Brick American Baseball League


Operating Manual



Objective...... 2

501 (C) (3)...... 2

Introduction...... 2

General Requirements...... 3

Eligibility Requirements...... 4

Member Conduct...... 5

Baseball Programs...... 7

Operational Formats...... 8

Tryouts, Drafts and Trades...... 10

Travel Teams...... 12

Fall Ball……………………………………………………….15

Umpires……………………………………………...... 15

Playoffs...... 15


Conclusion...... 15



2008Operating Rules and Regulations

Name -This Organization shall be known as the “Brick American Baseball League” Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Brick American” or “The League”.

Objective - The objective of the Brick American Baseball League shall be to develop the qualities of good citizenship, sportsmanship and respect for authority in our children. The goal is to produce future productive members of society. To achieve this objective, the Brick American Baseball League will provide a supervised baseball program under the rules and regulations of Babe Ruth Baseball Inc. The focus of the organization will be on developing future citizens and their athletic abilities, not on winning games.

501 (c) (3) - In accordance with Section 501(c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, the Brick American Baseball League shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive baseball games. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. No part of the activities shall be used as propaganda to influence legislation or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office


The primary goal of the Brick American Baseball League (B.A.B.L.) is in concert with the Babe Ruth League Rule Book. Babe Ruth League Baseball is a program of service to youth. It is structured to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participation. The organization is dedicated to helping children become good citizens. It strives to inspire them with a goal and to enrich their lives toward the day when they must take their place in the world. It establishes for them the rudiments of teamwork and fair play.

As member volunteers, we will teach the fundamental skills, basic strategies and rules of the game of baseball. Of equal importance, we will strive to develop an attitude of respect from players toward coaches, opponents, umpires, parents, teammates and fans. We will aim to:

a. Emphasize the enjoyment of baseball and the thrill of competition, keeping in mind that it is just a game.

b. De-emphasize winning – enjoy it when you win but don’t think it’s the end of the world when a game is lost.

Any person whose sole interest is winning should consider joining a different organization. Winning and losing, though apart of the game will not be our top priority. Our program is dedicated to the growth and development of the children of BrickTownship. If all of our member volunteers keep to those principles and work together then we will have a better league, with the best coaches, best managers and ultimately the best baseball players.


1. A copy of the most current By-laws and these Operating Rules will be given to each person applying for membership in the organization.

2. Any member participating in one of the baseball programs must complete the Cal Ripken Coaching Certification Clinic,

3. Any member participating in one of the programs and is not certified as a Babe Ruth League Umpire must attend a one day Rules and Field Maintenance clinic at B.A.B.L. before the start of each season before they will be eligible to coach. All members are encouraged to attend and complete the babe Ruth national Umpires Association Umpiring Clinic,

Any member completing either of these Umpiring certification programs will be exempt from the annual B.A.B.L. rules clinic.

4. All first time managers, at all levels of play, will be required to attend the B.A.B.L. Coach’s Clinic. This clinic will provide all managerial candidates with a method of conducting his team:

a.Organizing Practices

b. Hitting Drills

c.Fielding drills

d. Throwing Drills

e. Pitching and Catching Drills

f. Base Running and Sliding Drills

g. Other areas designed to improve the skills of the individual players

5. All first time coaches, at all levels of play, will be required to attend the B.A.B.L. Coach’s Clinic.

6. These clinics may be mandatory and if so, any excused absence must be approved by the Executive Board. Any member who fails to attend a required managers and coaches clinic or certification program will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the baseball program and the League. Clinics may be held during a regularly scheduled General Membership Meeting.

7. All General Membership Meetings, unless otherwise notified, will be held during the 3rdweek of September, October, November, January, February and March at 7:30 pm. General Membership Meetings for April, May and June will be held during the 3rdweek of the month at 8:30 pm. Credit for attendance will be given if a member signs in with the Sergeant-At-Arms no later than ½ hour after the start of the meeting. Also, leaving before the official adjournment will not be permitted unless the presiding officer gives permission.

8. Renewal of membership will require a satisfactory evaluation of a member’s total participation during the full year and the approval of the Executive Board of the League. To assure the success of B.A.B.L. sponsored tournaments and other events, all members will be expected to assist and/or participate in a way that fits their abilities, i.e., umpiring, official scorer, P.A. announcer, field preparation and maintenance, snack stand, etc. The level of participation by a member in these events will be a determining factor when the League considers a volunteer for renewal of membership.


Any member wishing to manage or coach a team must meet the following eligibility requirements that are based on completion of certification programs and/or attending clinics and service in the League. Final approval of all managing and coaching positions will be recommended by the Player Agent and approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board will consider exceptions to these eligibility requirements for members, who can document their prior service in other leagues or service in a professional capacity, i.e., managing or coaching at the scholastic or professional level.

When a vacancy exists for a manager or coach, first preference will be given to eligible members from the higher levels of play over the level having the vacancy. Second preference will go to the current managers and coaches at the level of play having the open position. Third preference will go to eligible managers and coaches at the lower levels of play. Lastly, the open position will be offered to eligible new members.

Required Clinics

Level of
Play / Safety
Clinic / Coaches
Clinic / Rules Clinic / District 18
Tee Ball
(4-5) / 1 / 2 / 2 / Optional
(6-7) / 1 / 2 / 2 / Optional
(8-9) / 1 / 2 / 2 / Option al
50/70 Minor
(10-12) / 1 / 2 / 2 / Optional
50/70 Major (10-12) / 1 / 2 / Coach
Required / Coaches Required
Senior League
(13-15) / 1 / Coach
Required / Optional / 2

1 = All members must be safety certified, no exceptions.

2 = All members must attend, exceptions will only be

made by the Executive Board.

Service Requirements:

1. Tee Ball – Ages 4 and 5. This is the entry level to the league. No previous service is required to coach or manage at this level.

2. Rookie League– Ages 6 and 7. To manage at this level, a member must have 1 year or more coaching experience within the league or Major Division experience that can be documented.

3. “A” Division–Ages 8 and 9. To manage, a member must have coached at least 1 year at the minor league or higher level. For coaches, first preference will be given to any member with at least 1 year at any level. New members will be offered coaching positions if coaches from other levels do not want the positions.

4. Minor Division 50/70– Ages 10 – 12. To manage, a member must have coached at least 1 year at the minor league or higher level. For coaches, first preference will be given to any member with at least 1 year at any level. New members will be offered coaching positions if coaches from other levels do not want the positions.

5. Major Division50/70 Ages 10 – 12.To manage, a member must have at least 3 consecutive years as a coach and 1 year as a minor league manager. To coach a Major League Team, a member must have at least 3 consecutive years of coaching in the league including at least 2 years at the minor league level.

6. Senior League – To manage a team, a member must have a minimum of 2 years experience as a Major League or Junior League manager or 3 years as a Junior or Senior League coach. Any member with at least 5 years of coaching experience at any level is eligible to coach a Senior League team.


Each volunteer must follow the highest ethical and moral standards. In general, the league prohibits the use of alcohol on the complex or at any site where an official B.A.B.L. function is taking place. Only the Executive Board will make exceptions to this policy. Any member found to be in violation of this ban will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the league. The use of tobacco products in the presence of children during official league functions is prohibited. Members are not permitted to smoke on any playing field or location where a practice or game is being held. Smoking will not be permitted during official meetings of the league such as General Membership Meetings. Members are role models for the children they come in contact with both on and off the field. It is the aim of the Executive Board that all members of the league conduct themselves in a professional and efficient manner for the benefit of the children and our community.

The higher the level of support the league receives from its members the greater our success will be. From time to time, members will be asked to participate in activities that go beyond the immediate demands of the playing field. For example, members will be asked to participate in special work parties to clean up the complex, to assist with special tournaments by umpiring games or doing field maintenance, to be sure that 50-50 raffles are conducted during games by the home team, to solicit parents for snack stand duty and coordinate scheduling with the snack stand manager.

As detailed in the By-Laws, the main governing body of the B.A.B.L. is the Board of Directors. The Executive Vice President of the league has been designated by the President as the League Commissioner. He will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the activities of the Player Agents.

The daily oversight of each level of play is by a member designated as the Player Agent. At the levels of play that are designated as primarily competitive, the Player Agent cannot be a coach or manager at the level being overseen. At the levels of play that are designated as primarily non-competitive, the Player Agent may be a coach or manager.

The title of Player Agent implies specific responsibilities such as setting up tryouts for player candidates, conducting the draft, acts as an intermediary when trades are undertaken and maintains a list of players who are eligible to be elevated to the next level of play. The Player Agent also observes and evaluates managers and coaches in their handling of players and abilities as a manager or coach. The player Agent at each level of play will have the authority to suspend any manager or coach in his level of play.

Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game during the regular or post season will be subject to the following penalties:

First Offense– A one game suspension beginning with the next scheduled game.

Second Offense – A two game suspension beginning with the next scheduled game.

Third Offense – Suspension from league participation for the remainder of the season with a minimum suspension of three games.

If necessary, suspensions will be carried over from one season to the next. Repeated ejection of a manager, coach or player will not be tolerated and will jeopardize that manager, coach or player’s future membership in B.A.B.L. The Player Agent will report any such actions to the Executive Board, which will have the option of taking further action. The Executive Board reserves the right to assess sanctions above and beyond those previously listed. Disagreements will arise between members and they should attempt to settle them in an adult mature way by themselves. If the disagreements cannot be resolved between members, they should seek the Player Agent and/or the League Commissioner for assistance. If necessary, a member can appeal to the Executive Board as specified in the league’s by-laws.

At the end of each season, the Player Agent and League President or other Executive Officer of the league will evaluate all members and decide whether a volunteer will be offered for another year of membership. The highest rating a coach or manager will receive will be for contributing as much as possible to teaching and advancing players from his team to the next level of play and not for winning the most games or championships.

All members should be on the same page, following the B.A.B.L. program. Membership in the league is a privilege and not a right. Remember, we are supposed to be in the league for the kids!


Each level of play comprises teams of varying roster sizes with each team having a manager and a maximum of two coaches. The Executive Board will determine the format that each level of play will use before the start of each season. It should be noted that each level of play can implement local options as outlined in the Official Babe Ruth League Rules. Local options must be approved by the Executive Board before being adopted. Local options may not abridge or negate any of the policies and rules set forth in this document or in the Official Babe Ruth League Rules.

The league will usually consist of the following levels of play, any of which may or may not be active from year to year.

1. Tee Ball – For children ages 4 and 5. Usually the first exposure to organized baseball for children ages 4-5. This is the most instructional and least competitive level of play in the league. Managers and coaches instruct players in the proper fundamental rules andtechniques of the game. The goal of Tee Ball is developing basic baseball skills through repetition.

2. Rookie League – For children ages 6-7. After developing the basic skills necessary to participate in games with pitching versus hitting from a tee. The goal is to further improve the player’s basic skills of baseball while exposing the child to a more advanced level of play. The format is largely instructional but games are played in a style that is closer to that of the “A” Division. Players will face pitching from either the team manager, coach or pitching machine. There may be local options that limit the number of bases on balls the offensive team will receive during each half inning, prohibit or limit stealing bases. Managers and coaches are permitted to be on the field of play when their team is playing defense.

3“A” Division – For children ages 8-9. This level of play is the feeder program to develop and prepare a player for possible advancement into the Major League. The format at this level requires a large amount of instruction but players will participate in some competitive games governed by the Babe Ruth Rule Book. At this level the players usually lack a sufficient amount of baseball skills and rule limitations are imposed during the regular season. There may be local options that limit the number of bases on balls the offensive team will receive during each half inning, prohibit or limit stealing bases. Managers and coaches are permitted to be on the field when their team is playing defense.

4. Minor and Major League 50/70 – Children ages 10-12. At this level, play is competitive but managers and coaches continue to instruct. Games are played on a 50/70 field with fewer rule exceptions. This level brings the player another step closer to playing the full game of baseball.

6. Senior League – For players ages 13-15. Senior League is an extremely competitive level of play that requires a high level of physical skill and baseball knowledge. This level of play is comparable to high school junior varsity baseball.


The focus and objectives of managers and coaches will vary from one level to the next. As outlined in section “C”, the first objective at all levels of play will be the development of the player – steadily improving the player’s level of skill. The second goal will be to play organized games that are fun and competitive without the heavy emphasis on winning. The Executive Board will decide the format that each level of play will use before the start of each season. It should be noted that each level of play can implement local options as outlined in the Official Babe Ruth League Rules. Any local options must be approved by the Executive board before being adopted. The various levels of play will fall into one of three basic formats – Instructional, Competitive, and very competitive. Because the league emphasizes player development, the following chart shows how all levels of play start as instructional and all of the formats are a blend of one or more.