Achievement and Integration Plan


Achievement and Integration Plan

July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020

This document reflects Achievement and Integration requirements included in Minnesota Statutes, sections 124D.861 and 124D.862 as well as Minnesota Rules 3535.0100-0180.

District ISD# and Name: Melrose Area School District #740 District’s Integration Status: Racially Isolated District (RI)

Achievement and Integration Plan


Superintendent: Tom Rich

Phone: 320-256-5160


Plan submitted by: Wendy Barutt

Title: A/I Coordinator

Phone: 320-256-5160


Achievement and Integration Plan


Racially Identifiable Schools (RIS) N/A

If you have been notified by MDE that your district has a racially identifiable school, please list each of those schools below, adding additional lines as needed.

Achievement and Integration Plan


Achievement and Integration Plan


Plans for racially identifiable schools will include the same information and follow the same format as that provided for district-wide plans. The RIS plan section starts on page six of this document.

Collaborating Districts Racially isolated districts must partner with adjoining districts on cross-district student integration activities (Minn. Rule 3535.0170). List your collaborating districts here, adding lines as needed. If your integration collaborative has a name, enter it here: Lake Wobegon.

1.  Albany District #745 Adjoining

2.  Belgrade/Brooten/Elrosa Dist #2364


Achievement and Integration Plan


3.  Long Prairie/Grey Eagle District #2753 RI - Racially Isolated

4.  Sauk Centre District #743 A - Adjoining

5.  Osakis District #213 A - Adjoining

6.  Paynesville District #741 A - Adjoining

Achievement and Integration Plan


Submitting This Plan

Submit this completed plan template as a word document to MDE by March 15, 2017 for review and approval (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd. 4). Email it to . Scan the signed coversheet and attach that to your email as a separate PDF.

School Board Approval (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd. 4)

We certify that we have formally approved and will implement the attached Achievement and Integration plan as part of our district’s comprehensive World’s Best Workforce plan and in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Superintendent: Tom Rich

Signature: Date Signed: 2/27/17

School Board Chair: Pat Heller

Signature: Date Signed: 2/27/17

Detailed directions and support for completing this plan are provided in the Achievement Integration Plan Guide available on the MDE Achievement and Integration page.

Plan Input Minnesota School Desegregation/Integration Rule 3535.0170 Subp. 2 requires racially isolated and adjoining districts to establish a multidistrict collaboration council (MDCC) to provide input on integration goals and to identify cross-district strategies to improve integration.

The rule also requires districts with a racially identifiable school (RIS) to convene a community collaboration council (CCC) to assist in developing integration goals and to identify ways of creating increased opportunities for integration at the RIS (Minn. Rules 3535.0160 Subp. 2).

List council members below and briefly describe the community planning process used for your district’s plan and for your Racially Identifiable School (RIS), as applicable.

Multi-District Collaboration Council: Ann Schultz (Albany), Lorie Floura (Paynesville), David Oehrlein (Paynesville), Dawn Knoll (Paynesville), Darwin Johnson (Osakis), Joe Broderick (Osakis), Greg Johnson (Albany), Jon Kringen (LPGE), Pat Westby (Sauk Centre), Linda Guinn (Sauk Centre), Laura Spanier (BBE), Amanda Tegels (BBE), Matt Bullard (BBE), Robert Huot (Paynesville, Tom Rich (Melrose), Wendy Barutt (Melrose) Planning process…The MDCC met on November 3, 2016 and February 8, 2017. Ideas were given on how to get our students together more through cross district collaboration. It was discussed that each district comes up with something for each district to share with the collaborative. Some ideas from the first meeting were:
Career Fair: (LPGE)-fall BBE-Winter 2/17
Elementary Theater Camp - Gray Theater Company.(Paynesville)
BBE career fair - 2/17 invite other schools
Paynesville - Jazz Festival
Melrose – 5 week Summer program
Understanding the focus of each program needs to be reading and or math.
February 8, 2017..MDCC meeting via email: Plans were shared and districts set plans for student collaboration.

