General Certificate of Education Tystysgrif Addysg Gyffredinol
The marking schemes which follow were those used by the WJEC for the January 2005 examination in GCE BIOLOGY. They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the assessment. The conferences were held shortly after the papers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming the basis of discussion. The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners.
It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that, without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conferences, teachers may have different views on certain matters of detail or interpretation.
The WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence about these marking schemes.
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
1. (a)
organic molecule / amino acid / starchtissue / muscle
compound / NaHCO3
element / Magnesium
polymer / starch
(b) (i) starch and cellulose: starch alpha glucose, cellulose beta;
starch two polysaccharides, cellulose one;
Starch has 1-4 and 1-6 links, cellulose 1-4 only.
Starch has a branched structure within it, cellulose un-branched;
Amylose/starch coiled, cellulose (H) bonds/cross links between adjacent mols. 2
(max 2) (Reference to both needed)
(ii) Triglyceride and phospholipids: triglyceride three fatty acids, phospholipids two;
Phospholipid: phosphoric acid/phosphate;
Phospholipids hydrophilic (head) and hydrophobic(tail) (Max 2) 2
(Comparison needed, except last point)
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
2. (a) A = Golgi 1
B = Mitochondrion 1
C = (Smooth) Endoplasmic reticulum. (not: ER) 1
D = Cell membrane / cell surface membrane / plasmamembrane. 1
E = Cell wall. 1
F = Ribosome 1
(b) Chloroplasts/grana/thylakoid;
Starch grains;
Nucleus or associated structure e.g., nucleolus or chromatin;
RER/rough endoplasmic reticulum;
Tonoplast/vacuolar membrane
(Max. 2) (No consequential error allowed) 2
(c) Vesicles; (labelled)
from golgi;
migrate to cell membrane; (movement indicated)
membranes fuse;
exocytosis; (term required)
(Max. 3) (Diagram needed; unlabelled diagram, max 2) 3
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
3. (a) (i) D 1
(ii) B 1
(iii) A 1
(iv) F 1
(v) C 1
(vi) E 1
(Letters only; more than one answer, no mark)
(b) (i) condensation 1
(ii) water (allow correct formula) 1
4. (a) Increased conc increased rate of reaction. 1
(b) 5.5; (allow : 5.6) 1
Fig. from graph (1.1 to 1.2) 1
(c) Denature/boil enzyme
(not: no enzyme) 1
(d) Enzyme has a pH optimum/does not work in acid pH 1
(allow: denatured not: destroyed/inhibited)
(e) Faster (colour change) at start as temperature increases; 1
No further colour change after enzyme denatured. 1
(f) rate drops/stops if all active sites blocked; 1
competes with normal substrate for active sites. 1
(g) Biuret test/NaOH or any alkali plus CuSO4; 1
Purple/violet ring/colour develops if protein. 1
(linked marks) [11]
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
5. (a) (i) E 1
(ii) E and A 1
(b) line 15N below 14N with labels; 1
line between two 1
(c) Light; 1
Medium 1
(two bands only)
6. (a) (i) Positive end, negative end/ unequal distribution of charge; 1
Hydrogen +ve, oxygen –ve; 1
(ii) diagram of H linked to O of adjacent water. 1
(b) (i) used for transport (in blood/phloem)/chemical reactions occur in solution/allows gaseous exchange (reference to organisms needed). 1
(ii) Used for cooling body (sweating) 1
(iii) Stops large fluctuations in temperature of water, helps aquatic organisms/organisms large percentage water therefore prevents large temperature fluctuations. 1
(iv) prevents heat loss, insulating layer/allows organisms to live below it. 1
(v) light can pass through, aquatic organisms can photosynthesise. 1
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
7. (a) 12 single structures (chromosomes); 1
Separated from each other; 1
Labels: centrioles, spindle fibres, centromere, chromosomes 2
Max 2 for labels.
(b) replication DNA;
Centrioles replicate;
Organelles e.g. mitochondria produced;
Protein synthesis;
RNA / nucleotide synthesis;
High rate respiration/ATP synthesis;
Energy store
AVP. e.g. Two chromatids formed.
