Date:December 19, 2013
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Conference Call
Please bring: / Any committee reports
Agenda Item / Responsible Person / Time Allotted
Call to Order / Theresa R. Fruehling / 5
Secretary's Report / Sarah Beerends / 5
Treasurer's Report / Neil Kumor / 10
President's Report / Theresa Fruehling / 10
Committee Reports / Committee Chairs / 40
A / Annual Meeting / Lindsey Davenport-Landry
B / By-Laws / Mick Williams
C / Governmental Affairs/Political Action / Theresa Fruehling
D / Historian / Vonnie Hinrichsen
E / Leadership Development / Sheila Dunn
F / Membership / Lindsey Davenport-Landry
G / New Professional Committee / Sarah Beerends
H / NewsScope Editor(s) / Vonnie Hinrichsen
I / Nominations and Awards / Judy Jackson
J / P.A.C.E. Coordinator / Kim Von Ahsen
K / Promotion of the Profession / Tara Sorensen
Subcommittee: Career Recruitment / Jan Frerichs/ Theresa Fruehling
Subcommittee: Professional/Public Relations / Vonnie Hendrichsen
L / Scholarship / Sarah Beerends
M / Webmaster / Kim Von Ahsen
Old Business:
- iSTEM Iowa State Fair
- Banner Prototype
- Hard Drive and Dropbox
- SOP updates
New Business:
- Open discussion
/ ASCLS-IA Board Meeting
Date:December 19, 2013
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Conference Call
Board Members Present:
x Theresa Fruehling, President
xJan Frerichs, President – Elect
xJudy Jackson, Past President
Sarah Beerends, Secretary (excused)
x Neil Kumor, Treasurer
x Bridget Aukes, Board Member 3rd Year
Susan Higgins, Board Member 2nd Year
x Mona Parekh, Board Member 1st Year
x Louis Nelson, First Year Professional
xEllyn Houdeshell, Student Forum Chair / Committee Members:
Mick Williams, Bylaws Chair
Yvonne Hinrichsen, Historian/ NewsScope, Promotion of the Professor
Tara Sorensen, Membership
Sheila Dunn, Leadership Development Chair
Lindsey Davenport-Landry, Annual Meeting and Membership
Kim Von Ahsen, PACE/ Webmaster
Guests:Not applicable
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by at 7:05 pm
Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the Winter Spring x Summer Fall were reviewed with:
Following Changes:
x No Changes
Hearing no further additions, changes, or deletions to the Secretary’s Report;
The minutes were accepted by President as x printed/posted corrected
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report was reviewed with:
Following Changes:
x No Changes
Hearing no further additions, changes, or deletions to the Treasurer’s Report;
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by President as x printed/posted corrected
Request for Action: Investigate the feasibility/ possibility of direct deposit
President’s Report: Theresa Fruehling, President
PURPOSE: To update the board and membership on activities at all levels.
ACTIVITIES: Since Summer Board Meeting
State Level
- Amy, Jan, Judy and I conducted a workshop at Coe College for iSTEM in association with AAWU
- Signed contract to do Spring meeting with CLMA
- Have a full speaker list! Yay!!
- Working on social event for Spring meeting
- Need volunteers to moderate sessions
- Sending monthly emails to ASCLS-IA members
- Updates and revisions to state SOPs
- Upcoming: Amy, Sarah and Theresa will conduct a workshop for CVSS at Wartburg College
Regional Level
- Regional meeting held Nov. 16-17th in Kansas City, MO:
- Discussed: National (refer to items under the National section)
- Membership: Retention and Conversion:
- All states struggling; different techniques shared among states.
- Illinois has members who “give” someone a membership for a year; 50/50 success rate
- Other ideas were similar to what we have currently been trying
- Leadership: 2 new charges:
- 1. Regional Leadership Chair (Tim Randolph) to conduct monthly check-ins with Region VI State Presidents.
