Check whether cable is connected or not. If cable is not connected, network status will be shown as below. If there are any issues with the LAN port or cable which you are using, then also the following status will be shown. If you are having such an issue only because of your non-working LAN port, please raise a complaint about faulty LAN port to your hostel sysad. H15 and H16 students, please raise your complaints to hall manager along with room no and phone no until your sysads are elected.Also check whether the Ethernet drivers are installed properly on your machine before doing this. Also try checking with working ports and cables present in your neighboring rooms.


Only those who are getting the connected status (shown as limited connectivity) please try steps below.

1-Press windows key + R to open Network connections window in your machine. Type ncpa.cpl to open network connections page

Check whether you are able to see Ethernet or Local Area connection adapter over there.

2-Double click and open it. At the bottom of the list of connect using following items, double click Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPV4)

3-Check whether it is as below pic. This will ensure that you are using DHCP.

For those hostels who need to put static IPs like H14, check the following link.

They will have to set static ip using the values taken from the above link. Please don’t forget to check the validate settings upon exit box before clicking OK.

4-In case if any issues persist try diagnose by right clicking the adapter.

Now try accessing from any browsers.

If you are still facing issues, try the following.

Press Windows Key + R. Type cmd.exe

Then command prompt will come up. Type ipconfig /all on it.

There will be something called Ethernet adapter Ethernet under which you can see the IP of your Ethernet. Check IPv4 address, subnet mask, default gateway.

If you are directly connected to the LAN port rather than via any router, your IP must be like 10.*.*.*

Your gateway ip should be like 10.*.*.250

Try following commands to check whether the network is working or not then

ping your gateway ip

Check whether it works.

If it works, then there is no issue with your connection to hostel switch. Then try pinging the following ip

10.250.yourhostelno.2 . This is your hostel’s main switch’s IP. If it works, then try


This is the IP of CSE server. If this works, then you are connected to the academic area.


This is the IP of a CC switch. If it connects, it means that you are connected to CC.

Setting proxy.

If you are using and if net is slow, try the following. You have to set with port 80 as the proxy to access internet then.Use Windows key + R to open run and type inetcpl.cpl to open internet properties. Select connections tab. There is select LAN settings at the bottom


Then you have to set the proxy as and port no 80 as given in the pic below.

Select the advanced option and check the use proxy server for all protocol box. Then copy paste the following in the exceptions.


Press OK for the rest. From now on you will be able to access internet via browser using netmon proxy server.


If you are still having issues, then complain to CC via the following portal

Also, for the people facing issues with connecting to IITB Wireless check the following page

Windows 7 and 8 users must install the following file once to get your machine connected to IITB wireless