Infant Formula for Cows Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA)

Extensively Hydrolysed Formulae (eHF)

Content Per 100ml
Calories / Protein / Iron / Calcium / Vit D
(Kcal) / (g) / (mg) / (mg) / (mcg)
First Line / Nutramigen Lipil 1 / 68 / 1.9 / 1.22 / 77 / 1 / Casein based
Nutramigen Lipil 2 (from 6 months) / 68 / 1.7 / 1.2 / 94 / 1.1 / Casein based
Similac Alimentum / 68 / 1.9 / 1.22 / 71 / 1.01 / Casein based
Second Line (if not tolerating taste and child able to tolerate lactose) / Aptamil Pepti 1 / 67 / 1.6 / 0.53 / 47 / 1.3 / Whey based. Contains Lactose
Aptamil Pepti 2 (from 6 months) / 68 / 1.6 / 1 / 63 / 1.4 / Whey based. Contains Lactose
Althera / 67 / 1.7 / 0.73 / 41 / 1 / Whey based. Contains Lactose
For initiation by specialist (in cases of malabsorption) / Pepti-junior / 66 / 1.8 / 0.77 / 50 / 1.3 / Whey based. 50% of fat as MCT
Pregestimil Lipil / 68 / 1.89 / 1.22 / 78 / 1.25 / Casein based. 54% of fat as MCT

Amino Acid Formulae (AAF)

Per 100ml / Calories / Protein / Iron / Calcium / Vit D
(kcal) / (g) / (mg) / (mg) / (mcg)
Reserved for Severe CMA or symptoms not settling with eHF (See MAP algorithm) / Nutramigen AA / 68 / 1.89 / 1.22 / 64 / 0.85
Neocate LCP / 67 / 1.8 / 1 / 66 / 1.2
Alfamino / 69 / 1.8 / 0.69 / 56.6 / 1
Initiation by Dietician or Secondary Care / Neocate Advance (from 1 year) / 100 / 2.5 / 0.62 / 50 / 0.81
Neocate Active (from 1 year) / 100 / 2.76 / 1.3 / 95 / 0.83

General Requirements

Age / Calcium per day / Milk/Formula Volume per day / Approx. Tins for 28 days
Birth to 6months / 150ml/kg / 13 x 400g
6 x 900g
6 months to 1 year / 525mg / Reducing to 600ml / 7-13 x 400g
3-6 x 900g
1 year + / 350mg / 300-600ml / 7 x 400g
3 x 900g

Developed by Surrey Downs CCG Medicines Management Team and CSH Surrey Dietetics Department, December 2014