- Goal: Help provide guidance for completing the tasks National has assigned to Presidents.
- Encourage them to nominate an individual for every award group; to Leadership Academy and for Key to the Future
- Guidance for establishing a list of students and converting them to new professionals
- Setting time aside at either the state meeting or a special meeting, after the “changing of the Board” to establish goals for the upcoming year and define and establish every individuals role on the Board and as a committee chair.
- 2. State Annual meeting:
- Session track or room track geared specifically to students- reviewing for the board exam
- New professionals
- Professionals requiring certification maintenance as directed by the Board of Certification. Having a room designated for specific areas, i.e. Hematology or Chemistry or Blood Bank or Microbiology only
- Opportunity to encourage individuals to become more involved; ask them to sign-up for a committee or run for an office
National Level
- Working on new classification for ‘Member of the Year’ award. Suggestions: Lifetime Achievement Award
- Have only the states do ‘Member of the Year’ and have those individuals recognized at the National meeting as receiving the award for their state.
- New Professionals Committee dissolved; looking to have a new professional’s forum. The forum would be for new (any age) and young professionals. Hoping to get more members involved with the expanded definition
- Scientific assemblies- investigate possibility at state level and assign a chair for committee. Reflective of National Scientific Assemblies
- Reviewed and updated Region VI Policy and Procedure Manual.
President’s report was reviewed with:
Following Changes:
X No Changes
Scientific assemblies: Used in the past to identify speakers for annual meeting. Current opinion is this chair/ position is not needed.
Committee Reports
A.Annual Meeting: Lindsey Davenport-Landry
- Committee Members for 2014 meeting:
- Lindsey Davenport-Landry, Co-Chair, ASCLS-IA and Mary Jo Bonifas, Co-Chair, CLMA
- Jan Frerichs and Theresa Fruehling, Speakers
- Theresa Fruehling, Moderators
- Amy Frank, Vendors
- CLMA, Treasurer
- Kim VonAhsen, Website and Publication
- CLMA, Registration
B. By-Laws: Mick Williams
No report
C. Governmental Affairs/Political Action: Theresa R. Fruehling, Chair
PURPOSE: Inform and educate members of the society on issues effecting our profession.
Committee goals:
- Keep members informed about activities in Washington, D.C. which effect the profession.
- Updates posted to Facebook, blog and NewScope
- Fundraising ideas for PAC
- Participating in monthly conference calls for GAC and PAC
- Working on fundraiser ideas for Spring meeting:
- Silent auction baskets
- Suggestions??Thank you gifts such as flip-flops or cool sunglasses, Mona to investigate for both PAC and scholarship committee
- Updated PAC brochure
- Monthly themed emails encouraging donations to PAC
- Congress has extended the SGR fix until March of 2014
- Current proposal does not mention further cuts to the clinical laboratory
- CMS released their report indicating they believe clinical laboratory fees can be cut again without impacting the business of the laboratory
- Senator Menendez voiced concern over current and proposed cuts to clinical laboratories and is urging Congress to find another solution. (Patrick Cooney to follow-up with his staff and discuss on next GAC conference call 12/18)
- Looking at new ‘Thank you’ items for the PAC booth at National meetings
- Investigating the potential for graphing state/ region progress towards goal
- New goal set at $2,000.00 per region in order to turn a profit.
- Currently all funds are being used to pay for Evans & Katz for accounting
- Determining delegation to Legislative Symposium
- How many individuals can we send based on current budget
- Who will attend:Theresa R. Fruehling, President
- To be discussed further at the Winter BOD meeting
D. Historian: Yvonne Hendrichsen
No report
E. Leadership Development: Sheila Dunn
No report
F. Membership : Lindsey Davenport-Landry, Chair
PURPOSE: This committee is responsible for the retention of present members, reactivation of lapsed members, recruiting new members and other member services into ASCLS.
