Strategic Planning to Focus Your Mission & Guiding

Principles into Practice

Materials to accompany the Power Point presentation, Dorothy Briggs

CRLA Conference, Salt Lake City, 2010

#1 Strategic Planning Overview/Definition:

·  Strategic Planning is a tool to use to put your mission and guiding principles into practice.

·  Elements of a strategic plan:

o  Where are we now?

o  Where are we going?

o  How will we get there?

·  How do you know you are successful?

o  How will it help assessment?

o  Is it worth my time and effort?

#2 The Why’s of Strategic Planning

o  The need to spend more time on high impact activities,

o  The need to identify true opportunities,

o  The need of a plan to be able to adapt quickly,

o  Enable us to be proactive rather than reactive

#3 Strategic Planning Tool Box – The pieces of a good strategic plan

o  Mission Statement

o  Vision Statement

o  Guiding Principles: What is important to us as a team? For example:

§  Communication

§  Collaboration

§  Safety (trust, honesty, integrity)

§  Flexibility (open, embrace change, growth)

o  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

o  Competitive Advantage

o  Goals

o  Objectives to connect vision and goals to mission

o  Action Items – who does what? Timeline? The specific steps that will help us implement and accomplish our goals.

o  Assessment – did you do what you set out to do?

#4 The How’s of Strategic Planning

  1. Determine Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles
  1. Determine SWOTS: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

·  What is your competitive advantage

  1. Set goals (SMART)

·  Answer the questions, “What, when, how and who?” For example: In the next 5 years what are 4 key things we need to focus our attention on in order to become “The World Class Learning Center” we are charged with becoming?

·  S = specific

·  M = measurable

·  A = attainable

·  R = relevant

·  T = time sensitive

·  Revisit frequently

·  Long term (2 year? 5 year?)

·  Short term (this month? This semester?)

  1. Determine objectives for goals that connect vision to mission
  1. Determine action items (who does what)
  1. Assessment

#5 What next? How are you going to use this information?

#6 Q & A’s


Bryson, John M. (2004). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement, 3rd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. (2009). CAS professional standards for higher education (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. (2010). CAS Self Assessment Guide for Learning Assistance Program(CD Version 4.2). Washington, DC: Author.

Christ, Frank Promising Practices:

Olsen, Erica (2007). Strategic Planning for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Dorothy Briggs
