Video file name: Mark - Acting.prproj
Music by: Wildelings- “Nightfires”
Mark Radvan:If you’re looking for a career as a film and television actor, then QUT is the place where you need to start.
QUT is the place that probably has the best facilities for actor training, including -- especially actor training for film, in Australia and possibly, you know, it’s up there with the best in the world. I say that because you’ll be working with top film directors, with writers, with top theatre directors, with an outstanding team of teachers, and you will be individually assisted through the course. You’re not just part of a big group, you’re an individual. We’ve been training actors for film for a very long time now and we have probably the most rigorous and comprehensive training course in film that you’ll find in this country.
If you come in to QUT as an actor, what you’ll find is some of the best rehearsal studios, drama studios to work with, a fully equipped film studio, and a range of extraordinary people to work with to help you become the kind of film actor that you can be.
People ask, “Well, what about theatre, can you also do theatre?”. Absolutely you can – if you train as a film actor, you can certainly train as a theatre actor and we include theatre training as part of your training, but our focus is on film. Why is that? Because if you want a career as an actor you have to be able to build that career in film and television to be financially sustainable. So that’s what we’re going to help you to achieve.
When you audition for us, you can expect first of all, that you’re going to have a very easy and stress-free day. We make it that way because you can’t show us your best if you’re not comfortable. So we will really help you to feel comfortable. Of course what you can do to be prepared is do the work beforehand – know your piece really well and really think through everything there is to think and imagine about that piece. In the first round, it’s really easy. You come in, you’ll be slotted into a 15-minute interview and audition with a panel of only two people. It’s just you and two people in the room, it’s very relaxed, and once it’s over, that’s it – you can go home. It’s very, very simple.
People ask, “What are we looking for in an actor applying to QUT?”. Well, it’s almost impossible to answer, because everybody’s coming across differently. But we’re looking to see who you are. We want to know what kind of person you are, we want to know what makes you excited, what makes you scared, what makes you impressed, through your piece. We don’t have a preconceived idea of what we want – every year is different. We will look at everyone who comes and then -- if you look at the group we choose each year, what you will notice is no two groups are alike. We don’t have fixed ideas about gender balance, we don’t have fixed ideas about look, about age, maturity, life experience. We’re looking for the applicants who have a spark of imagination, and who have the desire to turn that into a career in acting.
What can you expect when you finish your course? You’ve spent three years training at QUT. We will build a showcase of work that we take to perform here in Brisbane and then take to Sydney, and our intention is to help you get the best possible agent you can in Australia to help manage your career after that. We will also train you in audition techniques, and we’ll train you in self testing, which is audition techniques for film, so that you are completely confident about applying for any kind of acting work there is available to you. Our graduates are all over the industry working in film, working in television series – wherever you go you’re going to find other graduates from previous years who form a kind of community that will support you as you move into the industry. So, while everyone understands how difficult it is to make a living in the industry, you will have the best possible advantage by completing the training that we offer you here at QUT.
Video file name: Mark - Acting.prproj
Music by: Wildelings- “Nightfires”