Rockville Town Council Meeting

December 09, 2015

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Rockville Town Council

Regular Meeting

December 09, 2015

Rockville Community Center

1.  CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – Mayor Pro Tem Pam Leach called the meeting to order at 6:02p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Mark Hartless and Terry Bell. Mayor Tracy Dutson and Megan Honer-Orton were excused.

2.  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Pro Tem Pam Leach led the Pledge of Allegiance.


4.  PUBLIC COMMENT AND QUESTIONS – There were no public comments or questions.


6.  APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND TOWN COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2016 – Terry Bell MOVED to approve the Planning Commission and Town Council Meeting Schedule for 2016. Mark Hartless SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Mark Hartless – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

7.  APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2015 – TOWN CLERK – Mark Hartless MOVED to approve the expenditures for the month of November 2015 as presented. Terry Bell SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Mark Hartless – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Pro Tem Leach indicated that the minutes for November are still under review and will be presented for approval in January.


Terry Bell reported that he attended a few meetings for the Mayor over the past month. One was the County Transportation Executive Committee Meeting. The main item of interest to Rockville was the feasibility study planned for Sun Tran to come to Springdale. Terry also attended a luncheon at Dixie Regional Hospital where Terry Keen was the speaker. The main focus was what is planned over the next eight or nine years for the hospital. He noted that the intent is to nearly double the size of the hospital in the next five years.

Pam Leach reported on the Christmas Party and stated that attendance was light. She asked for advice on how to reach out and bring more people to community gatherings in the future. The outdoor lights and decorations were also up and she stated that the town looks pretty for the holidays.

Mark Hartless reported that with regard to roads, the County has graded Eagle Crags Road. He also spoke to UDOT representative Dana Meier about the repaving project for SR-9 from Zion Park through Rockville next year. Mark asked about conflicts of interest and whether the town has a road engineer. If so, a conflict of interest could be created during the scoring of the proposals for the proposed work. Clerk Harris stated that the town has never hired an engineer. Mark stated that there have been perceived potential conflicts that have resulted in Springdale being uninvited to participate in the rest of the process of scoring the proposals. He explained that there are people lined up to make proposals to UDOT for the engineering of the upcoming SR-9 repaving project. He was being given their proposals to score them. His understanding from UDOT was that the existing paving is going to be stripped. The subgrade will likely be removed or lowered and brought back up and then new pavement put on. The feeling from UDOT was that the current asphalt is a ticking time bomb.

Terry stated that UDOT will not get around to Rockville again for about 30 years and the town doesn’t have a say in what they do. The possibility of burying conduit for future use was discussed. He noted that UDOT may be interested in a private/public partnership because the conduit, having four sections can be utilized by others interested in wanting to lay cable. He was not sure, however, where that situation stands currently.

9.  STAFF REPORT AS NEEDED – Clerk Harris reported that on December 16 Zions Bank contacted her with questions after a bogus check was run through the account. The check itself had been counterfeited and everything on it had been forged. The following morning a freeze was put on the account and Pam Leach spent 3½ hours at the bank opening a new account. The account is now secure and the funds were returned to the town. Prosecution will be the responsibility of Zions Bank. Clerk Harris stated that the check was forged with a Salt Lake address and cashed at a Zions bank in Salt Lake. Pam stated that the new checks have further security protection to prevent copies of checks from being deposited. What triggered suspicion was the out of sequence number on the check.

Clerk Harris reported that there was a recent continual parking violation in Rockville that was reported to the police who are taking care of it.

10.  ADJOURN – Terry Bell MOVED to adjourn. Mark Hartless SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

Mark Hartless – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:

Teri Forbes, Owner

T Forbes Group


__Tracy Dutson______

Mayor Tracy Dutson