(Max. 3) (not: growth)
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
8. (a) A. Gene must be identified;
B. Using e.g. gene probes/nucleotide/amino acid sequence;
C. Gene is cut out/isolated using restriction enzymes;
(not: extracted)
D. or made from RNA using reverse transcriptase;
E. DNA polymerase to produce double strand from cDNA
F. Suitable vector used, e.g. plasmid;
G. Vector DNA cut using same restriction enzyme;
H. Complementary base pairing;
I. Original joined to vector DNA using ligase;
J. Reference to blunt or sticky end;
K. Recombinant DNA formed;
L. Vector DNA inserted into bacterial cell;
M. Vector may be identified using antibiotic markers;
N. Growth of bacteria in (industrial) fermenter to produce metabolic products, e.g. insulin;
O. Growth/cloning of bacteria to express new gene i.e., multiplication;
P. Purification of protein
(Max. 10) [10]
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
8. (b) A. Primary structure, sequence of amino acids;
B. Linked by peptide bonds;
C. Secondary structure described;
D. Hydrogen bonds / ionic bonds;
E. Tertiary structure described;
F. As shown by globular proteins;
G. Disulphide bridges / covalent;
H. Ionic, salt bridges, hydrogen, hydrophobic bonds, Van der Waals; (Any 2)
I. Quaternary structure described;
(reference to polypeptide chains, not proteins)
J. Enzymes with an example;
K. Antibodies or hormones;
L. Connective tissue/keratin is a resistant protein in skin cells - helps prevent entry of pathogens/structural or fibrous/muscle;
M. AVP Carrier molecules in active transport/facilitated diffusion;
N/O Any two from:
AVP Secondary source of energy;
AVP Albumin - water potential;
AVP Transport of oxygen-haemoglobin;
AVP Histones;
AVP Fibrinogen - blood clotting;
AVP Allow one other function if described.
6 marks for structure 4 for function. [10]
1. / (a) / Unicellular Organisms/single celled. (not: examples/description) / 1(b) / Thin/Moist. (not: good blood supply/thin walled/permeable) / 2
2. / (a) / 118 (mm Hg) / 1
(b) / Aortic/Semilunar/valves at the beginning of the aorta; (not:bicuspid/pocket) / 1
close under aortic pressure, (preventing backflow). / 1
(c) / The ventricle relaxes increasing its volume.
(allow: muscle, not:heart) / 1
The volume increases more rapidly than it is being refilled/ decreases pressure. / 1
(d) / Much lower pressure/no or less rhythmical fluctuation in pressure. / 2
(e) / (i) Loss of fluid to tissues/much larger diameter of veins / 1
(ii) Massaging effect of muscles/presence of venous/pocket valves. (not: semi lunar valve) / 1
3. / (a) / (i) A. Epiglottis / 1
B. Cartilaginous rings/cartilage / 1
C. Diaphragm / 1
D. Bronchioles / 1
(ii) A. (Closes entrance to trachea) to prevent inhalation of food. / 1
B. Prevent collapse of air passages (as pressure falls to draw in air). / 1
C. Lowered by muscles to increase volume of thorax/lowers pressure. (not: contracts to change volume/moves up and down for inspiration) / 1
(b) / (i) Bigger vital capacity. (not: description; term needed) / 1
(ii) Flow rate decreased as air is expelled/(more difficult to breathe out)/reference to time. (not: reference to height of peaks) / 1
(iii) Constriction/inflammation (of the lining) of the bronchii restricts flow. (not: ref. to trachea) / 1
Question / Answer/Explanatory Notes / Marks Available /
4. / (a) / A. Epidermis / 1
B. Palisade/Mesophyll Tissue / 1
(b) / (i) II / 1
(ii) Thicker Cuticle and Sunken Stomata. (not: reference to air spaces) / 2
(c) / I / 1
(d) / (i) Peak around midday. / 1
Low at night. / 1
Rapid rise at dawn. / 1
(ii) Reference to malate/CO2/ATP etc. / 1
Influx of potassium ions / 1
Explanation of guard cell opening e.g. asymmetric walls / 1
(iii) Temperature/humidity. (not: wind speed) / 1
5. / (a) / Fresh leaves require time for establishment of numbers of decomposers. (not: adapting) / 1
(b) / (i) Rapid growth of population of decomposers/change in population numbers. / 1
(ii) Winter temperatures slow decomposition or converse.