Community Collaboration Council for the RIS: NA

Post to District Website Prior to your district’s annual AI and World’s Best Workforce meeting, you must post this plan to the district website (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd. 3 (b)). Please provide the URL where your district’s Achievement and Integration plan is posted.

Plan Goals This plan must contain goals for reducing disparities in academic achievement among all students and specific categories of students (excluding the categories of gender, disability, and English learners), and for increasing racial and economic integration (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd.2 (c)).

GOAL # 1: All Kindergarten students will increase school readiness skills from 32.3% proficiency in fall 2016 to 42% in fall of 2020 as measured by AIMSweb letter sound fluency.

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal Area 1. Kindergarten Readiness Goal

Objective 1.1: Pre-Kindergarten programming will be expanded from 3 days to 5 days a week throughout the school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 through additional personnel to support kindergarten readiness skill acquisition.

Objective 1.2: The Jump Start to Kindergarten Program will provide kindergarten orientation to targeted incoming kindergarten students in August 2017, 2018, and 2019. This program will support kindergarten readiness skill acquisition.

GOAL # 2: Free and Reduced lunch students at Melrose Area Public Schools will increase reading proficiency from 43.3% in 2016 to 49% in 2020 as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA).

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal Area 3. Achievement Gap Closure

Objective 2.1: A weekly homework help program is provided 2 times per week for students in Grades 1-12. Tutors provide assistance in reading skill completion to help close the achievement gap.

Objective 2.2: A Saturday School Program will be provided at least 3 times per quarter for students in grades 6-12. By providing additional student application time to complete daily classroom assignments, the students are given an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge in multiple content areas.

Objective 2.3: A Summer School Program will be provided to give students an opportunity to collaborate at Melrose Area Schools with students from the Lake Wobegon Collaborative. The program occurs for 5 weeks in the summer of years 2018, 2019, and 2020. The activities will focus on reading skills to support closing the achievement gap. This will be measured by the STAR assessments test.

Objective 2.4: The Achievement and Integration Plan supports the purchase of books for the One Book, One School Reading Initiative at Melrose Area Schools yearly to foster an increase in reading achievement.

Objective 2.5: Additional instructional support personnel are provided to reduce adult student ratio in the classroom to support an increase in reading achievement in school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

GOAL # 3: Hispanic students at Melrose Area Public Schools will increase reading proficiency from 33% in 2016 to 39% in 2020 as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA).

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal Area 3 Achievement Gap Closure

Objective 3.1: A weekly homework help program is provided 2 times per week for students in Grades 1-12. Tutors provide assistance in reading skills completion to help close the achievement gap.

Objective 3.2: A Saturday School Program will be provided at least 3 times per quarter for students in grades 6-12. By providing additional student application time to complete daily classroom assignments, the students are given an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge in multiple content areas.

Objective 3.3: A Summer School Program will be provided to give students an opportunity to collaborate at Melrose Area Schools with students from the Lake Wobegon Collaborative. The program occurs for 5 weeks in the summer of years 2018, 2019, and 2020. The activities will focus on reading skills to support closing the achievement gap. This will be measured by the STAR assessments test.

Objective 3.4: The Achievement and Integration Plan supports the purchase of books for the One Book, One School Reading Initiative at Melrose Area Schools yearly to foster an increase in reading achievement.

Objective 3.5: Additional instructional support personnel are provided to reduce adult student ratio in the classroom to support an increase in reading achievement in school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

GOAL # 4: FRP lunch students at Melrose Area Public Schools will increase math proficiency from 50.5% 2016 to 56% in 2020 as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA).

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal 3. Achievement Gap Closure

Objective 4.1: A weekly homework help program is provided 2 times per week for students in Grades 1-12. Tutors provide assistance in math skills completion to help close the achievement gap.

Objective 4.2: A Saturday School Program will be provided at least 3 times per quarter for students in grades 6-12. By providing additional student application time to complete daily classroom assignments, the students are given an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge in multiple content areas.

Objective 4.3: A Summer School Program will be provided to give students an opportunity to collaborate at Melrose Area Schools with students from the Lake Wobegon Collaborative. The program occurs for 5 weeks in the summer of years 2018, 2019, and 2020. The activities will focus on math skills to support closing the achievement gap. This will be measured by the STAR assessments test.

