / Bring in company to deliver workshop / Staff audit
Pupil voice / Summer 16 / Expected impact:
increase physical activity
Develop playground games
Children to be able to purchase a rope to encourage skipping at home / £515.00
For 50% of children to be involved in C4L club / Attendance at C4L ambassador training / Summer 16 / Spring 16: C4L: 42% of children are actively engaged in C4L clubs from EYFS to Y6
C4L Ambassadors:
12 children newly trained as ambassadors / £200.00
Sports Leader / Children to be given opportunity to develop leadership skills, creative skills, officiating skills as part of intra competitions / Observation
Staff voice
Reporting process / 15 leaders. Positive feedback has been received from class teachers on all 15.
Introducing a rolling programme with Y6 leaders training Y5 / Attendance at Sports Leader Conference
Currently 26% involved in Level 2competitions, target 35% / Children to given additional opportunities to represent school:
Tag Rugby
KS1 football
Mini Olympics / Spring 16 / 22 children additional children have been engaged in competitive sport during the spring term. / £200.00