(not: reference to lack of resources) / 1
(c) / (90% - 30%) = 60% loss from starting value / 1
(60% of 0.6 ´ 50g = 0.6 ´ 30) = 18g. / 1
(d) / Saprophytes/saprobionts/saprotrophs. (not: decomposers/detritivores) / 1
(e) / (i) Ammonia/ammonium ions or compounds. (not nitrate) / 1
(ii) Nitrifying bacteria / 1
Convert it first to nitrite and then to nitrate. / 1
(iii) Leaching/washed out of soil by rain and drainage. / 1
Activity of denitrifying bacteria converts it to atmosphere nitrogen. (not: denitrification unqualified) / 1
(f) / Waterlogged soils suffer oxygen depletion. / 1
Much slower rate of decomposition. / 1
Bacteria mainly responsible are aerobic/bacteria show greater denitrifying activity. / 1
Question / Answer/Explanatory Notes / Marks Available /
6. / (a) / (i) Death/defaecation. / 2
(ii) W / 1
W contains 900 - 10 - 290 = 600KJ:
X must contain <10kJ (not: description) / 1
(b) / (i) Reflected/passes through leaves/wrong wavelength/raises temperature. / 1
(ii) Inedible material (bark/tannin)/out of reach (roots/ heartwood)/heat loss / 1
(c) / (i) Y = carnivorous animals/predators/secondary consumer. / 1
(ii) Z = Respiration. / 1
(iii) Z. / 1
(d) / ((10/900) ´ 100 = 100/90) = 1.1% / 1
(e) / Heat / 1
Question / Answer/Explanatory Notes / Marks Available /
7. / (a) / (i) A. Each sieve tube has a companion cell alongside. / 1
B. At each end of the sieve tube are perforated sieve plates. / 1
C. Cell cytoplasm/protein strands continuous through sieve plates. / 1
D. Companion cells contain organelles (nuclei/ mitochondria) / 1
E. Nuclei which are lost/absent in sieve tubes/few organelles. / 1
F. Companion cells are connected to sieve tubes by plasmodesmata. / 1
[Four marks may be awarded from the six available]
(ii) G. Phloem transports sucrose in the plant. / 1
H. Transported from source to sink. / 1
I. Example of sources (leaves) and sinks (growing points, fruit, seeds, bulbs) or explanation of sources and sinks. / 1
J. Loading of sucrose (active transport). / 1
K. High concentration (lower WP) in sources, water taken up. / 1
L. Hydrostatic pressure drives organic solution to sink. / 1
M. Removal of solutes at sink (raises water potential). / 1
N. One example of problem with hypothesis (bi-directional movement, ATP consumption/no function for sieve plate/ barrier.) / 1
O. Some mention of an alternative or additional hypothesis (cytoplasmic streaming, electrosmosis). / 1
[Six marks can be awarded from the nine available for (b)]
Question / Answer/Explanatory Notes / Marks Available /
7. / (b) / (i) A. (Lag phase) - numbers and therefore rate of reproduction low. / 1
B. (Log/exponential phase) - Abundant resources and exponential rate of increase/no limiting factors/ birth rate exceeds death rate. / 1
C. (Stable/stationary phase) - carrying capacity reached or definition. / 1
D. Competition for / 1
E. limiting factor/resource e.g. / 1
F. Decline phase - depletion of resources, accumulation of toxins, etc. (not: resources/ limiting) / 1
G. (In stable population) Birth rate = Death rate / 1
H. Emigration = Immigration / 1
[Six marks can be awarded from the eight available for part (a)]
(ii) I. Human activity increasing birth rate - one example such as NO2 pollution, algal blooms, eutrophication. / 1
J. Mention of two distinct human activities which increase death rate (decrease birth rate). Overfishing, hunting, habitat destruction, deforestation, pollution. / 1
K. One named example. / 1
L. Human activities, decreasing death rate - protection, conservation, predator destruction, game keeping, fish quotas etc. / 1
M. Activities affecting immigration - introduction of exotics, garden escapes, biological control agents. / 1
N. One example. / 1
O. Example of habitat alteration on migrants. / 1
[Four marks can be awarded from the seven available, of
which one must be either M, N or O.]
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
1. (a) pregnancy testing/drug targeting or cancer treatment/disease
diagnosis; 1
(not: vaccination/treating disease)
(b) (i) over-use of (prescription) antibiotics / use of antibiotics
in agriculture; 1
(not: mutation)
(ii) via plasmids conjugation or sexual reproduction; 1
(not: breeding/plasmid unqualified)
(c) they would act as a reservoir/reference to carriers/herd effect; 1
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
2. (a)
Active natural / Active artificial / Passive natural / Passive artificialExposure to measles / ü
Receiving MMR vaccine / ü
Receiving anti-rabies injection / ü
Transfer of antibodies from mother to child in breast milk / ü
1 mark per row, any additional ticks, no mark. 4
(Alternative for welsh medium, line 3, active or passive)
(b) immune system not stimulated/no memory cells remain (in circulation); 1
injected antibodies do not last/are broken down; 1
(c) (i) clonal selection;
B lymphocytes/B cells;
Each one specific to one antigen/selecting correct lymphocyte from many ;
Antigen binds to lymphocyte/antibody 3
(not: reference to active site);
(Max. 3) (Reference to T lymphocytes, max 2)
(ii) clonal expansion/mitosis; (not: replicate/divide)
of appropriate B cell/from stage 1;
plasma cells;
plasma cells produce antibodies;
memory cells; 4
(Max. 4) [13]
Question Answer/Explanatory Notes Marks
3. (a) (i) mouth/buccal cavity and stomach; 1
(ii) increases surface area (of food) for enzyme action/
chemical digestion; 1
(b) (i) fats converted to fatty acids; 1
(ii) emulsify / breakdown fat droplets into smaller droplets; 1