Objective 4.4: Additional instructional support personnel are provided to reduce adult student ratio in the classroom to support an increase in math achievement in school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

GOAL # 5: Hispanic students at Melrose Area Public Schools will increase math proficiency from 39.8% in 2016 to 45% in 2020 as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA).

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal 3. Achievement Gap Closure

Objective 5.1: A weekly homework help program is provided 2 times per week for students in Grades 1-12. Tutors provide assistance in math skills completion to help close the achievement gap.

Objective 5.2: A Saturday School Program will be provided at least 3 times per quarter for students in grades 6-12. By providing additional student application time to complete daily classroom assignments, the students are given an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge in multiple content areas.

Objective 5.3: A Summer School Program will be provided to give students an opportunity to collaborate at Melrose Area Schools with students from the Lake Wobegon Collaborative. The program occurs for 5 weeks in the summer of years 2018, 2019, and 2020. The activities will focus on math skills to support closing the achievement gap. This will be measured by the STAR assessments test.

Objective 5.4: Additional instructional support personnel are provided to reduce adult student ratio in the classroom to support an increase in math achievement in school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

GOAL # 6: Melrose Area Public Schools will increase high school graduation rate from 96.4% in 2015 to 100% in 2020 as measured by MDE graduation rate.

Aligns with WBWF area: Goal 5. High School Graduation Rate

Objective 6.1: The District will foster parental and school communication by providing Native Language Support for all families through translation and interpretation. This initiative enhances the opportunity for parental involvement to support an increase in graduation rates. These services will be ongoing throughout school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

Objective 6.2: Study Hall Support will be provided daily for students in grades 6-12. Support is given with the goal of increasing graduation rates. These services will be ongoing throughout school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

Objective 6.3: The OLWEUS, anti-bullying program, is intended to increase dialogue between students and staff regarding bullying. The goals of the District are to reduce bullying in grades K-12, foster integration between cultures, and increase the graduation rate. This program will be ongoing throughout school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

Objective 6.4: A Skills Class is provided for at risk learners to give them an opportunity to develop basic life skills to be successful after graduation. This class will be provided throughout school years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.

Objective 6.5: A Saturday School Program will be provided at least 3 times per quarter for students in grades 6-12. By providing additional student application time to complete daily classroom assignments, the students are given an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge in multiple content areas.


Directions Eligible districts may use AI revenue to pursue racial and economic integration and student achievement through interventions listed in the Type of Intervention drop-down menus below (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd. 2). Provide the information requested for each intervention.

Requirement for this section: At least one intervention must be designed and implemented to bring together students from the racially isolated district and students from that district’s adjoining AI districts (Minn. Rule 3535.0170).

Copy and paste the text below for each intervention. In your annual AI budget use the intervention names below in the budget narrative for expenditures supporting that intervention.

Intervention # 1. Summer School Program

This intervention supports the following goal objective: Objective 2.3, objective 3.3, objective 4.3, and objective 5.3.

Type of Intervention: Innovative and integrated pre-K-12 learning environments. * If you choose this, complete the Integrated Learning Environments section below.

Integrated Learning Environments (Minn. Stat. § 124D.861 Subd. 1 (c)). Complete this section if you chose Innovative and integrated Pre-k through grade 12 learning environments as the intervention type above.

Integrated Learning Environments increase integration and achievement in the following ways. Select those that best describe the focus of your integrated learning environment:

☒ Uses policies, curriculum, or trained instructors and other advocates to support magnet schools, differentiated instruction, or targeted interventions.

☐ Provides school enrollment choices.

☒ Increases cultural fluency, competency, and interaction.

☐ Increases graduation rates.

Narrative description of the critical features of the intervention. The Summer School 5-week program will coordinate with other districts in the Lake Wobegon Collaborative to provide an integrated reading and math program. The students will meet 3 days a week during the summer and focus on reading and math skills. The goal for all students will be to increase their reading and math achievement level by 2% points as measured by the pre and post STAR assessments. The staff will also provide opportunities for students to collaborate and complete other interdisciplinary projects. Districts to participate: