Meeting Minutes for March 24, 2005

I.  Call to Order

SUFAC Chair Theresa Okokon started the meeting at 4:59 P.M.

II.  Roll Call

a.  Members Present: Theresa Okokon, Angela Oestreich, Steve Lambert, Mitch Bruckert, Sarah Baugher, Kong Pheng Vang, Adam Ruechel, Katie Gassenhuber, Joe Smith, Raegan Jackson, Sarah Oldenburg, Lu Vang, Ryan Steighner, Shelly Missall, Tricia Evers, Olga Kirilchuk, Liz Prinz, Ron Ronnenberg.

III.  Recognition of Guests

Natasha Cross, Zena Banini.

IV.  Approval of Minutes and Agenda

Sarah O. moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Adam. Motion passed.

V.  Reports

a.  OFO: Last week SUFAC allocated $50 out of Contractual Funds to French Club leaving a balance of $6,881.95. Nothing was taken out of the Small Org Fund leaving a balance of $200.

b.  Senate: Senate had a long 2 hour meeting last Monday. They approved the election committee chair and co-chair. They also approved the Seg. Fees. Senate re-looked at a senator application as well.

c.  UUB: No Report.

d.  GTP: The Weakest Link was last Monday. GTP gave away $230 this time. Thanks to anyone that came. Next Monday March 28th is “How Pimp is Your Ride.” Winners for best and worst car will win a detailing job. Photos can be submitted on the GTP website and are due by Friday. Applications for Director of Member Development are available and are being accepted now. You can pick up applications outside the GTP office.

e.  Vice: They met for Exec. and the MAGG board is being taken out. They are also looking for recruiting ideas for boards to get Multicultural Reps. D-Day minutes are done and hanging on the office door.

f.  Chair: The D-day minutes should also be on the website soon. Union board contacted SUFAC looking for a Union Board Representative. If any voting member wants to be a UUB Rep, let Theresa know. If not they will look into other venues. UUB meets on Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.

VI.  Information Items

a.  Constitution Changes (1)- Adam presented round 1 of the changes. The first change is the duties of the SGA Vice President. Currently the SGA Vice President also serves as the Speaker of Senate. The first change would be to eliminate this duel role. The Vice President would instead work more closely with the development of the Student Directors. The second change being presented is that the Directorships on SGA are hard to fill so they propose cutting the directorships from 11 positions to 5. The SGA Exec. would combine with the Campus Tradition Director. The University Equality Director would perform the roles that the previous Gender Equality, LGTBQ and Multicultural Affairs Directors did. The Campus Environment Director would take on the roles of the Campus Climate and the Campus Environmental Affairs Directors. The Communications director would combine with the community service director. The Academic Affairs Director would have the same role as they previously had.

The board asked if they talked with the current directors about the changes in the directorships. Adam said that they did talk with some people about it but not directly to every current director. A member of the board questioned the logic of combining Campus Climate and Campus Environment Directors. Adam pointed out that they both deal with the safety of the campus. A member of the board asked what the previous Campus Climate Director did. Adam said that this director dealt with safety concerns and issues and maintaining student safety. The board asked how full the directors have been in the previous years. Adam said that they almost always have a problem filling them. There are generally 3-4 unfilled in the last 4 years. Once in awhile they will have all the directors filled. They hope that by having the Vice President of SGA work with the directors that they will be able to have the directors filled.

The board asked if the meeting where these constitution changes where discussed was open to all students and directors. Adam said it was. A member of the board asked if the three week process could be described. The information is being presented this week. Next week this will become a discussion item and the following week the board will vote on it. The changes need to pass in 4 out of the 5 SGA board to become a change in the constitution. This is also the first out of three changes that will be presented to the board. A member of the board asked if this will be voted on as a package. Adam said that it can be voted on as a package but it can also be broken up.

The board asked that once the Shared Governance and the Legislative affairs are combined, how will Student Fiscal Autonomy week works. The Student affairs director usually talks about Seg. Fees to the campus during a week of events. The chair and Vice Chair of SUFAC would take on these rolls. The board asked if these changes would take effect next school year. Adam said that they would like them to, but a sunshine clause could be placed on it to start the following year. A member of the board pointed out that people have already begun campaigning for the SGA Elections and if these changes are made for next year students wouldn’t be getting what the applied for. The board asked if there would be a change in honorariums for the directors. Adam said right now they are budgeted for 11 directors honorariums so it would be up to the President and Vice President to come to SUFAC to get them changed if the want. The board asked if the directors would be required to work more office hours. Adam said that the office hours required would go from 2 hours/week to 4 hours/week. This will be discussed next week.

VII.  Discussion Items

VIII. Action Items

a.  Water Ski and Wakeboard Club Contingency Request- Joe moved to approve Water Ski and Wakeboard Club $100 from the Small Org. Budget. Seconded by Katie. Some members of the board felt that they needed a chance to start up as a Student Org. Sarah O. called question. Motion passed 11-0-2 with abstentions by Steve and Lu.

b.  Water Ski and Wakeboard Club Contractual Request- Joe moved to approve Water Ski and Wakeboard Club for their Contractual Request in the amount of $540.00. Seconded by Mitch. Some members of the board thought that this was a great idea. A member of the board was concerned that they want to store the boat in a member’s garage. Another member of the board felt that they have gone through a lot of hoops to get this organization started and that they have the safety and security all figured out. A member of the board pointed out that storing the boat at a member’s house would be the most economical and reasonable. Sarah O. called question. Motion passed 9-0-4 with abstentions by Steve, Mitch, Lu and Tricia.

c.  SIFE Travel Request- Mitch moved to approve SIFE in full. Seconded by Sarah B. A member of the board didn’t agree that SUFAC should fund this trip since it is only for Org members and that the trip is full already. This member also pointed out that SIFE came in too late to promote this event. Another member pointed out that during their presentation, SIFE said that it was technically open to students. Sarah B. called question. Motion failed 0-10-3 with abstentions by Steve, Lu and Ryan.

IX.  Announcements

a.  SGA Exec- More constitution changes will be brought to the next meeting. Anyone running in the election, the debate is April 7th.

b.  Theresa- Anyone running or supporting students in the election are reminded that you can’t promote during the SUFAC meeting or in the SGA Offices. Also go to the debate since it’s on Theresa’s Birthday.

c.  Mitch- United Council is having elections coming up, and they are allowing students to run for Vice President. Mitch is going to be running for V.P. The more people they can get to drive to La Cross the better.

X.  Adjournment

Raegan moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mitch. Joe called unanimity. Meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m..

Respectfully Submitted by,

Amanda Kumrow

SUFAC Secretary