Name: ______

First Grade

Homework Sheet Week 8: October 3-7, 2016

This week your child will be studying:

Monday / Tuesday / WEDNESDAY / Thursday / Friday
Writing / Read "Barnyard Riddle" and study sight words. / Read “Barnyard Riddle” and complete Tuesday. / Read “Barnyard Riddle” and complete Wednesday section. / Complete Friday section and study sight words. / Return packet to school!
Spelling Test!
Spelling / Complete Monday section of
“Read Barnyard Riddle”. Write spelling words in pyramid writing / Write each spelling word using red for vowels and blue for consonants. / Complete Thursday section. / Have someone give you a practice test at home. Then write all misspelled words 3x each.
Math / Homework
Pgs. 19-20 / Homework
Pgs. 25-26 / Homework
Pgs. 31-32 / Homework
Fluency / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. Answer the questions on the bottom.
Spelling Words / Vocabulary / Sight Words
jump / just
fast / essential- if something is essential, you need it. You cannot live without it.
relax- when you relax, you rest. You feel calmer and less worried.
trust- if you trust someone, you feel safe with that person
nervous- means worried or afraid / eat
Please make sure your child knows how to write these words. / Please make sure your child knows the meaning of these words. / Please make sure your child knows how to read and use in a sentence these sight words.

Grammar: Leaders will be practicing creating sentences and using singular, plural, and possessive nouns.

Phonics: Leaders will be learning how to use the -nk, -nd, -mp, & -st sounds in words.

Reading: Leaders will be learning how to describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Math: Leaders will be learning how to use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.

Science: Leaders will be learning about what community helpers do.

Writing: Students will be learning how to write a narrative piece, including an opening and closing.

Homework Due on: Friday, October 7, 2016.