Development strategy of the non-commercial joint stock company “Holding “Kasipkor” for the 2012-2021 years


Non-commercial joint stock company «Holding «Kasipkor»was created in 2011 by order of the Head of Statewith a view of upgrading technical and vocational training.

Strategy of development of the non-commercial joint stock company «Holding «Kasipkor»for 2012 - 2021 years, developed in accordance with GPIIR on 2015 - 2019, the Strategic Plan of Development of Kazakhstan 2020, the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan, the State program of development of education and science in the 2016-2019, the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MES) on 2014-2018.

Holding Development Strategy for 2012-2021 was developed with the main directions of the state policy in the sphere of education and innovation, and defines the mission, vision, strategic directions, goals and objectives of the Holding on the tenyear period.

In accordance with the order of the Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Masimov on June 14, 2013 MES developed a draft decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Amending to Resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2011 №1751» on approval of the Strategy of development of the non-commercial joint stock company «Holding «Kasipkor»for 2012 - 2021 years»for the effective use of budgetary funds,to reduce the number of worldclass colleges and open only two of them in the cities of Astana and Almaty.

In pursuance of the protocol order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiev on 26 February 2016 on the organization of the activities and prospects of the Holding, amended additions to the current edition of «Holding «Kasipkor»development strategy for 2012-2021 NCJSC».

By 2021, holding will be a stable company with a full set of tools for the development of the training system of the country.

Holding will concentrate its activities on providing methodological TVET system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Holding will distribute the accumulated experience for the whole TVET system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The colleges of the country will be introduced and applied Holding developed educational programs on a regular basis will be further training of managers and engineering-pedagogical workers TVET.

  1. Analysis of the current state

Analysis of the external environment

The need for qualitative changes in the field of technical and vocational education (hereinafter - TVET) in the Republic of Kazakhstan due to the growing gap between supply and demand in the market of skilled labor.

According to a research of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 70% of companies in Kazakhstan believe the low level of training a serious obstruction to business development.

This problem is particularly relevant due to the active introduction in Kazakhstan of measures to diversify the national economy and support private sector development.Currently, in the Republic of Kazakhstan has actively implemented the second five-year plan of the State program on the industrial-innovative development(hereinafter - GPIIR), approved by Presidential Decree of August 1, 2014 № 874. As part of the five-year period provided for ensuring the economy of the necessary number of qualified professionals.

The objectives of industrial-innovative development include a gain of volumes of manufacturing-production43% of the value of non-oil exports growth is not less than1.1 times, the growth of employment in the manufacturing sector by 29.2 thousand people.Special emphasis is placed on industrialization in the intensive growth of labor productivity in manufacturing industry no less than 1.4 times. Therefore, to ensure system-wide human resources measures are shifted not to the number of jobs created and the quality of preparation of highly skilled, innovative and scientific personnel.

The priority sectors of the economy, provides the leading industrial development, in accordance with the GPIIR are such sectors as: oil-gas, metallurgy, electric power, light and food industry, mechanical engineering, information-communication technologies, space industry, pharmaceuticals and agro-industrial complex.

Meanwhile, a common problem for most of these industries is the lack of qualified specialists. Particularly acute shortage of professional technical and service labor, as they form the bulk of the workforce in the manufacturing enterprises.

To a large extent this is not enough due to the high prestige of TVET reduce the quality of education. In turn, this is due to the fact that there is no regular updating of the content of educational programs tailored to the requirements of employers. Most of the collegeteachers do not have practical experience in the workplace and are unable to raise the profile of the qualification, as existing courses do not meet the needs of employers and the labor market.

The development of a number of high-tech industries requires the introduction of new skills, update the content of existing training programs.

According to subparagraph 21-1) and subparagraph 35) of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 27 June 2007 «On Education» (hereinafter - the Law of RK «On Education») TVETprovided by colleges and higher colleges. College - an educational institution that implements educational programs of secondary, technical and vocational education or post-secondary education. Higher College - an educational institution that implements integrated, modular educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.

As of the end of 2015 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, there were 807, including 462 statecolleges.

Most stateTVETcolleges, with the exception of national institutions, and established by regional Akimats and Akimats of Astana and Almaty cities.At the level of local government offices of regions and cities of Astana and Almaty departments operate vocational training in the departments of education. Departments of vocational education, mainly form the state order for training of personnel, control the work of educational institutions, monitor the professional education in the region, reporting form to the Department of Technical and Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The first leaders of the TVET institutions appointed education departments of regions and cities of Astana and Almaty, and report directly to them.

Over the past 10 years the number of TVET educational institution has increased by 365 units (87%). Most of the increase was due to the fact that according to the Law of Kazakhstan «On Education» vocational schools converted into colleges. In this connection, starting with the 2013-2014 school year, the number of colleges increased.

At the beginning of the 2015 - 2016 academic year in the TVET system enrollment499 000 people, including women 47.7% (238 200 persons) and men

52.3% (260 800 persons). Over the last 5 years the number of students in TVET system has decreased by 101 thousand people.

64.6% of the total number of students enrolled on the basis of basic secondary education, 34.3% - on the basis of general secondary education, 1.1% - on the basis of college. At full-time enrolled 84.7% of students at the evening and correspondence - 0.6% and 14.7%, respectively.

According to the state educational order 242,300 people trained. This represents 48.5% of the total number of pupils, paid educational services receive 257,100 persons or 51.5% of students.

The number of graduates amounted to 165.7 thousand people, including

57.5% employed and 8.5% continued their education at universities and colleges.

The vast majority of students in VET - young people aged between 14 and 24 years, they account for 90% of the total number of pupils.

The majority of TVET institutions (80%) are located in cities. Accordingly, 90% of all pupils of the TVET are in urban schools, which creates a considerable burden on them.

The greatest number of TVET educational institutions are concentrated in the South Kazakhstan region (92), Almaty (83) and the East Kazakhstan region (81). The smallest - in Mangistau (24), Atyrau (25) and North Kazakhstan (27) areas.

There are regional imbalances in relation to the load on the TVET educational institutions. In the western part of the country has the highest load on the TVET schools. In Mangistau region on average each institution has to 932 students in the South Kazakhstan region, the figure is 787, in Kyzylorda, Aktobe and Atyrau - 726, 720 and 715, respectively. Also, there is increased pressure on schools of big cities: Astana - Almaty and 785 - 733.

In the next 10 years the number of applicants to colleges and universities will increase due to the increasing number of school-age children. At this point in the 9th grade enrollment of approximately 223,000 students in the 5th grade -

253 thousand, and at the 1st class 316 000 children.

Today in Kazakhstan in the TVET system, the number of teachers is 43 112 people, of which37,489 teachers (87%) and 5623 trainers (13%). Ten years ago, the number of workers in the TVET system was27,686, which is below the current amount of 26%. The highest category have9994 teachers and 574 masters of inservice training, respectively, 26.7% and 10.2% of the total.

In European countries, for 71% of the population has a positive image of the TVET. Only 22% of the population of Kazakhstan considers TVET prestigious and therefore there is skewed towards higher education in the country (Cedefop, 2014). The low prestige of TVET in Kazakhstan shows the percentage of youth outreach TVET in age from 15 to 24 years (16.6%).

Experience in the development of TVET in various countries shows that there is no single and universal model of building an effective TVET system. Country TVET system is largely different in quantitative and qualitative characteristics. On the basis of the international experience of state policy in the field of TVET development can identify the main priorities that are respected by countries to achieve its effective development, and used tools.

In carrying out the policy in the sphere of TVET most important condition to meet the economy's needs is the involvement of all parties that are either direct participants, that is directly involved in the TVET system functioning (the state at the national and regional levels, and educational institutions in the face of teachers and students), or indirectly it may have on effects (secondary schools), or they themselves are exposed to the results of the TVET system performance (companies, employers, trade unions).Equally important is also the participation of other social partners (eg, trade unions), representing the interests of both employed workers and enrolled in TVET programs.

The process of quality professional training includes a number of elements: training in professions in demand; matching educational programs to the needs of employers; development of teaching capacity; providing modern teaching and practical equipment; Use relevant textbooks and new educational methods and technologies; providing places for practical training; independent assessment of qualifications; ensuring the employability of graduates and employer participation in co-financing training.

In order to determine the real needs of professionals in the various branches of the analysis carried out of the classifier of professions and specialties of technical and vocational, post-secondary education. Existing qualifier establishes codes of specialty areas, names of trades and professions, qualifications and levels of codes of professional education in the areas of training, ordered by general profile of educational institutions, regulated by trades and professions. However, a certain number of professions are obsolete, changes carried out every five years, whereas the technological changes in the fast-growing industries require more rapid changes in the classifier.

Kazakhstan today has not formed a unified methodology of medium- and long-term forecasting of personnel requirements. The forecast is based on the collection of data from enterprises for a short period of 1 year.

However, to meet the labor market demand for specialists needed spot training, based on the medium-term forecast of over 3 years, as the training in the TVET system, an average need of training for three years.

With the continuous technological development of what is happening in the economy, TVET System cannot exist in isolation, the efficiency of the system is directly determined by its relationship with the economy and the labor market. Therefore, the foundation and the fundamental principle of the effectiveness of the TVET system is to match the rapidly changing needs of the economy.

International experience shows that the introduction and development of the dual system of training is an integral part of the successful development of TVET.

The dual training system - a way of organizing the learning process, which combines training at school (theoretical studies) and discipleship at work (practical training).

This approach involves pooling of interests and mutual responsibility of the state and business in the preparation of future specialists.

An important element of TVET in foreign countries is a credit system which allows us to implement the principle of "learning throughout life» (lifelong learning).

Credit education system involves changing the position of the student and the teacher in the learning process. When administered system of student passively receiving hand turns in an active participant in the learning process. The credit system provides for the organization of students for independent, active mastery of knowledge systems and skills, on the accumulation of creative experience, to develop their teaching and learning activities, professional and educational needs, interests.

One of the urgent problems of TVET today is the growing number of students with disabilities who need special (special) approaches to training and education. Disability among students creates a significant limitation of life can contribute to social exclusion, difficulty in communicating, learning and mastering skills, as well as a social problem of unequal opportunities.

Special education is a part of the general education system, and the state creates conditions for people with special needs to ensure equal opportunities in education. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with fundamental international documents in the field of education provided the principle of equal rights to education for persons with disabilities. Guarantees of the rights of children with developmental disabilities to education enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan», «On Education», «On Social, Medical and Educational Support for Children with Disabilities», «On social protection of disabled persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan», «On special social services».

The development of an inclusive education system is one of the priorities of the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016 - 2019 years. By 2020, the proportion of TVET schools, to create equal conditions and barrier-free access for students with special educational needs, will be 40%. Access to education for children with disabilities and provides a system of e-learning, distance education.

In TVET Republic of Kazakhstan marked deficit of engineering-pedagogical workers. It is worth noting the lack of trainers. Their share is only 13% of the total number of engineering-pedagogical workers. As teachers, and most of the trainers are staff members of schools and have no work experience. At the same time in the developed countries of engineering and teaching staff are regularly trained on the production or are practitioners, and are involved in teaching. To achieve this goal, encourages part-time teaching staff in the branches, as well as a flexible way of recruiting workers directly from the companies respective industries for teaching in educational institutions.

For example, in Austria, most of the teachers and the "internal" masters of inservice training in educational institutions hired from experienced workers in production. In Kazakhstan, the low level of wages in the field of education does not allow to draw for teaching skilled workers with production.

In 2014, only 12% (at the rate of education - 20%) trainers and teachers attended training courses or internships. In developed countries, teachers and trainers are practitioners or internships in the production of 1 every 3 years.

The lack of availability of qualified teaching staff with advanced practical experience, have a negative impact on the quality of teaching in TVET schools. Furthermore, TVET system, there has been a steady trend of aging teaching staff, which does not rely on long-term sustainability of the quality of teaching.

To date, there is no uniform method of charging a framework for the formation of the state order.

State order for training students comprehensively reflects the cost structure for the full formation of the educational process and is funded by the "leftover" principle.

State order covers the current cost of college expenses (administrative expenses, salaries, utilities). It does not take into account the investment component costs. It does not allow colleges to promptly update on the labor market demand of material and technical base.

TVET is specific in that the greater emphasis on practical training. As a result of a growing need for the development of laboratories, workshops, training and production equipment.

As a result, the cost of training for one profession can be different in different colleges.

1. Pursuant to Article 45-1) of the Law "On education" the main areas of public-private partnership in the field of TVET are:

1) employers' participation in the development of state educational standards, standard curricula and programs;

2) the organization of the professional practice of students using technological base of enterprises, training of teachers of special subjects and specialists;

2-1) assistance in the provision of workplace organization for the internship studying in educational institutions implementing educational programs of the TVET;

3) development of cooperation between the parties on the issues of training and promoting their employability;

4) involvement in the process of training of specialists with professional experience in the relevant sectors of the economy;

5) participate in the quality control of the organization of vocational education and evaluation of professional readiness of graduates;

6) involvement of employers funding for the development of educational institutions.

Another challenge to the education system becomes unconscious choice applicants profession. This leads to a large number of graduates who do not work in their specialty. Often applicants selected specialty pressure of parents, teachers and peers. That is, the interests of the students do not meet the requirements of the economy, however, with proper awareness and guidance, these interests can be redirected for the benefit of the economy. The instrument of this influence on the preferences of students is the institution of career mentoring applied practically in many developed countries.

As an example, a special project in the Czech Republic - "Information system for entering the labor market", financed from the budget of the Czech Republic and the European Social Fund. On website provides information about all educational programs of the TVET, on their entrance requirements, qualification and profession, which may be obtained at the end of these programs. data on working conditions is also given for all occupations and degree of satisfaction with the number of experts on them. These are backed by the unemployment rate and the level of pay in their respective professions. Users can also find information about various professions, looking affordable online video and getting acquainted with the needs and requirements of employers on skills and competencies, which must have a potential employee.