Pre-AP World Geography Syllabus
Mrs. Hansen – CM 210
Course Description: This course examines people, places, and environments at local, regional, national and international scales from the spatial and ecological perspectives of geography. Geography analyzes the relationships and interaction of various parts of the world with each other. A global perspective on the world and its people, places, culture, and conflicts are among the broad topics addressed in World Geography studies.
Course Rationale: To impress upon the student the need for geography awareness and the role geography plays in our everyday life and to develop the necessary written, verbal and critical thinking skills necessary for Social Studies Advanced Placement classes.
Methods for Accomplishing Objectives: Lecture notes, map transparencies, discussion, brainstorming, technology projects, textbook and other selected readings, writing assignments, videos, group work, special projects and current events.
Student Evaluation: The 9-weeks grade will be calculated using the following formula:
Major exams/projects55%
Daily grades45%
Total grade100%
Course Content
Part A
Basic Mapping
Geographer’s Toolbox
Political and Economic
Population and Migration
Culture and Language
Religion and Ethnicity
Part B
Climate and Weather
Current Event Unit
Other Classroom Issues
What you will need for this course:
* a 1” 3-ring binder or folder* map pencils
* McGraw Hill World Geography textbook (optional) * Kleenex (optional)
Classwork: Each 9-weeks, students can expect 3 major exams; 6-10 homework assignments and 15-20 daily assignments. It is important for students to stay current with their assignments. ***Papers with no names will receive ZEROS!!
Late Homework & Retesting: NO LATE HOMEWORK IS ACCEPTED IN PRE-AP COURSES after the 1st 9 weeks, NOR IS RETESTING OF FAILED TESTS ALLOWED. However in saying that, students are allowed 1 test retake per 9 weeks grading period. These policies are spelled out the Pre-AP contract signed by students and parents, along with the ***AISD grading policy.
Absences and Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility after an absence to get their make-up work. Daily work will be placed in the shelves labeled by day. You have an equal amount of days as you were absent to turn in the work (i.e. absent one day, work due one day after you return). All make-up work and exams will be completed outside of the regular class time. All make-up exams must be taken with a week of the original date.
Cheating: In accordance with district policy, cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating in any form (asking for answers, copying papers, etc.) as well as the person who was sharing their information or work, will receive a zero “0” on the assignment, parents will be contacted and the student will be reported to their A.P. for dishonesty.
Projects: Students will be assigned a major project each 9 weeks. Details will be given at a later date.
Tutorials: Scheduled tutorials are Tuesdayand Wednesday from 6:45 – 7:15am and Monday afternoons from 3:00 – 3:30pm. Other times can be pre-arranged. Alternate times will be made when I have duty responsibilities.
Notebook Requirements: Each student will keep a separate notebook for this class. Keeping all classwork in one location helps student organization, which leads to better class performance. The notebook will be checked and graded at the end of the 9 weeks.
Class Rules:
- Respect yourself and others, show this by your words and actions.
- Come prepared for class everyday with the necessary materials.
- No eating or drinking in the classroom.
- Be in your seat and ready for class when the tardy bell rings; don’t start packing up your stuff 5 minutes before the class is over. Remain seated until the bell rings.
- No devices in class unless you have permission.
Students will be able to use a device in class with the teacher’s permission. Students will be required to follow AISD device policies at all other times.
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