CourseDescription: Biology covers a variety of topics concerning living things and the environments they inhabit. Biology is an SOL tested course and is required for graduation. This class will involve laboratory investigations therefore a lab safety contract must be signed by both student and parent/guardian online before the student may participate in labs. The following is a general outline of the units we will be studying this year:
Unit 1: Scientific Method, Measurements, Graphing, Lab Safety, and Microscopes.
Unit 2: Introduction to chemistry, Properties of water, Important biological molecules.
Unit 3: Cell structure and function, Cell transport
Unit 4: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Unit 5: Mendelian Genetics
Unit 6: Structure of DNA, Protein Synthesis, and Genetic Engineering
Unit 7: Classification Systems and Theory of Evolution
Unit 8: Ecology
Unit 9: Biological Kingdoms
Grading Policy: Grades will be derived by averaging tests, quizzes, labs/projects, classwork and homework. Tests and projects will be weighted double the value of daily assignments; quizzes weighted one and a half times. No one assignment will be worth more than 15% of the quarterly grade. Grades will be broken down into two categories, formative and summative assessments. Classwork and homework are formative and will account for 40% of the total quarterly grade, homework being no more that 10% of that. Keeping notebooks up to date and organized is part of the classroom grade. Summative assignments will include tests, quizzes and labs/projects. These will account for the remaining 60% of the quarterly grade.
Late Work Policy: No late assignments will be accepted without an excused absence.
Cell Phone Policy:
There should be no use of electronic devices unless they are being utilized in the lesson as directed by the teacher. This policy will be implemented with a hands off approach. Any student caught with hands on phone will be asked to place it in the front of the room. Technology is a wonderful asset when used appropriately, but can also be a huge distraction in the classroom, so students will receive 3 strikes and then will be asked to deliver phone to the front of the room upon entry to class for the remainder of the nine weeks.
Class Requirements: Grade Scale:
- Notebook or binder with paper.A – 89.5-100
- Pencils and pensB – 79.5-89.4
- Colored pencils/markers are optionalC – 69.5-79.4
D – 59.5-69.4
F – 59.4 and below
Class Rules/Expectations:
- Respect your classroom, classmates and teacher.
- If it is NOT yours, don’t touch it without permission.
- Always give your best effort, come prepared, and stay on task.
- Remove distractions - no food or electronic devices allowed during class time without permission.
- Verbal warning. Seating may be changed at my discretion.
- Parent or guardian will be contacted.
- Referral to STOP or an administrator along with parent contact.
Progress reports will be given out during the 4th week of each nine weeks.
I am aware that the best method of contacting Ms. Lohr is by email then the school phone, and I realize that if I opt in for the remind text messaging/email, that this is a method for Ms. Lohr to inform me of important upcoming events and WILL NOT be a method for contacting her because messages sent to this number WILL NOT get to her.
Honor Code Policy
LHS has established an honor code to help instill a sense of responsibility and integrity in its student body. The honor code is taken seriously and strictly enforced.
Possible results of honor code infractions are: Parent contacted by the teacher, student assigned a grade of ‘F’ on the assignment, or referral to an administrator.
I have read and understand the requirements of this class.
Student signatureParent Signature