Committee goals:
1. Contact lapsed members about reactivating membership after list is updated for September.
2. Communicate with members regarding importance of membership
3. Provide membership retention up-dates to ASCLS-IA board
4. Transition student members to new professional status
5. Increase membership by 5% in 2013-14
Update from National Membership Committee
CONCERNS: Decreasing membership at the state and national level.
Sending lapsed members report to MLT/MLS school directors for help updating information.
Good news: According to Neil’s Treasurer report we have had members renew!! Keep encouraging others to renew or join ASCLS
G. New Professional Committee: Sarah Beerends
No report
H. NewsScope Editor: Yvonne Hinrichsen
PURPOSE: To publish information regarding ASCLS-IA activities to current and future members via the internet and hard copy to requested address.
Committee goals:
- Published recent edition of the NewsScope and sent via the internet.
- Report news of happenings within the organization to members and non-members.
- Increase member submissions
- New edition coming soon! Thanks to everyone who submitted articles.
I. Nominations and Awards: Judy Jackson, Chair
No report
J. P.A.C.E. Coordinator: Kim VonAhsen, Chair
No report
K. Promotion of the Profession: Jan Frerichs/ Theresa Fruehling, Chair
Subcommittee: Career Recruitment: Judy Jackson/ Jan Frerichs
PURPOSE: This committee is to recruit students into the field of laboratory medicine.
1. Jan Frerichs, Amy Frank, Judy Jackson, and Theresa Fruehling presented a workshop at the Open Minds Conference at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA in October. Over 500 middle-school girls from eastern Iowa attended to find out about careers for women in science. We presented a workshop called “A Parasite Surprise”. 12-15 girls attended each of the two sessions. They did a “mini lab” where they looked at microbiology specimens, hematology slides under the microscope, and had a demonstration of blood typing.
2. Jan Frerichs, and two of the University of Iowa MLS students, Dan Shelton and Ellyn Houdeshell hosted 15 area high school students who had an interest in Pathology careers. Students took part in a hands-on demonstration of using microscopes and toured the core hematology and chemistry labs.
Subcommittee: Professional/Public Relations: Yvonne Hinrichsen, Chair
No report
L. Scholarship : Sarah Beerends, Chair
PURPOSE: To promote the profession through monetary support of MLS/MLT students.
Committee goals:
1. Raise funds to be able to give more scholarships
2. Get applicants to apply
3. Promote our society to students
Activities toward those goals:
- Last year we did a cookbook to raise funds.
3. Consider including a student membership again for scholarship recipients.
CONCERNS: Need volunteers for a committee to help choose recipients.
Any ideas for fundraisers? Or someone to help coordinate a fundraiser?
* Mona has volunteered to investigate the possibility of giving ‘bulk items’ away, i.e. sunglasses; flip flops; etc. Will bring information to the next BOD meeting in January
M. Webmaster : Kim VonAhsen
No Report
Old Business
- iSTEM event at State Fair; will be discussed at Winter Board meeting
- Banner Prototype: emailing prototype, will have larger example for Winter Board Meeting:
Combine Chemistry pictures for better effect
Theresa to check with Joel about using some images she has of bone marrow under the microscope
Hoping to have an update at next BOD meeting
- Update on data preservation: Primary- skydrive; Secondary- portable media device
- ASCLS-IA Manual: Still making revisions and edits. Table until Winter Board meeting
New Business
- Winter Board meeting: Location Iowa City; Date:
- Potential dates: January 11th, January 25th, or February 8th
- If not held on the 11th will need to coordinate with Judy to pick-up supplies for CVSS
Hoping to have a pinning ceremony for last year’s Key to the Future recipients.
Theresa to send them a personal invitiation
- A special welcome to Louis (Louie) Nelson, FYP and Ellyn Houdeshell, Student representative
- Open Discussion
Motion- Neil Kumor
Seconded by- Mona Parekh
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Winter 2011
ASCLS-IA Board Meeting AgendaPage 1 of 5