Instructor: Mrs. Jessica Kaaz

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 2:30pm to 3:00pm, and by appointment

Phone: 937-393-3485, ext. 1556


Textbook:Nowicki, Stephen. 2008. Biology. McDougal Littell. Evanston, IL.

Tentative Schedule – First Quarter (subject to change)

Week / Chapter/Lab / Assignments
1 (Aug 11 – Aug 15) / Introduction to Life Science
Preassessment / Read Chapter 1
Bio Question
2 (Aug 18 – Aug 22) / Chapter 1
Homeostasis Lab
Bubble Gum Lab / Read Chapter 2
Chapter 1 vocab
Lab Report Rough Draft
3 (Aug 25 – Aug 29) / Chapter 1
Pond Water Lab
Binder Check / Read Chapter 2
Lab Report Final Draft
Test #1
4 (Sep 1 – Sep 5) / FAIR BREAK / NO SCHOOL
5 (Sep 8 – Sep 12) / Chapter 2
Properties of Water Lab / Read Chapter 13
Chapter 2 vocab
6 (Sep 15 – Sep 19) / Chapter 2
pH Lab
Acids and Bases Lab
S’mores Lab
Enzymes Lab / Read Chapter 13
Stoichiometry Activity
7 (Sep 22 – Sep 26) / Chapter 2
Enzymes Lab (cont’d) / Read Chapter 13
Lab Report Rough Draft
8 (Sep 29 – Oct 3) / Chapter 2
Binder Check / Read Chapter 13
Molecules of Life Activity
Lab Report Final Draft
Test #2
9 (Oct 6 – Oct 10) / Chapter 3
Bunnies and Bobcats Activity
Biotic/Abiotic Virtual Lab / Read Chapter 14
Chapter 13 Vocab
Energy Flow Packet
10 (Oct 13 – Oct 17) / MIDTERM OCT 14th / Read Chapter 14


Your grades will be weighted in the following manner, as is the department-wide policy:

Homework/classwork / 10%
Projects / 20%
Labs/Lab Reports / 20%
Tests / 50%

Generally speaking, you can expect a test at the end of each chapter covered in class. Typically, I will try to make room for some sort of in-class review before a test, but that depends greatly on how quickly we get through material. If we have to stop frequently because of class disruptions and inappropriate behavior, review times may have to be cut from our schedule so that we don’t fall behind.

Also, there will be a pre-assessment and post-assessment given for this class. The tentative dates for these tests are August 12th and April 8th. Don’t worry too much about the pre-assessment. It will be used as a tool to gauge what you already have mastered. However, the post-assessment is your final exam and should be studied for. These tests will cover all the material for the year, including what has been discussed in class as well as what is in your book. That is why it is imperative that you complete the reading as assigned and if you don’t understand a concept, bring it up in class. I am here to help you and if you don’t understand something, I want to know. Chances are, other students are struggling with the same material too.


Show up on time, ready to work, with all your materials. That means bring your binder, something to write on and something to write with. Students who continually show up to class unprepared will be subject to write ups, calls to home, etc.

Turn in your work on time. Work is due at the beginning of class and should be placed in your class’s bin. I will deduct 10% of your grade per day late, unless you have an excused absence.

Be respectful of me, yourself and other students. No talking during lecture, please raise your hand if you would like to add something, no picking on each other, throwing things, causing disruptions, or otherwise acting inappropriately.

Any rule in your agenda applies in my classroom. No exceptions.

If I see a cell phone, it will be confiscated and given to Mr. Snively. You will have to contact him to get it back. On occasion, we will be allowed to use cell phones to complete labs and activities. Otherwise, it will need to be kept put away and on vibrate. ON TEST DAY, if I see you with a phone out during the test, it will be confiscated and I will assume that you are cheating, thereby earning a failing grade.

Please participate. We all have something to add - a question, a thought, or an idea. Feel free to discuss any relevant information with me or the class, provided you raise your hand, wait your turn and are respectful of others by not interrupting or ridiculing any other member of the class.

On lab days, dress appropriately (no open-toed shoes) and mind the lab safety rules. This means no bubblegum or horseplay.


I will be glad to help you whenever I can. I have time during 3rdperiod and I am usually 30 minutes early and stay about 30 minutes late. Please stop by if you need my help.

I will try to stick to the schedule listed as best as I can. That being said, I will also try to give you ample time to study for upcoming tests and complete large assignments in class, so a little bit of change to the schedule can be expected. Before the beginning of every quarter, I will hand out a new schedule.

I will be fair and treat all students with respect and honesty at all times. If you have a problem with me or any other student, please come talk to me.

I will try to plan fun activities as often as possible, but please remember these activities are a privilege and can be rescinded if behavior gets out of control. This also applies for any days that there is a substitute in my classroom.


  • Large Binder
  • Notebook Paper
  • Black or Blue Pens
  • #2 Pencils


As part of your grade, you will be required to keep and maintain an organized binder. I suggest a minimum of a 2 inch, 3 ring binder. It will need to be large enough to hold all your papers and notes for the year. While I will try to give time in class to work on these together, it is your responsibility to keep it in order at all times. There are two binder checks listed on the schedule, but I reserve the right to perform pop checks as I see fit. The purpose of this is to keep you organized, which will help with study time.

There will be at least one, but maybe two large projects that will be required of you. The project will consist of research, done independently and in class, a written report and a short presentation. We will take a class vote to decide if the project will be individual or group. While it has not yet been decided when this will take place, I assure you that I will give you ample notice before it is due.


Any tests missed for an excused absence can be made up during homeroom. Please see me to schedule a make-up test.

If you score poorly on a test, you may schedule to retake it. You may only retake the test once and the highest score you can achieve on a retake is 75%. All retakes must be completed within one week of the original test and your must also complete one mandatory review session with me before you are permitted to retake the test. Retakes can only be scheduled during homeroom.

Any homework missed for an excused absence will be due within one week of your return to class. After that time, I will no longer accept late homework without extenuating circumstances.

Missed labs are difficult to make up and will need to be dealt with on a case by case basis. If you miss a lab, please get with me as soon as possible so we can figure out how to make up the work.


In my class, you have the ongoing opportunity for extra credit. But, there are rules. First, you may only turn in one extra credit assignment per week. Second, plagiarism rules still apply.

To complete extra credit, you must find and read a scientific article. It can be about any science subject that interests you. You must turn in a copy of the article (either from the internet, magazine or newspaper - check the science library in our classroom), along with a minimum one paragraph summary and a statement giving a reason why you liked or didn’t like this article.

Each extra credit assignment will be worth 3 points and will be added to your most recent lab report grade.


From time to time, I will keep animals and specimens in the classroom. Occasionally, we will bring them out and handle them as part of a learning experience. You are not required to handle the animals, but I expect you to behave calmly and gently when they are out. This means no squealing, yelling or otherwise acting foolishly when you or others are handling the animals.

Please do not touch or disturb the animals without permission. Any person caught harassing or tormenting the animals will be written up without warning.

Please sign below stating that you have read and understand the syllabus.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate