Dear Fellow,

I hope you can join us on this visit to learn more about this unique town and hear from and meet other Fellows old and new. Enclosed is information on the history of the town, the Town Hall and the pub opposite, where we will have lunch and start with coffee.

As the Town Hall has served as a jail and court room I thought it appropriate to hear talks on related subjects from two Fellows. Sam Hart became a Fellow in 2015 and her travels were to investigate trauma through informed responses in working with prisoners’ families. Bonita Holland (2012 Fellow) was due to give a talk on Inclusive Restorative Justice practices last year that had to be abandoned for one reason and another. So she is champing at the bit this year!

Here is the programme for the day:

10.00 arrive at the Fordwich Arms opposite the Town Hall

10.00-10.45 Coffee and refreshments

11.00-12.00 over to the Town Hall for Sam’s presentation.

Short break

12.30-13.30 Bonny’s presentation

13.30-14.30 back to the pub for lunch

14.30 meet in the Town Hall undercroft for a video presentation on its history followed by a guided walk around the town by a member of The Fordwich History Society.

The day will finish around 16.00hrs

The charge will be £20.00 a head towards the hire of the room, lunch and refreshments as well as a donation to the Fordwich History Society. Please complete the form below and return it with a cheque or indicate that you have paid by BACS by Friday 21st April.


I/we will attend the meeting at Fordwich Town Hall on Saturday 6th May 2017

Fellow’s Name ------Contact number ------

Number of guests______Special dietary requirements______

(vegetarian, coeliac etc.-plus please state number)

Cheques payable to: S E Association of Churchill Fellows Tick as appropriate

Or by BACS

Lloyds TSB Bank plc.Sort Code: 30 95 01

Account No.: 00064121

Please reply by Friday 21st April at the latest

Wishing you well,

Paul Reed

South East Association Chairman